Swatches and review: Artdeco Ultra Quick Dry Nail LacquerOpis in ocena: Artdeco Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer

It looks like Artdeco has a new line of nail polishes. It’s called Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer. I haven’t seen them in Slovenia yet. I bought these in Austria. There are some great trendy colors in the collection. I bought four of them. It’s strange that two of the colors I bought aren’t listed on their official web site. :unsure: Never mind, here they are …

68 is light creme grey. Lovely color and great application. Two coats shown in the picture below. Not listed on the official web page.

Swatch: Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 68
Artdeco – Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer – 68 (2 coats)

88 is a light green, but I wouldn’t consider it as a mint green. It’s too yellow in my opinion to be a real mint green. This one was a bit streaky. It would be best with three coats, but I did only two (because I’m that lazy  :blush: ). Not listed on the official web page.

Swatch: Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 88
Artdeco – Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer – 88 (2 coats)

90 bluish green – there are only numbers on the bottles. I found the names at the Artdeco web page. Bluish green is exactly what the name says. It light green with blue undertones, but I wouldn’t call it a teal. It’s too green to be a teal color. My picture shows it a bit too turquoise. It’s not turquoise either. It’s greener. No appliation issues. Two coats shown in the picture below.

Swatch: Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 90 bluish green
Artdeco – Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer – 90 bluish green (2 coats)

The last one I bought is a lovely sky blue color called 93 blue lagoon. I wore it for two days without a top coat and it didn’t chip. I couldn’t believe it myself. The application was flawless too. Two coats shown in the picture below.

Swatch: Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 93 blue lagoon
Artdeco – Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer – 93 blue lagoon (2 coats)

I don’t have a lot of Artdeco polishes. Mainly because they usually don’t have interesting colors and the polishes aren’t cheap either. The price for the Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquers is 5,79€ for 6ml, which is certainly not cheap. But I liked some of the colors, so I bought them and I’m not disappointed. I wore Blue Lagoon for two days without a top coat and it didn’t chip. Impressive! And they dry fast too. Really, I don’t have any complaints, except the high price. The brush is the regular round one and I like it. Nothing more to say. I hope they will be available in Slovenia soon.

Have you tried the Artdeco polishes yet? What do you think of them?Kot izgleda ima Artdeco novo linijo lakov. Imenuje se Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer.V Sloveniji jih sicer še nisem videla. Svoje sem kupila v Avstriji. Linija je polna svežih poletnih odtenkov. Pač veliko teh trendy odtenkov, ki jih sedaj vedno več videvamo. Z menoj so šli štirje odtenki. Nenavadno je, da dva od štirih odtenkov, ki sem jih kupila, nista na seznamu odtenkov na uradni spletni strani. :unsure: Kakorkoli … tukaj so moji izbranci…

68 je svetlo siv krem odtenek. Luštna barva. Nobenih težav pri nanašanju. Dve plasti na sliki spodaj. Tega ni na uradni spletni strani.

Swatch: Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 68
Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 68 (2 plasti)

88 je svetlo zelen krem odtenek. Ne bi ga uvrstila med mint odtenek, ker je vseeno preveč rumen. Tale je bil malenkost muhast pri nanašanju. Rahlo progast nanos. Verjetno bi najbolje izgledal s tremi plastmi, sama sem nanesla dve (ker sem lena :blush: ). Tudi tega ni na uradni spletni strani.

Swatch: Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 88
Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 88 (2 plasti)

90 bluish green -na stekleničkah so samo številke, imena sem našla na Artdeco spletni strani. Bluish Green je točno to, kar že ime pove. Gre za zelen odtenek z modrim podtonom. Ampak ni “teal” odtenek, ker je preveč zelen. Na moji fotografiji izgleda preveč turkizen. Ne, tudi turkizen ni, ker je bolj zelen. Saj vem … katastrofalen opis barv. :blush: Pri nanosu nisem imela nobenih težav. Na fotografiji spodaj sta dve plasti.

Swatch: Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 90 bluish green
Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 90 bluish green (2 plasti)

Za konec še sinje moder krem odtenek z imenom 93 blue lagoon. Tega sem nosila dva dni brez nadlaka in se je presenetljivo dobro držal. Praktično brez odkrušenih konic. Impresivno, res! Nanos je bil enostaven. Na fotografiji sta dve plasti.

Swatch: Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 93 blue lagoon
Artdeco - Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer - 93 blue lagoon (2 plasti)

V moji zbirki ni veliko lakov znamke Artdeco. Predvsem zato, ker po večini nimajo zanimivih odtenkov, cena pa prav tako ni nizka. Cena za Ultra Quick Dry Laquer linijo je 5,79€ za 6ml, kar vsekakor ni malo. Tokrat so me prepričale sveže barve in ni mi žal, da sem jih kupila. Kot sem napisala, sem Blue Lagoon nosila dva dni brez nadlaka in se je krasno obdržal. Poleg tega pa se laki res dokaj hitro sušijo. Fino, kajne? Resnično nimam pripomb (razen cene). Čopič je navaden okrogel. Svoje delo dobro opravi. To je to … Upam, da bodo kmalu na voljo tudi pri nas.

Ste morda kje v Sloveniji že zasledili to linijo?

9 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Swatches and review: Artdeco Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Artdeco Ultra Quick Dry Nail Lacquer<!--:-->”

  1. Tudi meni so lakci všeč. :yes: Ampak škoda, da niso kak € cenejši, tole je kar huda cena za 6 ml. Razmerje med količino in ceno je skoraj takšno, kot pri OPI DS lakcih v naših trgovinah! :shock:


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