Review and swatches: Alverde – My Best Friend LE (lipsticks)Opis in ocena: Alverde – My Best Friend LE (šminke)

I came across the new limited edition display by Alverde. The collection is called My Best Friend. I swatched almost everything in the store (there were no testers for the gel eyeliners) and at the end I “only” bought three lipsticks. I mean, the eyeshadow palettes were heavily pigmented and they felt nice. I was tempted to buy at least one, but I have to admit that the color combinations within each palette are awful. The colors just don’t play well together. So I didn’t buy any. I also barely resisted buying a gel eyeliner. Two of the shades were gorgeous, but since the last gel eyeliners Alverde made weren’t good, I resisted and didn’t buy a single gel eyeliner. So I was left with the lipsticks, which were a complete surprise to me. I know that Alverde’s lipsticks tend to be drying, but these are creamy and don’t dry your lips. :w00t: There are six shades in the collection and all of them are cremes (no shimmer). They all seem to have the same consistency. They are well pigmented. Don’t expect wonders but for me these are perfectly pigmented for everyday use. And you can build color by applying more coats. All the colors in the collection are extremely wearable. As I wrote before I bought three shades and I might go back and buy more, because these are really really nice lipsticks for only 3,30€ and with NATRUE certificate if I’m not mistaken.

Here’s what I bought …

Swatch: Alverde - My Best Friend LE - lipsticks Nadja, Kathrin, Tula
Alverde – My Best Friend LE – lipsticks Nadja, Kathrin, Tula

… and the swatches …

Swatch: Alverde - My Best Friend LE - lipsticks Nadja, Kathrin, Tula
Alverde – My Best Friend LE – lipsticks Nadja, Kathrin, Tula

For those of you who are familiar with the collection … What do you think about the new Alverde lipsticks? And what do you think about the eyeshadow combinations? And what about gel eyeliners? Are they worth buying or not?

And for those, who aren’t familiar with the collection … How do your like the lipsticks I bought?

Včeraj sem v DMju naletela na skoraj polno stojalo nove kolekcije My Best Friend znamke Alverde. Na roki sem stestirala skoraj vse (črtala za oči v gelu nimajo testerjev), a na koncu sem kupila “samo” tri šminke. Če grem po vrsti. Senčila za oči so zelo dobro pigmentirana in satenasta na otip. Skušnjava je bila velika, a na koncu nisem kupila nobenega četvorčka, ker so barvne kombinacije resnično čudaške. Barve enostavno ne funkcionirajo skupaj. Naslednja skušnjava so bili “gel eyelinerj-ji”. Mikala sta me dva odtenka. Kaj hitro sem se spomnila prejšnjih črtal v gelu znamke Alverde in sem si takoj premislila. Prejšnja črtala namreč niso bila najbolj posrečena – zelo hitro so se posušila v lončku in prekmalu so postala nemogoča za nanašanje. Tako so mi ostala samo še rdečila za ustnice ali šminke po domače. :lips: Tukaj sem naletela na lepo presenečenje. Kolikor se spomnim, so mi bile vse Alverde šminke precej izsušujoče na ustnicah. Pri teh je drugače, saj so lepo kremne in ne izsušujejo ustnic. :w00t: V kolekciji je šest odtenkov in vsi so krem (brez šimra). Po testerjih sodeč imajo vsi odtenki podobno konsistenco. So dobro pigmentirane. Ne pričakujte čudežev, a zame so perfektne za vsakdanjo rabo. Vsi odtenki v kolekciji so izredno nosljivi. Kot sem že napisala, sem kupila tri odtenke, a zna se zgoditi, da bom šla še po kakšnega, saj gre za resnično dobre šminke za 3,30€ in z NATRUE certifikatom (če se ne motim).

To so odtenki, ki sem jih kupila …

Swatch: Alverde - My Best Friend LE - lipsticks Nadja, Kathrin, Tula
Alverde - My Best Friend LE - lipsticks Nadja, Kathrin, Tula

… in še swatchi …

Swatch: Alverde - My Best Friend LE - lipsticks Nadja, Kathrin, Tula
Alverde - My Best Friend LE - lipsticks Nadja, Kathrin, Tula

Za tiste, ki poznate kolekcijo … Kako se vam zdijo nove šminke? Kaj pa barvne kombinacije v četvorčkih senčil? Najbolj me pa zanimajo mnenja in izkušnje z novimi črtali za oči v gelu. A se jih splača kupiti? So kaj boljši kot prejšnji?

In za tiste, ki kolekcije ne poznate … Kako se vam zdijo odtenki, ki sem jih kupila?

11 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Review and swatches: Alverde – My Best Friend LE (lipsticks)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Alverde – My Best Friend LE (šminke)<!--:-->”

  1. Danes sem si kupila tri šmike iz te kolekcije in sem se odločila ravno za tiste tri, ki jih ti nimaš (118, 121, 123). :lips: So mi všeč, ker so nude odtenki. :wub:

  2. I like the Alverde lipsticks. I bought Jasminer and Tanju.
    I also like the eyeliner Sunny and I really hope that it won’t dry out as fast as the ones of their last limited edition did.


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