Comparison: Essence – Meet You In Budapest vs. Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial Primerjava: Essence – Meet You In Budapest vs. Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial

Nihrida asked me, if Essence – Meet You In Budapest was similar to Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial. So I made a comparison …

Essence - Meet You In Budapest Vs. Ciate Paint Pots - SuperficialThey look similar in the bottles, but are different when applied.

Essence - Meet You In Budapest Vs. Ciate Paint Pots - SuperficialEssence - Meet You In Budapest Vs. Ciate Paint Pots - Superficial

I did quick comparison swatches on a nail wheel. As you can see, Superficial is darker. I may have just found my perfect teal cream. As much as I loved Superficial, it was always a bit too dark for what I wanted. I have to try Meet You In Budapest on my nails to be sure, but I think it is a perfect teal for my taste. I can already say, that it is definitely a must have shade for all you blue lovers out there.

Both shades were applied in two coats in the pictures. I had no application issues.

Nihrido je zanimala primerjava lakov Essence – Meet You In Budapest in Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial.

Essence - Meet You In Budapest Vs. Ciate Paint Pots - SuperficialV stekleničkah izgledata precej podobna. Superficial izgleda le malenkost temnejši.Essence - Meet You In Budapest Vs. Ciate Paint Pots - SuperficialEssence - Meet You In Budapest Vs. Ciate Paint Pots - Superficial“Swatche” sem naredila kar na vzorčnih ovalih, ker za kaj več ni bilo časa. Kot vidite, je Meet You In Budapest kar nekaj svetlejši od Superficial. Morda sem našla perfektno krem petrolej barvo, kajti Superficial mi je bila malenkost pretemna. Bom še videla, kako bo na mojih nohtih. Zaenkrat lahko rečem, da je Meet You In Budapest “must have” za vse ljubitelje petrolej barve. Na fotografijah sta oba odtenka nanesena v dveh plasteh brez pod- in nadlaka.

17 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Comparison: Essence – Meet You In Budapest vs. Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial <!--:--><!--:sl-->Primerjava: Essence – Meet You In Budapest vs. Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial<!--:-->”

  1. Dons majo te lake v Mullerju (center Lj.), sem ga jaz kupila pred pol ure. Cela kolekcija je bla lih na novo nafilana! :wink:

  2. Ja, Duckalicious, postavi se v vrsto. :biggrin:  Dobijo se baje za pultom Mullerja. Če boš prodajalki simpatična boš smela kupit lak, drugače pa ne. To ni kar za vsakega, veš. :wink:  Mislim da mi ni potrebno posebej omenjat, da se tudi jaz priporočam za en izvod Budimfešte. Če ga pa jaz prej najdem – jih kupim več in vas obvestim na ARS-u. :nails:

  3. Maestra, najlepša hvala za tole primerjavo! :rose: Hvala, hvala, hvala!
    Tudi jaz priznam, da je MYIB lepši. Čudovit. Popoln odtenek. Petrolej…ga kar vonjam. Mmmmmm…
    A little bit of me just died. :cry:


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