Maestra’s summer vacation – day 7 – Part Two (on our way to Zrce)Maestrine poletne počitnice – dan 7 – drugi del (na poti v Zrće)

So, on day 7 we decided to take a hiking trip to Zrce and its surroundings. Oh my, Zrce is beautiful, but not a long walk away you can find true gems. Bays with almost no people and plenty of wonderful fishes, crabs, shrimps … I have to say, for me it was the best trip in a long time. I really enjoyed walking in the water and observing the nature. If you just open your eyes and “listen”, you’ll be surprised how much you can see and hear. :wub: I took A LOT of pictures and I can’t show you all my favourite ones in just one or two posts. Yesterday I showed you the Zrce beach and the Papaya timetable. Today I’d like to show you some nice pictures of what I caught in my lens on our way to Zrce.

There were some swallows sitting in front of our apartment door.

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

We bought some pizza for breakfast.

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

And then we took a walk. I took a bunch of pictures of little creatures I spotted along the way.

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Well done, a bike route. :thumb:

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

And some more beautiful creatures. It took me quite some time to snap a decent shot of these butterflies. Patience is a virtue, they say. And if I’m fixated on something, I have all the patience in the world. :angel:

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

After some walking and passing the Zrce beach, we arrived to a peaceful and beautiful place …

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

More about this beautiful place and pictures of crabs, shrimps, fishes etc. … tomorrow. :wink:

Sedmi dan najinega dopustovanja sva se odpravila na pohodniški izlet do Zrć in okolice. Zrće so krasne, a nedaleč stran … mmm, tam se šele pokaže lepota in narava. Morda še najlepši del prečudovite narave je odsotnost gneče človeških bitij. V “najinem” zalivu sva srečala samo peščico ljudi. Mmm … pravi balzam za dušo. Neskončno sem uživala v čofotanju po vodi in opazovanju morskim kreaturam (beri: ribice, rakovice, kozice …). Lahko si samo mislite, da sem naredila ogromno posnetkov. Med njimi je kar nekaj takšnih, ki bi vam jih rada pokazala, a žal vseh ne morem spraviti v en ali dva prispevka, zato bodo iz tega enega izleta verjetno nastali trije prispevki (eden je bil že včeraj, en danes in en še jutri). Upam, da vas ne dolgočasim. :undecided:

Danes so na vrsti posnetki, ki so nastali na poti do Zrć.

Takoj pred vrati apartmaja so naju pričakale lastovke.

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Zajtrk sva si privoščila kar na poti. Vsak svoj kos pice.

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Sledila je hoja … Fotoaparat je bil ves čas na preži. V objektiv so se ujeli naslednji “modeli”.

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Pohvale vredno, kolesarska pot. :thumb:

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

In še več “modelov”. Kar nekaj časa sem porabila, da sem naredila dokaj dostojen posnetek ali dva. Pravijo: “Potrpežljivost je vrlina.” Če si nekaj zabijem v glavo, imam potrpežljivosti v nedogled. :angel:

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Nekaj časa sva hodila, nekaj več časa sem fotografirala (moj dragi me je potrpežljivo čakal), šla sva mimo Zrć … naprej … “zaletela” sva se v čudovit in miren kraj … zaliv …

Maestra's summer vacation - day 7 - trip to Zrce

Več o tem čudovitem zalivu in nekaterih njegovih prebivalcih … jutri. :wink:

4 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Maestra’s summer vacation – day 7 – Part Two (on our way to Zrce)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Maestrine poletne počitnice – dan 7 – drugi del (na poti v Zrće)<!--:-->”

  1. Wauuuu čudovite fotke :whistle:
    Mene ne dolgočasiš  :w00t:  vsak dan komaj čakam na tvoj prispevek :rose:
    Je pa res, da mi malo lušte delaš :happy:


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