Alverde and Essence haul + swatchesAlverde in Essence nakup + swatch-i

I bought some new stuff from Essence and Alverde today. I don’t have much time to blog and since I haven’t actually tried any of my new stuff this won’t be a real review, but I have some quick swatches for you and some of my first and quick thoughts of the products.

Here’s what I bought …

Alverde Feel The Summer TE and Baked Eyeshadows and Essence - Haul
Alverde – Feel The Summer TE and Baked Eyeshadows and Essence stuff

… and here are the swatches …

Swatches: Essence - Smokey Eyes Sets - So What?! and Punk Vibe, Blackmania carbon black liquid eyeliner
Essence – Smokey Eyes Sets: So What?! and Punk Vibe, Blackmania carbon black liquid eyeliner

I love the Essence Smokey Eyes Sets – at least I love the brown one, which I have for quite some time now. The eyeshadow is highly pigmented and soft. The gel eyeliner is nothing to be very excited about but it’s OK for a base. The black set seems to be similar quality.

Swatches: Essence - 14 Irresistible Metallic Effect Eyeshadow, Alverde Baked Eyeshadows - Silky Grey and Green Jewel
Essence – 14 Irresistible Metallic Effect Eyeshadow, Alverde Baked Eyeshadows – Silky Grey and Green Jewel

When I tested the new baked eyeshadows by Alverde at the store I was impressed. These are soft and highly pigmented. And there are some nice shades to choose from. I bought two. And the Essence eyeshadow is also soft and pigmented. I was impressed really as I thought that Essence eyeshadows were crap. I bought this one mainly to try to include it in a smokey eyes look. :cute:

Last swatch I have for you today is swatch of the Bronzing Mousse from Alverde. It’s from their new collection called Feel The Summer.

Swatch: Alverde - Feel The Summer TE - Bronzing Mousse
Alverde – Feel The Summer TE – Bronzing Mousse

It’s a very lousy swatch, sorry for that. I don’t have much to say about this product. It’s very very soft. Other than that … I have to try it first. It seems nice on the hand, but we’ll see how it’ll perform on the face. Oh and one thing … It has a coconut smell. Nice.

As you can see in the first picture I also bought two gloss tubes from the Feel The Summer collection, but the swatches came out … let’s say “not presentable”. A few words instead of pictures. Glosses are very sheer and all are scented with different scents.

I hope these items won’t dissapoint me in the future. For now I’m satisfied.

Do you maybe already have any of these items? What’s your opinion? Do you like them?

p.s. Click on the pictures to make them bigger. ;)Danes sem malček nakupovala Alverde in Essence dekorativo. Ni bilo ravno načrtovano, a me je v trgovini enostavno prepričalo in tako je šlo z menoj kar nekaj reči. Stvari še nisem preizkusila, zato to ne bo prispevek z ocenami, ampak bolj fotografije in kratki opisi ter prvi vtisi o izdelkih.

Gasilska fotografija nakupa …

Alverde Feel The Summer TE and Baked Eyeshadows and Essence - Haul
Alverde - Feel The Summer TE and Baked Eyeshadows and Essence stuff

… in fotografije …

Swatches: Essence - Smokey Eyes Sets - So What?! and Punk Vibe, Blackmania carbon black liquid eyeliner
Essence - Smokey Eyes Sets: So What?! and Punk Vibe, Blackmania carbon black liquid eyeliner

Essence Smokey Eyes Set obožujem. Vsaj v rjavi barvi. Tega imam že kar nekaj časa. Ker mi je zelo všeč, sem danes kupila še set v črni barvi. Senčili sta zelo dobro pigmentirani in mehki. Gel linerja nista nič posebnega, predvsem sta uporabna za bazo. Za črtalo se mi zdita premalo pigmentirana.

Swatches: Essence - 14 Irresistible Metallic Effect Eyeshadow, Alverde Baked Eyeshadows - Silky Grey and Green Jewel
Essence - 14 Irresistible Metallic Effect Eyeshadow, Alverde Baked Eyeshadows - Silky Grey and Green Jewel

Nova Alverde “pečena” sečila za oči so me popolnoma presenetila. Iz radovednosti sem jih v drogeriji stestirala in navdušila so me z mehkobo ter pigmentiranostjo. Kupila sem dve. Prav tako me je presenetilo senčilo za oči od Essence. Mislila sem, da so Essence senčila za oči nekvalitetna in slabo pigmentirana ter trda, a ta je popolno nasprotje. Super pigmentirano, mehko in s kovinskim izgledom. Seveda je šlo z menoj. Kupila sem ga predvsem za kakšen smokey eyes look.

Zadnja fotografija je fotografija bronzerja v obliki pene – Alverde Bronzing Mousse. Izdelek je iz nove kolekcije Feel The Summer.

Swatch: Alverde - Feel The Summer TE - Bronzing Mousse
Alverde - Feel The Summer TE - Bronzing Mousse

Swatch je katastrofalen. Se opravičujem. O samem izdelku tudi nimam veliko povedati. Je zelo zelo mehek. Res penast. Za kaj več ga pa moram resnično preizkusiti. Na roki mi deluje lepo, a bom videla, kako se bo obnesel na obrazu. Aha, še nekaj … vonj ima po kokosu. Mmm…

Na prvi fotografiji lahko vidite, da sem kupila še dva glosa. Oba sta iz nove kolekcije. Žal pa fotografije resnično niso uspele in bom samo nekaj kratkena napisala o njih. Glosi so zelo prosojni in vsak ima svoj vonj. Niso napačni.

Upam, da me bodo izdelki tudi v prihodnje navduševali. Trenutno sem dejansko zelo zadovoljna z nakupom.

Zanima me, ali ima morda katera izmed vas že katerega od opisanih izdelkov? Kako se vam zdi? Ali vam je všeč?

p.s. Kliknite na fotografije, da se povečajo. ;)

8 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Alverde and Essence haul + swatches<!--:--><!--:sl-->Alverde in Essence nakup + swatch-i<!--:-->”

  1. Oh, this is a nice haul! I’d love to see an eye make up with the Alverde e/s. Have you seen the new Alverde e/s for fall on the facebook site, btw?

  2. Wow ! :w00t:
    I  loved smokey look :wub:
    Essence smoky eyes kit & carbon black liquid eye liner look amazing :hmm:
    What a great swatches !

  3. i love the alverde fruit glosses and am a bit pissed that they are in the permanent display in germany(including the awesome gel-eyeliner and so many other things -.-, they even have a 4th shelve-row which we don’t have here)

  4. Thanks for the swatches! I’ve been eyeing the Essence eyeshadows for a while now but have been reluctant to actually buy them. I think I’ll go and get those smokey eyes sets now .


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