Swatches and review: Ciate Paint Pots – Festival Fever Summer 2010Opis in ocena: Ciate Paint Pots: Festival Fever Summer 2010

I don’t know how could this happen but I was the lucky person whom Lyra sent Ciate‘s new collection for spring and summer called Festival Fever. It’s a really great collection with very appropriate shades for spring and summer. And the bottles … the ribbons … :stars:

Swatch: Ciate Paint Pots: Festival Fever Summer 2010
Ciate Paint Pots: Festival Fever Summer 2010

I’ve had a really hard time photographing these beauties. Some of them were almost impossible to photograph. I did the most I could with the time I had and the knowledge I have. Here are the results, but I’m telling you in advance that some pictures are really horrible. :hmm:

I’ll start with the not so pretty pictures …

The ugliest of them all is the picture of the coral creme shade called Access All Areas. I don’t know why I have such difficulties to photograph coral shades. Maybe also because they don’t look well with my skin tone. It’s a bit less orange IRL. It dries to a satin finish, but it’s not neon. There is a top coat on the pointer and the ring finger in the picture.

Swatch: Ciate - Access All Areas
Ciate – Access All Areas (2 coats)

Next is always pretty and safe but for me boring shade of berries. It’s called Main Stage.

Swatch: Ciate - Main Stage
Ciate – Main Stage (2 coats)

There is also a pink in the collection. It’s a nice dusty pink shade. It’s called Fun Fair and it was the first Festival Fever shade I picked for a manicure. Quite surprising for me.

Swatch: Ciate - Fun Fair
Ciate – Fun Fair (2 coats)

And the second half of the collection. The more interesting part. At least for me.

Talent Scout. A nice creme purple. Not too dark not too light or bright. Simple and lovely!

Swatch: Ciate - Talent Scout
Ciate – Talent Scout (2 coats)

And the hard to describe shades …

Ditch The Heels is a shade I can’t really describe. It’s definitely green but I can’t describe what kind of green it is. :blush: It’s bright but not too bright. It’s green but not grass green. It’s not turquoise either. I suck I know and I’m sorry. And you know what? The shade is a pain in the a** to photograph, so even the photos aren’t accurate. It’s greener IRL and a bit more vibrant. Well, I tried, but I failed. I guess I’m of no use …

Swatch: Ciate - Ditch The Heels
Ciate – Ditch The Heels (2 coats)

The last one is a stunner and another hard to photograph and hard to describe one. :angry: All the swatches I’ve seen so far show this beauty too blue. Well, it’s not a sky blue color. It has quite a lot of green undertones, which make is it on the teal side but it’s also not a real teal. Or maybe a light teal. But of course it depends on the light and everything. Here it is … Headliner

Swatch: Ciate - Headliner
Ciate – Headliner (2 coats)

with a bonus photo …

Swatch: Ciate - Headliner
Ciate – Headliner (2 coats)

As you may noticed Headliner also dries to a satin finish, but it’s not a neon (I put it under the black light and nothing happend). There is a top coat on a middle and a pinky finger in the pictures above.

All in all, the collection is very pretty. I love the last three shades. The first three aren’t bad either. All are cremes, which seems to be “the” trendy finish of the season. Although I used to be a shimmer lover, I am more and more into cremes lately.

It feels like Ciate has done something on their formula (I think that they weren’t B3F before but are now) as it isn’t thick anymore, which is great. But the polishes dry a bit longer now and without a top coat they chip easily. At least that’s what I experienced. Which means I have to put a top coat on when I’m wearing the new Ciates. Well, isn’t a top coat a must? Yes, it is, so nothing new here. :wink:

But I’m interesting to read what are your experiences with the new Ciates compared to the old ones?Resnično ne vem, kako se je to zgodilo, a bila sem tista srečnica, ki je od Lyre dobila celotno novo kolekcijo Festival Fever znamke Ciate. Hvala, Lyra! Kolekcija je prav luštna in super primerna za poletje. Da o stekleničkah sploh ne začenjam … pentljice … :stars:

Swatch: Ciate Paint Pots: Festival Fever Summer 2010
Ciate Paint Pots: Festival Fever Summer 2010

Kolekcija je res sestavljena iz čudovitih odtenkov, ki pa so mi povzročali nemalo težav pri fotografiranju. Nekateri med njimi so enostavno nemogoči. Naredila sem največ, kar sem znala in kar sem lahko naredila v času, ki sem ga imela na razpolago. Moje znanje je tako ali tako zelo skromno kar se fotografije tiče, prav tako pa je zelo omejen tudi moj čas, ki ga lahko namenim blogu. Sledijo “rezultati”, ampak že v naprej napišem, da so nekatere fotografije res grozne. :hmm:

Začela bom z najgršo fotografijo … fotografija koralnega krem odtenka z imenom Access All Areas. Ne vem zakaj, ampak moj fotoaparat se resnično ne razume s koralnimi odtenki. Vedno izpadejo preveč oranžni. Morda je kriva tudi moja polt, saj menim, da se večina koralnih odtenkov ne ujame najbolje z mojo poltjo. Ta odtenek se posuši v satenast finiš, a kljub temu ne gre za neon odtenek. Na fotografiji je na le na kazalcu in prstancu nanesen nadlak.

Swatch: Ciate - Access All Areas
Ciate - Access All Areas (2 plasti)

Naslednja je vedno lepa in “ziheraška”, a meni že dolgočasna barva malin. Imenuje se Main Stage.

Swatch: Ciate - Main Stage
Ciate - Main Stage (2 coats)

V kolekciji se je znašel tudi roza odtenek. Lušten umazano roza odtenek. Imenuje se Fun Fair in je bil prvi, ki sem ga izmed vseh Festival Fever odtenkov izbrala za manikuro. Ja, čisto nenavadano zame. V steklenički mi je zelo všeč, a se mi zdi, da se ne ujema najbolje z mojo poltjo.

Swatch: Ciate - Fun Fair
Ciate - Fun Fair (2 plasti)

In še drugi del kolekcije. Zame bolj zanimiv del kolekcije.

Talent Scout je krem vijoličen odtenek. Ni pretemen, ne presvetel, prav tako ne preveč živahen. Enostaven in lušten!

Swatch: Ciate - Talent Scout
Ciate - Talent Scout (2 plasti)

In še odtenka, ki ju ne znam opisati …

Ditch The Heels je zagotovo zelen odtenek, a ne znam opisati, kakšen zelen odtenek je. :blush: Vsekakor gre za živo zeleno. Ni travnato zelena. Prav tako ni turkizna zelena. Vem, prav bedna sem pri opisovanju. Se opravičujem. In to še ni vse. Da se moja bednost še nadaljuje oziroma poglobi, gre za odtenek, s katerim je imel težave tudi moj fotoaparat. Tako tudi barva fotografiji ni popolnoma točna. V živo je nekoliko bolj zelen in bolj živ. Ah, potrudila sem se, a mi enostavno ni uspelo. Očitno nisem za nobeno rabo …

Swatch: Ciate - Ditch The Heels
Ciate - Ditch The Heels (2 plasti)

Zadnji je pravi lepotec, a ponovno težak za fotografirati in opisati. :angry: Vse fotografije tega odtenka, ki sem jih do sedaj videla, so odtenek prikazale preveč moder. V resnici ni sinje moder. Niti blizu, saj ima kar nekaj zelene v sebi, kar ga naredi skoraj “teal” (modro-zelen). Morda bi ga lahko opisala kot svetlo “teal”. Seveda pa se barva spreminja glede na osvetlitev. Tukaj je prikazan na sončku … Headliner

Swatch: Ciate - Headliner
Ciate - Headliner (2 plasti)

… in bonus fotografija …

Swatch: Ciate - Headliner
Ciate - Headliner (2 plasti)

Kot ste morda opazili, se tudi Headliner posuši v satenast finiš, vendar ni neon (dala sem ga pod UV luč, a se ni nič zgodilo). Na fotografijah je nadlak le na sredincu in mezincu.

Festival Fever kolekcija je prav posrečena kolekcija. Zadnje tri predstavljene odtenek prav obožujem. Prve tri malo manj, ampak to ne pomeni, da so slabi. Vsi odtenki imajo krem finiš, kar je očitno trendy finiš zadnje čase (sazone). Čeprav sem včasih oboževala šimer, me zadnje čase vedno bolj vleče med krem odtenke.

Skoraj zagotovo so se pri Ciate igrali s formulo, saj novi odtenki niso več tako gosti kot so bili “stari”. Mislim, da včasih “Ciatkoti” niso bili B3F, zdaj pa so. Se pa novi odtenki nekoliko dlje sušijo. Prav tako sem opazila, da jih brez nadlaka skoraj ne morem nositi, ker se hitro okrušijo, kar se mi pri starih ni dogajalo. Vsaj takšne so moje izkušnje. Ampak saj nadlak je tako ali tako nuja, kajne? Točno tako! Nič novega torej. :wink:

Zelo bi me pa zanimalo, kakšne so vaše izkušnje s Caite laki? Morda tudi kakšni se vam zdijo novi odtenki v primerjavi s starimi?

8 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Swatches and review: Ciate Paint Pots – Festival Fever Summer 2010<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Ciate Paint Pots: Festival Fever Summer 2010<!--:-->”

  1. Lepe barve! :stars: Si pa res rojena pod srečno zvezdo, da te je Lyra tako lepo presenetila. :naughty:
    Sama nimam še nobenega Ciate lakca zato ne morem o njih nič reči (ne o starih, ne o novih). :silly:
    .-= Tassa´s last post … KOTD: Firework Stars =-.


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