Review and swatches: Essence – Be a Nail ArtistOpis in ocena: Essence – Be a Nail Artist

Essence prepared a special March and April collection just for us nail junkies. The collection is called Be a Nail Artist. You know what that means, right? A whole collection dedicated to nail art. :w00t: There is something for everyone in this collection. And at a very reasonable price too. There are a lot of products in the collection so I’d better move on and show you some photos and ideas on how to use the products.

I’ll start with the glitters I bought …

Glam it up! is a wheel box with six compartments with glitter in them. The glitters are in various shapes and colors.

Style it up! is a round box full of purple hearts that reflect different colors depending on the lighting.

Glitter it! is a round box full of sheer hexagons, that change color from pink to green.

Cutie Fruity is a round box full of fimo fruit. The fruit looks delicious. :biggrin: In the right lower corner you can see how it looks on a nail.

There are also some Nail Art Pens in the collection. I bought a black pen for myself. The shade’s name is Cool Black.

In the picture above:

  1. The tip of a new pencil is white.
  2. Press/Pump the tip until the color flows into the tip.
  3. That’s how the tip looks, when it’s full of color.
  4. The picture shows an example of usage.

I bought both Stampy image plates. They are credit card shaped and have nine images on each plate. I forgot to take pictures of them, but you can check them out HERE.

Let’s move on to nail polishes.

Romeo is a grey shade with silver shimmer. It’s not your usual silver or grey polish. It’s a bit darker grey with a silver sheen. It’s very pigmented. There is only one coat of polish shown in the picture below. It works well with stamping. It has very slight frost finish, but really really slight. :yes:

Although Romeo is great alone and with no nail art, I added some just because of the name of the collection. I admit that I’m not proud of any of the ideas below. :blush: None of the glitters I bought went well with the grey polish …

There is a Sealing Top Coat in my hand in the picture above. It’s a top coat for sealing the nail art. I think it’s pretty good. I didn’t have the chance to test it properly yet, but from what I’ve tested, I think it’s worth a try.

Joe is a gorgeous purple shade. No application issues. There are two coats shown in the picture. IRL the color is less blue based, it’s more reddish.

Here’s some ideas how to pimp out the Joe-manicure.

In the picture below I stamped an image from one of the new Stampy image plates. The stamp is made with the grey polish Romeo. To each flower I added one glitter from the Glitter it! box. Just for presentation purposes I added some dots and curves with the black Nail Art Pen to the manicure. I know, it doesn’t look pretty, but you can see how the pen works.

In the sun – the color is quite accurate.

Artificial lighting.

For the comparison purposes, the butterfly is stamped with China Glaze – Sci-Fi, everything else is stamped with Romeo.

As you can see, Joe is from the Nail Art Twins line. Which means, that it has a twin that complements it. Its twin is a glitter top coat, called Victory. On the picture below there is one coat of Joe and one thicker coat of Victory. I also added some glitters to the manicure …

That is all from me. :wave:


I disliked the glittery twins, so I got creme bases, one of the plates (other one was sold out :hmm: ) and Nail Art Pen in Silver White.

Maestra already showed you the brighter shades, so that leaves me with the darkest one … Thelma.

This is really and I mean really dark purple shade. I spiced it up with image from Be Creative plate and white Essence polish from LE Stampy set and Silver White nail pen. I can’t say I like the manicure, but I had to do it anyway. :angel:

Pen is little bit to watery for my taste. I had to to go twice over the image or press hard to get the white I was looking for.

I compared Thelma with Essence Devil’s Flavour from Sweet Temptation TE.

Nope – I didn’t make mistake and applied only one polish. :naughty: The polishes are really identical – same polish in different bottle.

I spiced up this on too. I used same products as above with Konad white polish instead of Essence white from Stampy set.

Which product do you like best from this TE? :nails:

Znamka Essence nam je za marec in april pripravila prav posebno kolekcijo v celoti namenjeno olepšanju nohtov. :drop: Kolekcija se imenuje Be a Nail Artist. V kolekciji je za vsak okus nekaj in to po ugodnih cenah. Izdelkov je veliko, zato vas bom kar opozorila, da je ta prispevek nabit s fotografijami in raznoraznimi idejami, kako izdelke uporabiti. Najbolje, da ne izgubljam besed in kar začnem s fotografijami …

Začela bom z bleščicami, ki sem jih kupila …

Glam it up! je kolut, ki vsebuje šest predelov z različnimi bleščicami zelenih, vijoličnih in turkiznih barv. Pokrov je vrtljiv in ima odprtino, skozi katero gredo bleščice ven.

Style it up! je posodica polna vijoličnih bleščic, ki se mavrično presevajo, v obliki srca.

Glitter it! je posodica polna prosojnih šest-kotnikov, ki spreminjajo barvo od zelene do roza odvisno od osvetlitve.

Cutie Fruity je posodica polna resnično prisrčnega sadja narejenega iz fimo mase. Na fotografiji spodaj je v spodnjem desnem kotu prikazano, kako veliko je sadje glede na moj noht.

Kolekcija Be a Nail Artist ponuja tudi svinčnike za poslikavo ali Nail Art Pen, kot jih imenujejo. Zase sem kupila črnega. Ime odtenka je Cool Black.

Na fotografiji zgoraj:

  1. konica novega svinčnika je bela
  2. konico je pred uporabo potrebno napolniti z barvo – pritiskajte konico, dokler barva ne steče v konico
  3. tako izgleda konica, ko je napolnjena z barvo
  4. primer uporabe

Kupila sem tudi obe varianti Stampy design plates, kot jih poimenujejo pri Essence. Gre v bistvu za ploščice za štempljanje ali konadiranje, kot “po domače” poimenujemo to zadevo. Ploščice sem pozabila fotografirat. Ogledate si jih lahko na Essence uradni spletni strani. KLIK

Sledijo laki za nohte …

Romeo je siv odtenek s srebrnim šimrom. Končni izgled ni klasična kovinsko siva, ampak temnejša siva s srebrnim leskom. Romeo je izredno dobro prekriven. Na spodnji fotografiji je le en nanos. Dobro deluje s stampy ploščicami, kot boste videli malo kasneje. Ima pa v sebi pikico frosty finiša. Ampak res pikico. :yes:

Čeprav je Romeo sam po sebi čudovit in ne rabi nobene olepšave, sem mu vseeno dodala nekaj “čičk in čačk”. Samo zato, ker se kolekcija imenuje Be a Nail Artist. :silly: Priznam pa, da na niti eno idejo na spodnji fotografiji nisem ponosna. :hmm: Izmed bleščic, ki sem jih kupila, niti ene niso lepo izgledale na sivi podlagi.

V roki držim Sealing Top Coat – nadlak, ki se uporablja za “zapiranje” in zaščito raznoraznega “nail art-a”. Kolikor sem ga do sedaj preizkusila, ni slab. Kaj več pa težko v tem trenutku napišem.

Joe je čudovit krem vijoličen odtenek. Z nanašanjem ni nobenih problemov. Deluje celo s stampy ploščicami. Na fotografiji sta dve plasti. V živo je malenkost manj modro-vijoličen ampak bolj rdečkasto-vijoličen.

Sledi nekaj idej, kako nadgraditi Joe-manikuro.

Na spodnji fotografiji sem uporabila eno od stampy ploščic za vzorec, ki sem ga odtisnila s sivim odtenkom Romeo. V vsako rožico sem dodala bleščico iz Glitter it! posodice. Samo za predstavo, sem dodala še nekaj kvak s črnim Nail Art Pen-om. Vem, da ne izgleda ravno najlepše. :blush:

na soncu – barva laka je dokaj realna

umetna osvetlitev

Za primerjavo je metulj odtisnjen s China Glaze – Sci-Fi, ostalo pa z Romeo.

Kot vidite na zgornji fotografiji, je Joe iz kolekcije Nail Art Twins. Kar pomeni, da ima še svojega dvojčka, ki ga dopolnjuje. Njegov dvojček je bleščičast nadlak z imenom Victory. Na spodnji fotografiji je ena plast vijoličnega odtenka Joe in čez njega ena debelejša plast bleščičastega nadlaka Victory. Vsemu skupaj sem dodala še nekaj bleščic.

To je iz moje strani vse. Za konec vam bo nekaj besed namenila tudi Gejba. :wave:

Bleščičasti del dvojčkov ni ravno po mojem okusu, tako da so pri meni pristale krem baze, ena ploščica (druge ni bilo več :hmm: ) ter Nail Art Pen v odtenku Silver White.

Maestra vam je že predstavila svetlejša odtenka, zato sem se jaz lotila najtemnejšega … Thelma.

Gre za zelo zelo temno vijoličen odtenek, ki se krasno nanaša. Dodatno sem ga okrasila z vzorčkom z Be Creative šablone. Za konadiranje sem izbrala bel Essence lak iz LE Stampy seta. Ker sem morala preizkusiti Silver White svinčnik, je tudi ta pristal na manikuri. Ne morem reči, da mi je blazno všeč, a vseeno sem si morala dati malo duška. :angel:

Svinčnik je zame malo preveč voden. Ali je bil potreben konkreten pritisk, da sem dobila želeno količino laka ali pa dvojni nanos.

Thelmo sem primerjala še z Essence Devil’s Flavour odtenkom iz Sweet Temptation TE.

Ne – nisem se zmotila in nanesla na vse nohte isti lak. :naughty: Dejansko gre za čisto identičen lak, ki so ga le pretočili v novo flaško.

Tudi to primerjavo sem malo “poživila”. Akterji so podobni kot pri prejšnji konadikuri, le da sem  tokrat uporabila bel Konad lak namesto tistega iz Essence Stampy seta.

Kaj vse je vas zamikalo v tej omejeni izdaji? :nails:

22 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Review and swatches: Essence – Be a Nail Artist<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Essence – Be a Nail Artist<!--:-->”

  1. Jaz bom samo v soboto v celju, upam da bojo takrat že mel v BW :undecided:

    Ker drugače res ne vem kaj bom :nervous:


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