Review and swatches: Illamasqua Toxic NatureOpis in ocena: Illamasqua Toxic Nature

From tomorrow on there will be new Illamasqua spring/summer 2011 collection called Toxic Nature available at Illamasqua on-line store .

Once again Illamasqua’s team let their imagination run wild and here is what they came up with:

… a colour collection born from a visionary concept of nature fighting back against the genetically modified society that plunders it. Illamasqua has created the Toxic Nature collection through a palette of lurid shades, corrupted hues and glistening muted tones that offer intoxicating versions of their original selves …

… this is an atomic-botanical environment where survival is key and camouflage by colour is the path to existence …

Take a look at gorgeous artistic make-ups adorned in promo material. :stars: When I grow up I want to be Alex Box. :biggrin:

Illamasqua Toxic Nature promo Illamasqua Toxic Nature promo Illamasqua Toxic Nature promo

Products in Toxic Nature collection:

  • cream pigment (~20 EUR): Bedaub, Mould, Dab, Emerge, Hollow, Delirium;
  • nail polish (~16 EUR): Gamma, Radium, Bacterium, Purity, Stagnate;
  • lip stick (~18 EUR): Flare, Atomic;
  • lip gloss (~15 EUR): Divine, Torture;
  • precision ink (~20 EUR): Glister;
  • toxic claw (~40 EUR).

Illamasqua: Toxic Nature products promo

First we got the promo material and of course we started to drool over it, but few days later there was very pleasant surprise in the form of the black box in the mail. Did I say pleasant? Not an appropriate word. Our reaction was something like this – :drop: :stars: :love: . THANK YOU, Illamasqua! :rose:

Illamasqua Toxic Nature Parokeets blog

Can you imagine that this time polishes were not the first thing I had to try out? :silly: We received three very useful cream pigments: Mould, Delirium, Dab.

Illamasqua: Cream Pigment in Mould, Delirium, Dab swatch
Illamasqua: Cream Pigment in Mould, Delirium, Dab

I used matte cream pigments as:

  • eyeshadow base: I applied Sweetscents Dream over Mould and the combo actually lasted few hours on my super oily eyelid (I usually have to use at least 2 primers to achieve long lasting make-up … but this could be enough for those with non-problematic eyelids). I also loved the way the cream pigments gripped the eyeshadow so it really stayed in place. :thumb:
  • contouring: Delirium was a little harder to spread on skin but it did good job at shading;
  • lipstick: Dab and Mould were harder to apply than Delirium, which went on easily and then cemented itself on my lips. :biggrin: But I must confess I loved Mould best on my lips – dark shade really livened up my face. (P.S. Please overlook the sloppy application of Mould … it was done in a hurry. :blush: )

Next in line were the polishes: Purity and Bacterium.

Purity is pastel peach shade and with surprisingly easy application for this kind of a color. Color can be more orangy or can turn into some kind of muted peachy. I used two layers + top coat.

Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Purity nail polish swatch by Parokeets
Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Purity

Bacterium is one of those shades I’m not overly fond of … but they look really good on me. :biggrin: Illamasqua says this is pearlescent ash ochre … I have absolutely no clue how to describe this color so I’ll go with their description. :silly: I do not like the pearly/frosty finish. Shimmer is multicolored but you mainly see some kind of grayish cast over the base color. I used two layers + top coat. Photo was take on day 2, so you can see slight tip wear.

Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Bacterium nail polish swatch by Parokeets
Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Bacterium

Last product we received from Toxic Nature collection is Sheer Lipgloss – Torture. This is sheer lip gloss in orange color. It colored my lips slightly orange, does not have strong taste or smell and it lasted longer on my lips than average glosses do.

Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Sheer Lipgloss in Torture swatch by Parokeets
Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Sheer Lipgloss in Torture

I passed on all the products to our Maestra and can’t wait to see what will she come up with. :cute:

You have couple more hours to join Illamasqua’s Toxic Nature Wish List campaign. What do you have to do? Register for an Illamasqua account – go to the Toxic Nature collection and click Join Waiting List by the shade that you desire. 3 winners will then be sent all the items they’re eagerly awaiting, in advance of the main launch. You can join the waiting list for as many Toxic Nature products as you wish. :w00t:

If I were to compile WL, I would put rest of the cream pigments on it. What do you have on your WL?

*promo photos courtesy of Illamasqua

Od jutri naprej (10.03.) bo v Illamasquini spletni trgovini na voljo nova kolekcija za pomlad/poletje 2011 – Toxic Nature.

Pri Illamasqui so ponovno pustili domišljiji prosto pot in nastala je kolekcija postavljena v fantazijski svet, kjer se narava upre genetsko modificirani družbi in udari nazaj s hibridnimi odtenki: cilj – preživetje, orožje – kamuflažne barve. :cool:

Poglejte si prečudovite umetniške make-upe, ki krasijo promo material. :stars: Ko bom velika, želim biti Alex Box. :biggrin:

Illamasqua Toxic Nature promo Illamasqua Toxic Nature promo Illamasqua Toxic Nature promo

Kolekcijo sestavljajo:

  • kremni pigmenti (~20 EUR): Bedaub, Mould, Dab, Emerge, Hollow, Delirium;
  • laki za nohte (~16 EUR): Gamma, Radium, Bacterium, Purity, Stagnate;
  • šminki (~18 EUR): Flare, Atomic;
  • glosa (~15 EUR): Divine, Torture;
  • tekoči eyeliner (~20 EUR): Glister;
  • toxic claw (~40 EUR).

Illamasqua: Toxic Nature products promo

Najprej smo dobili novičko o novi kolekciji (in se seveda že slinili po promo materialu), čez nekaj dni pa nas je prijetno presenetil še črn paketek. Prijetno je premila beseda. Naša reakcija je bila takšna – :drop: :stars: :love: . HVALA, Illamasqua. :rose:

Illamasqua Toxic Nature Parokeets blog

Si lahko mislite, da me tokrat niso najprej pritegnili laki, temveč kremni pigmenti? :silly: Dobile smo tri zelo uporabne lepotičke: Mould, Delirium, Dab.

Illamasqua: Cream Pigment in Mould, Delirium, Dab swatch
Illamasqua: Cream Pigment in Mould, Delirium, Dab

Mat kremne pigmente sem uporabila kot:

  • podlago za senčila: na mojih ultra mastnih vekah (uporabiti moram 2 bazi za večurno obstojnost senčil, vendar bi znala biti tale baza zadosti za tiste z neproblematičnimi vekami) je kombinacija Mould baze in Sweetscents Dream senčila zdržala nekaj ur … senčka pa se je zelo lepo oprijela podlage. :thumb:
  • za senčenje: malo sem sicer težko razmazala Delirium, vendar pa je bila naloga na koncu uspešno opravljena;
  • šminko: Dab in Mould nisem mogla tako lepo nanesti, medtem ko se je Delirium nanesel praktično sam in se zacementiral na ustnicah. :biggrin: Ampak najbolj všeč mi je bil presenetljivo Mould – neverjetno kako lepo mi je tak temen odtenek poživil obraz. (P.S. Spreglejte nanos Moulda … je bil narejen v zelo nahitro in površno :blush: )

Potem sta prišla na vrsto oba laka: Purity in Bacterium.

Purity je pastelno peachy barve in se za tak odtenek presenetljivo lepo nanaša. Barva je včasih bolj oranžkasta, spet drugič je oranžna skoraj čisto ubita. Uporabila sem dve plasti + nadlak.

Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Purity nail polish swatch by Parokeets
Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Purity

Bacterium je eden tistih odtenkov, ki mi barvno ne potegnejo ravno najbolj … mi pa zelo pristajajo. :biggrin: Pri Illamasqui pravijo, da gre za pepelnato oker odtenek … jaz ne najdem pametnega opisa za tole barvo. :silly: Finish je perlast/frosty, kar mi ni preveč všeč, šimer pa je večbarven, vendar prevladuje nekakšna siva barva. Dve plasti + nadlak. Fotografija je posneta drugi dan, tako da lahko vidite v kakšnem stanju je lak – poleg rahlega tip wear-a drugih poškodb ni bilo opaziti.

Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Bacterium nail polish swatch by Parokeets
Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Bacterium

Še zadnji izdelek, ki smo ga prejele iz Toxic Nature kolekcije, je Sheer Lipgloss – Torture. Gre za prosojen glos v oranžni barvi. Glos rahlo obarva ustnice, nima neprijetnega okusa in vonja, obstojen je pa bolj kot povprečni glosi.

Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Sheer Lipgloss in Torture swatch by Parokeets
Illamasqua: Toxic Nature Sheer Lipgloss in Torture

Izdelke sem predala naši Maestri in komaj čakam, da vidim kakšno mojstrovino bo ustvarila tokrat. :cute:

Če vam je kateri izdelek všeč (ali pa če jih imate več na WL), imate še nekaj ur časa, da se udeležite igrice v kateri lahko izberete vaše najljubše izdelke iz kolekcije. Kaj morate narediti? Registrirajte se, pojdite na stran Toxic Nature kolekcije, kliknite na izdelek (2 ali 3), ki vam je všeč in nato kliknite še Join Waiting List. Če boste med izžrebanci, bodo izdelki z vašega seznama že jutri poslani na vaš naslov. :w00t:

Če bi jaz sestavljala WL, bi se na njemu pravgotovo znašli preostali kremni pigmentki. Kaj pa se nahaj na vašem WL?

*promo fotografije so last podjetja Illamasqua

13 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Review and swatches: Illamasqua Toxic Nature<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Illamasqua Toxic Nature<!--:-->”

  1. Super predstavitev! :bow:
    Izdelke imam v testiranju. Nad krem pigmenti sem navdušena. Lakov še nisem preizkusila.
    Njihove promo fotke me pa vedno spravijo v ekstazo! :stars: :stars: Noro! Tudi imena izdelkov so mi blazno všeč!

  2. Tale kolekcija je res krasna. Makeup iz promo fotografij pa me malo spominja na ganguro (ali sem prav napisala?!) makeup. Vsekakor – več naj bo takšnih kolekcij!!!

  3. Ko sem videla promo slike, me je skoraj pobralo od navdušenja, prav tako ob slikah kapelj in stekleničk. Zato je čisto možno, da bo tale kolekcija moje razočaranje te pomladi. Niti eden lak mi ni všeč (še zelen ne!), edina stvar, ki mi je res noro, noro všeč je šminka Atomic, na tvojih ustnicah tudi Mould zgleda fantasično. Še preden sem videla swatche, sem dodala še lake na waiting listo, ampak moram reči, da mi sploh niso všeč, pa sem mislila, da se bom zaradi Bacteriuma metala po tleh. Šminka me pa še zdaj mika. :yes:

    • Atomic je tudi meni padla v oči, samo sumim da se ne bi mogla navaditi na tak odtenek. :nervous:
      Meni Bacterium že na promo fotkah ni bil privlačen. :biggrin:


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