Discovery of the month: Magnetic – Freakin’ VioletOdkritje meseca: Magnetic – Freakin’ Violet

You know what? There is a true gem on my nails at the moment. It’s called Freakin’ Violet and yes, it’s freaking awesome! I found this beauty in a local salon that sells Magnetic polishes. We already swatched some of their polishes and I have to say that I’m more than satisfied with the quality of Magnetic polishes. Really, these are nice to apply and they wear pretty well. The last time I wore their black holographic polish, it stayed on my nails for four days. Even after four days I had only some minor tip wear but no chips. Amazing!

I discover this beauty only a few days ago and it was love at first sight! It has a indigo jelly base with blue flakies and green shimmer. Everything in one little bottle of polish. I’m in polish heaven! Just look at this beauty …

Swatch: Magnetic - Freakin' Violet
Magnetic – Freakin\’ Violet

It changes it’s appearance depending on the light. Sometimes it’s more on the purple side and sometimes it’s just blue. It’s dark but it’s not too dark. Of course it’s best under stronger light or in the sun, but I haven’t seen the sunshine in days (or maybe even weeks) and despite all that I’m more than happy with Freakin’ Violet. The next photo isn’t really pretty. My nails are shorter than ever. A “pro” in a salon filed them like that. And the polish was applied way too thick for my taste, but OK, I’ll show it to you anyway. Believe me, the polish looks better IRL.

NOTD: Magnetic - Freakin' Violet
Magnetic – Freakin\’ Violet (2 coats)

I’m testing the wear time of Magnetic polishes right now. I used their base and top coat. Now I’m at day two and I have some tip wear, but no chips. If you are interested, I’ll let you know, how my “experiment” went.

What do you think of the Freakin’ Violet polish? Do you like it, love it or hate it?

A veste kaj? Zadnje čase imam izredno srečo pri izbiranju odtenkov za manikuro. Tokrat je na mojih nohtih pravi zaklad, ki sliši na ime Freakin’ Violet in je res noro zanimiv!!! Lepotca sem našla v Studiu Maya, kjer prodajajo Magnetic lake. Nekaj njihovih lakov smo vam že pokazale in napišem lahko samo, da sem več kot zadovoljna nad kvaliteto Magnetic lakov. Resnično, laki se lepo nanašajo in obstojnost je dobra. Na zadnje ko sem nosila njihov črn holografski odtenek, je le-ta ostal na mojih nohtih cele štiri dneve. In po štirih dneh je bil še vedno v zelo dobrem stanju. Nekaj obrabljenih konic in nič odkruškov. Noro, kajne?!?

Današnjega lepotca sem odkrila le nekaj dni nazaj in bil je ljubezen na prvi pogled! Ima indigo modro jelly osnovo in zelen šimer ter modre krpice. Vse to v eni steklenički laka za nohte. Sem že v lak nebesih! Samo poglejte si to lepoto …

Swatch: Magnetic - Freakin' Violet
Magnetic - Freakin' Violet

Svojo podobo spreminja glede na osvetlitev. Včasih je popolnoma moder, včasih pa prevladuje vijolična. Je temen, a ne pretemen. Seveda najlepše izgleda na dobri osvetlitvi ali še bolje na sončku, vendar sonca že precej časa nisem videla in kljub temu sem super zadovoljna s Freakin’ Violet. Naslednja fotografija ni ravno med lepšimi. Pravzaprav je prav hecna ali celo čudna. Moji nohti so trenutno krajši kot kadarkoli. Tako jih je oblikovala profesionalka v salonu. Za moj okus je lak nanesen preveč na debelo (poglejte pri konicah). Ampak OK, fotografijo bom vseeno pokazala. Verjemite mi, da lak v živo veliko bolje izgleda.

NOTD: Magnetic - Freakin' Violet
Magnetic - Freakin' Violet (2 coats)

Trenutno testiram obstojnost Magnetic lakov. Uporabljam njihov pod- in nadlak. Trenutno sem pri drugem dnevu in lak se dobro drži. Nekaj obrabljenih konic in nič okruškov. Če vas bo zanimalo, vam bom poročala, kako se je lak odrezal. Prav tako bom v prihodnje testirala hitro sušeči nadlak znamke Magnetic. Samo v vednost (ali da ne bo kakšne pomote) – lake sem kupila sama. :wink:

Kako se vam zdi Freakin’ Violet? Vam je všeč ali ne preveč?

23 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Discovery of the month: Magnetic – Freakin’ Violet<!--:--><!--:sl-->Odkritje meseca: Magnetic – Freakin’ Violet<!--:-->”

  1. It looks so beautiful! In the bottle AND on the nail, I often find that it looks so great in the bottle but that it’s bleh on the nails. Like OPI Teasy does it, I think the bottle color is nice than on the nails. Don’t get me wrong, I like it on the nail too, but there’s duochrome in the bottle!

  2. o.O Moooooram imeti! *to do list: najdi studio Maya* Bom še prej ostale pogledala na Parokeets blogu, da vidim, če imam še kakšnega obligatorno za kupit. ;) Imam pa celo enega doma za preizskusit, vidim, da mu moram dati priložnost. :yes: Freakin Violet je res perfekten.

      • Ravno Spect.Stone! Uh, bo naslednji na vrsti. Danes sem imela manjšo krizo okoli izbire barv in sem jih toliko premenjala, da rabim kak dan premora. Sicer pa po vaših prispevkih sodim, da nujno rabim še Shimmering Bronze. :love:


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