Review and swatches: Illamasqua – Art Of Darkness collectionOpis in ocena: Illamasqua – Art Of Darkness kolekcija

Illamasqua has released a new fantastic collection. It’s called Art Of Darkness.

Illamasqua - Art Of Darkness collection (promo image)
Illamasqua – Art Of Darkness collection (promo image)

Deep in an enchanted forest, the scene is set for a sumptuous feast. The chosen have arrived. Where this night will end no one knows. Not even death is inevitable.

Lured by the promise of immortality, a host of fantastical beings try their hand at creating the ever-elusive Elixir of Life. The resulting potions dazzle the eye and ensnare the senses, a beautiful array of jewel-like substances. They may not deny mortality, but they do make the theatre of life a more colourful stage on which to play.

It’s a melting pot of individuals, where ideas are exchanged, and new ones created. A surreal gathering from which the guests might never awake. Which is why this night can never end, and the game must be played for eternity.

So take your place at the table and let the banquet begin.

This is Art of Darkness.

Photo and story source:

I love the whole concept of the collection. Everything fits together (as always with their collections). What I love the most, are the creatures/individuals they’ve created. I can’t decide which one do I like the most. One of my favourites is definitely Jester. His lips, eyes … magically dark. Crazy!

Move on to the products. There are various products included in the collection. We got some of them to review. Here they are.

Illamasqua - Art Of Darkness: liquid metal Resolute, pure pigment Alluvium, precision ink Abyss
Illamasqua – Art Of Darkness: liquid metal Resolute, pure pigment Alluvium, precision ink Abyss


A little side note on this review. Maestra (me) is writing the review. Gejba kindly contributed some of the photos and short thoughts on the products, which I’ll include in this review. I’ll let you know which thoughts and photos are hers and which are mine. Confusing? Hope not. Just a little hint on how to easily find out which photos belong to Gejba and which are mine. In each of the photos there’s a watermark. In Gejba’s photos there’s “gejba” watermark – two squares with “gejba” writen. And in Maestra’s photos there’s the “maestra” watermark. Hope that’ll help you a bit.

    • Liquid Metal – Resolute is a dark bordeaux red shade with a strong metallic finish. I’d call it a cream eyeshadow with a metallic finish. It’s extremely pigmented. It’s easy to apply. The down side is, it creased almost immediately on me and I don’t even have oily lids. I wouldn’t use it as a eyeshadow, because of the creasing. For me it’s perfect for eyeliner or an eyeshadow base. You can also use it on your face or body, so there’s a lot of possibilities how to use this product and that’s the beauty of it! And the great side of this product is it’s fantastic metallic finish and great pigmentation.
      Price: £17.
      NET WT. 1.5g/0.05oz.

      Gejba’s review on Resolute:
      My first thought was – now where can I use this rust like color that comes in creme texture? But it turned out that this color is perfect base for copper, brown, reddish eyeshadows. Color itself deserves A+ grade, but the staying power is not very good on my oily lids … not even over UDPP and with Alluvium to set it in. :( Did any of you manage to find base that works well with Illamasqua’s liquid metal cremes?

      Swatch: Illamasqua: Liquid Metal - Resolute
      Illamasqua: Liquid Metal – Resolute
    • Precision ink – Abyss is liquid eyeliner in deep black. It’s waterproof and long-lasting. It dries within seconds. The pigmentation is great. The tip is fine, which allows you to draw very thin lines. I fell in love with this liner. It’s fantastic really. It’s so easy to use, the color is really dark and it didn’t smudge or fade even after hours. Great product!
      Price: £16.50.
      NET WT: 1,8ml/0.06oz.

      Gejba’s review on Abyss:
      Now this is my favorite from Illamasqua products I tried so far. Liner is one of the easiest I had a chance to handle so far. Very fine tip is good for drawing thin line, but if you want thicker one, simply draw couple of lines above the first one and you’ll get thicker – but still precise line.
      I put liner through my “stress test”. :silly: Well, no amount of rubbing would get this sucker off and I started to worry I will never be rid of it. :biggrin: Then I used a little bit of soap and warm water and in literally crumbled of. Very nice. :thumb:
      And don’t worry – it isn’t “runny” as it looks on my hand swatch.

      Swatch: Illamasqua: Precision Ink - Abyss
      Illamasqua: Precision Ink – Abyss

      To Gejba’s swatch photo of Abyss, I’ll add photo of the tip, so you can see how the tip looks like.

      Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness - tip of the precision ink - Abyss
      the tip of the precision ink – Abyss
    • Pure pigment – Alluvium is described as “iridescent midnight blue”. I’d say it’s blue with a lot of purple to it. It has some glitter and a metallic finish. What makes it special and complex is the glitter in combination with the metallic finish. The glitter isn’t harsh on your lids, which is good. The glitter transfers quite well on the eyelids, which is also a good thing. As with all the glitters, there’s some fall out, but it’s not that bad as with some. Although I’m not a huge fan of glitter on my lids, this one actually worked for me, because the glitter doesn’t stand out on the lids, it just adds some sparkles. The packaging looks great, but unfortunately it’s not best suited for powder eyeshadows. First thing is, that it’s hard to open and you have to be super careful when pushing up the lid. The next thing is, that the opening is too big. I prefer sifters. But that’s a matter of taste, I guess.
      Price: £15.00.
      NET WT. 1.3g/0.04oz.

      Gejba’s review on Alluvium:
      Very interesting combination of violet blue base with added shimmer and glitter. Base color and shimmer transfered well onto my standard eyeshadow base, but I had fallout from glitter. It wasn’t bad, but my sensitive eyes hate fallout of any kind. On the other hand, I had hardly any fallout when I applied Alluvium over Abyss.

      Swatch: Illamasqua: Pure Pigment - Alluvium (dry, over base)
      Illamasqua: Pure Pigment – Alluvium (dry, over base)
      Swatch: Illamasqua: Pure Pigment - Alluvium over Precision Ink - Abyss
      Illamasqua: Pure Pigment – Alluvium over Precision Ink – Abyss

      Although Gejba did a great swatch of Alluvium, I just wanted to show to you, how does my camera “see” the Alluvium and how does it look over liquid metal Resolute and when applied wet. Click on the photo to make it bigger. You’ll see the glitter better.

      Swatch: Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness - Alluvium
      Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness – Alluvium

I used these products for a week or so and I have to say they did impress me. I won’t discus much about the price, because we all know Illamasqua products aren’t the cheapest. I can only tell you, that these products worked for me very well. My last photo for today will be a collage with three make ups I did with the reviewed products (+ some other). Click on the photo to make it bigger.

Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness make up looks by Maestra
Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness make up looks by Maestra

Would you like to see a separate post with more photos of the make up looks shown in the collage above? Please let me know in the comments! :wink:

I’m also curious, what do you think about the Art Of Darkness collection?

Nova kolekcija znamke Illamasqua se imenuje Art Of Darkness.

Illamasqua - Art Of Darkness collection (promo image)
Illamasqua - Art Of Darkness collection (promo image)

Deep in an enchanted forest, the scene is set for a sumptuous feast. The chosen have arrived. Where this night will end no one knows. Not even death is inevitable.

Lured by the promise of immortality, a host of fantastical beings try their hand at creating the ever-elusive Elixir of Life. The resulting potions dazzle the eye and ensnare the senses, a beautiful array of jewel-like substances. They may not deny mortality, but they do make the theatre of life a more colourful stage on which to play.

It’s a melting pot of individuals, where ideas are exchanged, and new ones created. A surreal gathering from which the guests might never awake. Which is why this night can never end, and the game must be played for eternity.

So take your place at the table and let the banquet begin.

This is Art of Darkness.

Vir fotografije in zgodbice:

Zelo mi je všeč celoten koncept kolekcije. Vse je premišljeno do potankosti, kar mi je vedno zelo všeč pri znamki Illamasqua. Iz nove kolekcije so mi najbolj všeč kreature oziroma karakterji, ki so jih umetniki (ličenja) pri Illamasqua-i ustvarili. Ne morem se odločiti, kateri mi je najbolj všeč. Med boljšimi mi je zagotovo Jester. Njegove ustnice, oči, pogled … magično temačno. Noro!

V kolekciji so raznorazni produkti. Nekaj smo jih Parokeetke dobile za review.

Illamasqua - Art Of Darkness: liquid metal Resolute, pure pigment Alluvium, precision ink Abyss
Illamasqua - Art Of Darkness: liquid metal Resolute, pure pigment Alluvium, precision ink Abyss

Kratka opomba k prispevku. Maestra (jaz) pišem tale review. Gejba je zelo prijazno prispevala nekatere fotografije in kratke misli o izdelkih. Oboje bom seveda vključila v prispevek. Sproti bom napisala, katere misli in fotografije so od Gejbe in katere moje. Zakomplicirano? Upam, da ne (preveč). Še en mini namig, kako dokaj enostavno ugotoviti, katere fotografije so od Gejbe in katere moje. Na vsaki fotografiji je vodni žig (dva pravokotnika). Na fotografijah od Gejbe je “gejba” vodni žig – dva pravokotnika, kjer se beseda “gejba” ponavlja. Na mojih fotografijah je “maestra” vodni žig. Upam, da vam bo tole kaj pomagalo.

  • Liquid Metal – Resolute je bordo rdeče senčilo s kovinskim finišem. Senčilo bi opisala kot kremno senčilo s kovinskim finišem. Senčilo je izredno pigmentirano. Z nanosom nisem imela težav. Žal pa je senčilo na mojih vekah šlo praktično takoj v gubo. Škoda. Pa nimam niti mastnih vek. Kljub temu pa senčilo ni neuporabno. Jaz ga uporabljam kot podlago za senčila ali pa kot črtalo za oči. Lahko se ga uporablja tudi na obrazu in telesu, kar odpira veliko možnosti, kako uporabiti senčilo. Treba je le dati fantaziji prosto pot.
    Zakaj me je senčilo kljub nabiranju v gubi vseeno navdušilo? Ker je zelo dobro pigmentirano in ker ima super kovinski finiš.
    Cena: £17.
    NET WT. 1.5g/0.05oz.

    Kaj meni Gejba o Resolute?
    Najprej sem sicer gledala kaj naj bi točno počela z barvo rje v kremni obliki, vendar se je Resolute izkazal kot fantastična podlaga rjavim, bronastim, rdečkastim senčkam… Barva si zasluži petico, obstojnost pa zelo šepa – tudi, ko sem ga nanesla čez UDPP je hitro pristal v gubi. :(

    Swatch: Illamasqua: Liquid Metal - Resolute
    Illamasqua: Liquid Metal - Resolute
  • Precision ink – Abyss je tekoče črtalo za oči črne barve. Je dolgo obstojno in odporno na vodo. Konica mi je izredno všeč, saj omogoča risanje izredno tanke linije. Zaljubila sem se v to črtalo. Resnično je super! Enostaven za uporabo, barva je črna in zdrži ves dan na mestu. Super izdelek!
    Cena: £16.50.
    NET WT: 1,8ml/0.06oz.

    Kaj meni Gejba o Abyss?
    Tole je moj favorit izmed izdelkov, ki sem jih preizkusila. Liner je enostaven za uporabo, zelo tanka konica omogoča risanje precizne linije, če pa želimo, lahko z večimi potegi dobimo bolj pigmentirano in debelejšo linijo.
    Odstranjevanje linerja je bilo dokaj hecno. Najprej sem drgnila in drgnila, da vidim, če bo šel dol, a se ni niti malo zabrisal. Ko me je že zaskrbelo kako bom tole zadevščino spravila z roke, je liner dobesedno razpadel pod toplo vodo in milom. :fju:
    Naj omenim, da se je liner razlival le po roki in ne tudi na veki … očitno še nimam tako razpokanih vek. :biggrin:

    Swatch: Illamasqua: Precision Ink - Abyss
    Illamasqua: Precision Ink - Abyss

    K fotografiji od Gejbe bom dodala še fotografijo konice črtala.

    Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness - tip of the precision ink - Abyss
    the tip of the precision ink - Abyss
  • Pure pigment – Alluvium je opisana kot “iridescent midnight blue”. Jaz bi senčilo opisala kot modro z veliko vijolične. Senčilo sicer večinoma izgleda modro, a je pod določeno osvetlitvijo precej vijolično. Kar naredi senčilo posebno, je kombinacija kovinskega finiša in bleščic. Bleščice niso ostre in jih pravzaprav na veki ni čutiti, kar je super. Prav tako je super, ker se bleščice kar dobro prenesejo na veko. Kot z večino bleščičastih senčil se tudi te ob nanosu nekoliko potresajo (okrog očesa in po obrazu), vendar ni tako hudo kot z nekaterimi drugimi senčili. Čeprav nisem huda privrženka bleščičastih senčil ali bleščic v splošnem, me je to senčilo vseeno prepričalo. Bleščice na veki namreč niso zelo očitne, dodajo le nekaj “iskric”. Embalaža izgleda zelo privlačno, žal pa ni najbolj primerna za senčila v prahu. Kot prvo je odpiranje embalaže težavno. Ni na navoj. Pokrov moraš namreč dvigniti navzgor, kar je lahko izredno “nevarno”, saj se lahko zelo hitro zgodi, da celotna embalaža zleti po zraku ali pa se senčilo potrese. V glavnem, previdnost pri odpiranju vsekakor ni odveč! Druga reč, ki me moti, je precej velika odprtina. Sitki se mi zdijo veliko bolj primerni in lažji za uporabo. Ampak vse to je verjetno stvar okusa. Hmmm …
    Cena: £15.00.
    NET WT. 1.3g/0.04oz.

    Kaj meni Gejba o Alluvium?
    Zelo zanimiva kombinacija vijolično modre baze, šimra in bleščic. Baza in šimer se dobro oprimeta moje standardne podlage, medtem ko so se bleščice dobro obdržale na mestu le tam, kjer sem pigment nanesla čez liner. Ne gre sicer za velik “fallout” vendar raje vidim, če ga sploh ni, ker imam zelo občutljive oči.

    Swatch: Illamasqua: Pure Pigment - Alluvium (dry, over base)
    Illamasqua: Pure Pigment - Alluvium (dry, over base)
    Swatch: Illamasqua: Pure Pigment - Alluvium over Precision Ink - Abyss
    Illamasqua: Pure Pigment - Alluvium over Precision Ink - Abyss

    Čeprav je Gejba naredila čudovite fotografije senčila Alluvium, sem jih nekaj naredila tudi sama, saj sem vam želela pokazati tega kameleona še iz zornega kota svojega fotoaparata. Poleg tega pa sem vam želela pokazati senčilo z mokrim nanosom in nanesenega čez kremno senčilo Resolute. Kliknite na fotografijo, da se odpre večja, kjer boste lahko bolje videli bleščice.

    Swatch: Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness - Alluvium
    Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness - Alluvium
  • Opisane izdelke sem uporabljala približno en teden in napišem lahko, da so me dejansko navdušili. O ceni ne bom kaj preveč pisala. Vsi vemo, da Illamasqua ni med najcenejšimi. Napišem lahko, da izdelki, ki sem jih preizkusila, niso slabi oziroma so mi celo zelo všeč. Za konec vam bom pokaza še kolaž treh maku up-ov, ki sem jih naredila z zgoraj opisanimi izdelki (in še nekaterimi drugimi). Kliknite na fotografijo, da se poveča.

    Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness make up looks by Maestra
    Illamasqua: Art Of Darkness make up looks by Maestra

    Ali bi želeli poseben prispevek z več fotografijami make up-ov iz zgornjega kolaža? Prosim, napišite mi v komentarjih. :wink:

    Prav tako me zanima, kaj menite o kolekciji Art Of Darkness?

11 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Review and swatches: Illamasqua – Art Of Darkness collection<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Illamasqua – Art Of Darkness kolekcija<!--:-->”

  1. :cute: I own some polishes but that’s about it.  I’ve never tried the makeup.  I’m alwayss attracted to the wonderful photos and beautiful makeup.  I like all of the lovely looks you’ve done.  I would love to see more.  Is it possible to see your whole face.  I think it’s nice to see how the makeup looks with a full head shot.  I like the liner also.  I have a L’Oreal liner with the same tip.  It makes is so much easier to apply.

  2. Oh, Illamasqua je brez dvoma moja šibka točka in v tej kolekciji so zadeli kar nekaj izdelkov zame. Koncept cele kolekcije je tudi meni zelo všeč, res bajno pa si želim Alchemy in Abyss Precision Ink in gloss Hermetic. Potem pridejo še liquid metal senčila Resolute in Stoic  in sledi moj bankrot. :wink:  Laki pa so me mičkeno razočarali. Oz. ne toliko impresionirali kot me Illamaqua zna. Preveč podobnih sem že videla, ne vem. Pa bi morala biti Scarab in Viridian mi res pisana na kožo – in sta mi, brez dvoma. Le preveč izvirna se mi ne zdita, za tako ceno …
    Od karakterjev zbirke pa me je najbolj navdušila Wanton Woman, super zgleda, škoda, da modra ne pristaja mojim očem. :) Od tvojih MUjev pa se nikoli ne bi mogla naveličati gledati tistega levo zgoraj, res čista popolnost, se ne bi branila dodatne fotke. :whistle:  :wink:
    Super prispevek!

  3. Hvala vama Gejba in Maestra za takšno izčrpno poročilo :)
    Kolekcija zanimiva, vendar predraga za moj žep  :blush:
    Z veseljem bi prebrala daljši prispevek  in pogleda slike iz zgornjega kolaža.


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