Review and swatches: Zoya Intimate LEOpis in ocena: Zoya Intimate LE

I bought three polishes from Zoya Intimate LE: Dannii, Dove and Jules, while Maestra picked up Gemma.

I was really looking forward to Intimate collection, but in the end it left me cold. I made swatches ages ago, but I was simply not in the mood to write this post. That is why this post consists mostly of swatches and as little text as possible. :blush:

Zoya Jules is interesting gold-greenish-beige color with pretty shimmer/glitter but it does not look good on me. I thought I could use this shade when on the run, but it needs 3 coats so drying time is not good and it shrinks if I use Poshe fast drying top coat.

Zoya Intimate - Jules swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate – Jules (3 coats + top coat)

After I applied Dannii I saw why this collection is not hit in my book – almost foil like finish. Violet polish is pretty and so is shimmer/glitter, but I do not like combination of two.

Zoya Intimate - Dannii swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate – Dannii (2 layers + top coat)

The only creme polish I bought was Dove. I like gray polishes and I liked this one too, but I have few very similar polishes with better formula (no.324 BeYu) so I did not fell in love with Dove.

Zoya Intimate - Dove swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate – Dove (2 layers + top coat)

Removing Dannii and Jules was a little bit more difficult because of the glitter.

Maestra tried out Zoya Gemma.

Gemma has green base with blue shimmer. Shimmer is what makes this polish special … and the one responsible for my lack of love for this polish. Application was not problematic.

Zoya Intimate - Gemma swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate – Gemma (2 layers)

Zoya Intimate - Gemma swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate – Gemma (2 layers)

Iz Zoya Intimate LE sem si izbrala tri odtenke: Dannii, Dove in Jules, Maestra pa je vzela še Gemma lak.

Naj za začetek povem, da sem se najprej zelo veselila Intimate kolekcije, vendar me je na koncu pustila čisto hladno. Swatche imam narejene že zelooo dolgo časa, vendar enostavno nisem imela volje pisati o tej kolekciji … zato boste danes bolj kot ne gledale samo swatche in brale zelo kratke opise. :blush:

Zoya Jules je sicer zelo zanimive zlato-zelenkasto-bež barve s krasnim šimrom/bleščicami, vendar na meni ne izgleda preveč dobro. Odtenek se mi je zdel primeren za hitre manikure, vendar potrebuje 3 plasti, tako da sušenje ni ravno zelo hitro, Poshe nadlak mi ga pa skrči.

Zoya Intimate - Jules swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate - Jules (3 coats + top coat)

Ko sem prišla do Dannii laka, se mi je že svitalo, da me moti pri tej kolekciji skoraj foil finish. Vijola lakec je sicer lep, šimer/bleščice tudi, kombinacija mi pa ne potegne.

Zoya Intimate - Dannii swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate - Dannii (2 layers + top coat)

Edini krem odtenek, ki sem ga vzela iz te kolekcije je Dove. Zadnje čase sem v sivem obdobju, tako da mi je barva všeč, formula pa malo manj. Pa niti ne morem govoriti o slabi formuli, samo slabši kot je npr. pri sivem 324 BeYu laku.

Zoya Intimate - Dove swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate - Dove (2 layers + top coat)

Odstranjevanje Dannii in Jules je bilo malo bolj težavno zaradi obilice bleščic.

Maestra je preizkusila Zoya Gemma odtenek.

Gemma ima zeleno osnovo in moder šimer. Šimer je tisti, ki naredi ta odtenek nekaj posebnega. In šimer je tisti, zaradi česar tega odtenka ne maram, čeprav je osnova prečudovita. Nanos ni bil težaven.

Zoya Intimate - Gemma swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate - Gemma (2 layers)
Zoya Intimate - Gemma swatch by Parokeets
Zoya Intimate - Gemma (2 layers)

14 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Review and swatches: Zoya Intimate LE<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Zoya Intimate LE<!--:-->”

  1. Woooow wooow WOOOW, time-out! *vsi trenutno nahajajoči na Parokeets blogu začudeno zrejo v Ulmiel* Intimate je LIMITED EDITION?! :drop: :angry: Jaz hočem tri odtenke iz te kolekcije! Kar je velik problem ob moji strogi prepovedi kupovanja lakov! :bljak: Mislim, da jo bom za tele kar prelomila. Zaljubljena sem v Gemmo in Caitlin (ki je dupe od SpaRitual World of Compassion, ki ga obožujem na fotkah, vendar ne maram SpaRitual čopiča), prav tako mi je všeč Danni, vendar ni ravno “a must”. Morda sem prebolela svoje vijolično obdobje … Zelo lepi swatchi!

    • Bolj prav bi bilo, če bi rekla le kolekcija. Čeprav moram priznati, da ne vidim razlike med njihovo kolekcijo in omejeno kolekcijo (razen za tiste iz ZDA). Ko se zaloge prodajo, je to to. :hmm:


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