Merry Christmas…Vesel Božič…

Today is magical day. OK, let’s forget about weather that is nothing like winter weather should be. Outside is raining, we have fog, autumn temperatures …

But it can’t be helped – we can not control the weather. Maybe we’ll have snowflake or two tomorrow – who knows.

Dear readers, I wish you Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas

My mom always told me that lady of the house is the one that brings holiday spirit to the home. You know – candles, nice tablecloth, cinnamon smell …

I have few sweets to share with you.


Today take a second and remember those you forgot over the year. They’ll be happy to hear from you!

I wish you beautiful and mysterious evening! :wave:

Danes je še posebej čaroben dan. OK, spreglejmo vreme, ki ni prav nič zimsko in praznično. Zunaj močno dežuje, podi se sivo/siva megla, temperature so jesenske…

Kaj hočemo, vreme se ne ozira na naše želje. Morda nam jutri nameni kakšno snežinko.

Drage bralke, želim Vam lep in vesel Božič.

Merry Christmas

Mamica me je učila, da je gospodinja tista, ki naredi praznik pri hiši. Saj veste, praznično pogrnjena miza, posebni in domiselni pogrinjki, sveče: raznobarvne in dišeče, vonj po cimetu, po vaniliji, po svežih smrekovih vejah.

Nekaj dišečih in slastnih dobrot delim z vami.


Danes se spomnite tudi na tiste, na katere ste čez leto že skoraj pozabile. Veseli vas bodo!

Lep in skrivnosten večer vam želim! :wave:

9 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Merry Christmas…<!--:--><!--:sl-->Vesel Božič…<!--:-->”

  1. During Christmas and actually all year I remember practically everyone I met all my life, unfortunatelly I know most of them don’t remember me but I don’t really care. So I also remember all the people who are around me and those who are not anymore, the people and children who can’t celebrate Christmas for numerous reasons and so I always light a special isolated candle for those people. I always watch it burning ’till the end (today it took 3 hours burning and then it went off). Peace and love to everyone!

  2. thanks you very much and happy holidays to you and your family. peace on earth-lol thats the name of a nail polish. :blush:


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