Swatches and review: Beauty UK eyeshadow palettesOpis in ocena: Beauty UK palete senčil

Today I’d like to present you all six of the Beauty UK palettes. First I’d like to tell you that at first I was really sceptical about them. I know almost everyone is raving about them, but you know what? In general people love cheap stuff. I mean, I do too. But still. Too often people are too forgiving to cheap stuff. And that’s why I was really sceptical, that I would like these palettes. Man was I surprised. These actually are good palettes. I mean not all the eyeshadows are great, but still … for the money, these in general are good palettes. Please read on for more in depth review.

Here is a group photo of all the palettes.

Beauty UK eye shadow collection (eyeshadow palettes)
Beauty UK eye shadow collection (eyeshadow palettes)

Price in the UK: £3.99
Weight: 10g

A short explanation to the photos below. I assigned a label to every single eyeshadow. The labels are how I would consider that specific eyeshadow.

  • “very good” – the eyeshadow is easy to apply and is very well pigmented
  • “good” – the pigmentation is good but you might to rub it a bit to get the best out of it
  • “not good” – either the application is patchy or the eyeshadows itself is very hard and because of the that it’s harder to apply

No.1 Pastels
If you like pastels this is a good palette. I like that there’s also some darker shades. That way the palette is more useful.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 1 Pastels eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 1 Pastels eyeshadow palette

No.2 Soho Bright
Although I thought I would love this palette because of all the bright colors, it turned out to be my least favourite. Why? Because af the quality. In this palette there are just too many eyeshadows that aren’t very good (or even decent) quality.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 2 Soho Bright eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 2 Soho Bright eyeshadow palette

No.3 Glitz
The Glitz palette surprised me. I thought that I wouldn’t like it because of the silver particles in it, but these particles are incorporated in the palette well, so there’s not a lot of fall out. There’s still some fall out but it’s within normal limits (whatever that means :biggrin: ).

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 3 Glitz eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 3 Glitz eyeshadow palette

No. 4 Earth Child
Earth Child is probably the most useful palette and I’d say it’s a must have. It’s a good everyday palette.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 4 Earth Child eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 4 Earth Child eyeshadow palette

No. 5 Twilight
Twilight is a palette for all the purple and blue lovers. I think it’s a good alternative to Sleek’s Bad Girl palette.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 5 Twilight eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 5 Twilight eyeshadow palette

No. 6 Day & Night
I think this is a weird palette. The mixture of colors is just odd. Yes, you can create many different looks with it, but still … Funny palette if you ask me. The quality of the eyeshadows in this palette is very good, so it’s a good quality palette with a weird selection of colors.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 6 Day & Night eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 6 Day & Night eyeshadow palette

The packaging is simple. Nothing fancy. The palettes aren’t heavy. They are very handy. I think they are great when you travel etc. All in all good palettes for a good price.

To finish the review I have a simple, fresh and colorful make up look, I made with the Beauty UK eyeshadow palette No.1 (Pastels) and Illamasqua’s blush in Hussy (on cheeks and eyes) and Illamasqua’s lipstick in Scandal (with clear lip gloss over it).

Make up by Maestra: Beauty UK palette No.1, Illamasqua Hussy (blush) and Illamasqua Scandal (lipstick)
Beauty UK palette No.1, Illamasqua Hussy (blush) and Illamasqua Scandal (lipstick)

I hope that this review was helpful to at least some of you. Please let me know in the comments which palette is your favourite?

* The products were sent to me for review.

Danes bi vam rada predstavila vseh šest palet senčil znamke Beauty UK. Najprej bi rada napisala, da sem bila sprva resnično skeptična, da mi bodo palete dejansko všeč. Vem, da so palete skoraj vsem všeč, a veste kaj? V splošnem so ljudem všeč poceni reči. No, saj so meni prav tako, a vseeno … ljudje so v splošnem pripravljeni “požreti” veliko, samo ker je poceni. In ravno zaradi tega sem bila zelo skeptična glede kvalitete Beauty UK palet. Ampak so me pozitivno presenetile. Dejansko gre za dobre palete senčil. Res je, da vsa senčila niso enako dobra in da vse palete niso super, a v splošnem dejansko gre za dobro kvaliteto za nizko ceno. Prosim berite naprej za podrobnejše opise.

Sledi “gasilska” fotografija palet.

Beauty UK eye shadow collection (eyeshadow palettes)
Beauty UK eye shadow collection (eyeshadow palettes)

Cena v Sloveniji: 5,75€
Teža: 10g
Kje jih lahko kupite? Na spletni strani Lič

Kratko pojasnilo k fotografijam spodaj. Vsakemu senčilo sem dala opisno oznako. Oznake opisujejo, kako se meni osebno zdi posamezno senčilo.

  • “very good” – senčilo se nanaša enostavno in je zelo dobro pigmentirano
  • “good” – senčilo je dobro pigmentirano, a je potrebno malo več drgnjenja za res lep nanos
  • “not good” – senčilo se nanaša lisasto ali pa je samo po sebi precej trdo in zaradi tega težavno za nanašanje

No.1 Pastels
Če imate radi pastelne odtenke, potem je tale paleta morda ravno prava za vas. Všeč mi je, ker so v paleto dodali tudi nekaj temnih odtenkov. S tem je palete veliko bolj uporabna.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 1 Pastels eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 1 Pastels eyeshadow palette

No.2 Soho Bright
Čeprav sem mislila, da bo tole moja najljubša paleta (zaradi lepih živih barv), je na koncu tole moja najmanj priljubljena paleta. Zakaj? Ker je v njej preveč odtenkov, ki niso dobre (ali vsaj znosne) kvalitete.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 2 Soho Bright eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 2 Soho Bright eyeshadow palette

No.3 Glitz
Tale me je pozitivno presenetila. Menila sem, da mi bo najmanj všeč zaradi srebrnih delcev. Izkazalo se je, da so delci dobro vdelani v senčila in se ne potresajo kaj preveč pod oči. Še zmeraj boste imeli srebrne delce po obrazu, a zame je še sprejemljivo. V splošnem pa bi mi bilo bolj všeč, če srebrnih delcev ne bi bilo.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 3 Glitz eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 3 Glitz eyeshadow palette

No. 4 Earth Child
Earth Child je verjetno najbolj uporabna paleta izmed vseh. Edina, ki bi jo označila za “must have”. Super paleta za vsak dan ali za potovanja.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 4 Earth Child eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 4 Earth Child eyeshadow palette

No. 5 Twilight
Twilight je paleta za vse ljubitelje vijolične in modre. Mislim, da gre za kar dobro alternativo Bad Girl paleti znamke Sleek.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 5 Twilight eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 5 Twilight eyeshadow palette

No. 6 Day & Night
Hmm … hecna paleta. Mešanica barv je čudna. Ja, z njo se da ustvariti veliko različnih look-ov, a vseeno … hecna paleta. Kvaliteta senčil je super. Torej paleta dobre kvalitete z rahlo nenavadnim naborom barv.

Swatch: Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 6 Day & Night eyeshadow palette
Beauty UK eye shadow collection: No. 6 Day & Night eyeshadow palette

Pakiranje je enostavno. Nič posebnega. Palete so lahke in zelo priročne. Zdi se mi, da so super za potovanja ipd. V splošnem dobre palete za dobro ceno.

Za konec prilagam še enostaven, svež in barvit make up look. Na očeh sem uporabila Beauty UK paleto No.1 (Pastels) in Illamasqua rdečilo za lica Hussy, katerega sem uporabila tudi na licih. Na ustnicah Illamasqua rdečilo za ustnice Scandal (+ prozoren glos).

Make up by Maestra: Beauty UK palette No.1, Illamasqua Hussy (blush) and Illamasqua Scandal (lipstick)
Beauty UK palette No.1, Illamasqua Hussy (blush) and Illamasqua Scandal (lipstick)

Upam, da je bil prispevek vsaj komu izmed vas uporaben. V komentarjih pa mi napišite, kako se vam zdijo Beauty UK palete in katera je vaša najljubša?

* Izdelke sem dobila v oceno.

28 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Swatches and review: Beauty UK eyeshadow palettes<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Beauty UK palete senčil<!--:-->”

  1. Great review! They look so beautiful and I would have expected that neon palette to be one of the best too. Does the packaging say the ingredients on them?

  2. I love your review, it’s so detailed!! anyway they have a new palette called naked, have you tried it? If yes could you do a review


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