This must be one of the best trend editions by Essence in a while. None of their latest trend editions wowed me. When I saw Blossoms etc. in person … :wub: Such a nice and fresh colors. Here’s what I bought.
Liquid blush Flowerkissed. I wouldn’t call it a liquid blush, because it’s more like a creme blush. If you look at my photo below you might get a feel of what I mean. It’s pink and it has a nice shimmer that gives it glow. I like this blush very much!
Multi colour powder Flower Power is the cutest product ever! :wub: And it’s a nice multicolored powder too. It has some tiny shimmer to it. I’ll mainly use it a highlighting powder.
Swatches of the multi colour powder and the liquid blush. You can see what a nice glow the powder gives. The swatch of the liquid blush isn’t very good. Obviously blush isn’t very visible in my photo. But it looks very nice on the cheeks.
Next are the nail polishes. I only have the swatches on a nail wheel, because I really didn’t have the time to properly swatch them. But I do have a bonus photo for you at the end of this review. :wink:
All the polishes have almost invisible shimmer, that gives them glow. The shades are very nice and refreshing. The only one that applied a bit streaky was the yellow one (My Yellow Fellow), but it wasn’t terrible to apply either. All are applied in two coats in the photos below.
A Hint Of Mint is a light green shade with green (maybe mint) sheen. I wouldn’t describe it as a mint shade. In my mind mint is a little more blue based, but I could be wrong.
I Like is a light blue-green shade with blue sheen.
My Fellow Yellow is a nice sunshine yellow with gold sheen.
Bloom-A-Loom is a lilac shade with lilac sheen.
Forget-Me-Not is a blue based purple with blue-purple sheen.
And the promised bonus photo.
Products used:
– Eyes: various NYX Loose Pearl Powders
– Highlighting the face: Essence – Blossoms etc. multi colour powder
– Lips: MNY – 365 lip gloss (I’m not sure if it’s part of the regular line or if it was part of a LE)
– Nails: Essence – Blossoms etc.: My Yellowe Fellow and A Hint Of Mint nail polishes.
– Cheeks: Essence – Blossoms etc. liquid blush
What are your favourites from the Blossoms etc. trend edition?
To mora biti ena najboljših omejenih kolekcij znamke Essence v zadnjem času. Od zadnjih kolekcij me nobena ni preveč ganila. Tale Blossoms etc. pa je zadetek v polno. Barve so čudovite, sveže, pomladne. :wub: Kupila sem naslednje.
Tekoče rdečilo za lica Flowerkissed. Sama tega rdečila ne bi opisala kot tekoče rdečilo. Prej bi ga opisala kot krem rdečilo za lica. Na fotografiji spodaj boste dobili boljšo predstavo, kakšne teksture je. Gre za pink rdečilo z drobnim šimrom, ki ni moteč. Šimer je “kriv” za lep sijaj.
Večbravni puder Flower Power je nekaj najbolj luštnega! :wub: In zadeva ni samo luštna, je tudi uporabna! Ima droben šimer. Sama ga bom uporabljala večinoma kot osvetljevalec obraza.
Sledi swatch večbarvnega pudra in tekočega rdečila na roki. Mislim, da je lepo vidno, kako lep sijaj naredi puder. Swatch rdečila ni ravno najboljši, saj je rdečilo slabo vidno. V resnici pride na ličkih zelo lepo.
Sledi fotografija lakov za nohte. Imam samo swatche na vzorčnem ovalu, saj mi zadnje čase kronično primanjkuje časa. Imam pa na koncu tega prispevka za vas bonus fotografijo današnje manikure in make up-a. :wink:
Vsi laki imajo skoraj neviden šimer, ki daje lakom predvsem sijaj. Odtenki so zelo simpatični in sveži. Edini, ki se je rahlo progasto nanašal, je bil rumen (My Yellow Fellow), vendar tudi ta ni bil katastrofalen. Na fotografiji spodaj so vsi naneseni v dveh plasteh.
A Hint Of Mint je svetlo zelen odtenek z zelenim (morda mint) sijajem. Sama odtenka ne bi nujno opisala kot mint odtenek. Sama si mint odtenek predstavljam malenkost bolj moder, vendar je možno, da se motim.
I Like je svetel modro-zelen odtenek z modrim sijajem.
My Fellow Yellow je rumen odtenek z zlatim sijajem.
Bloom-A-Loom je lila odtenek z lila sijajem.
Forget-Me-Not je modro-vijoličen odtenek z modro-vijoličnim sijajem.
In še obljubljena bonus fotografija.
Izdelki, ki sem jih uporabila:
– Oči: različna odtenki senčil NYX Loose Pearl Powders
– Osvetljevanje obraza: Essence – Blossoms etc. večbarni puder
– Lica: Essence – Blossoms etc. tekoče rdečilo za lica
– Ustnice: MNY – 365 lip gloss (nisem prepričana, ali je iz redne prodaje ali je (bil) del kakšne omejene izdaje)
– Nohti: Essence – Blossoms etc.: My Yellowe Fellow in A Hint Of Mint laki za nohte
Kateri so vaši favoriti iz kolekcije Blossoms etc.?
I picked this multi colour powder today, it looks delicious! I didn’t notice that blush, it looks nice.
I like all nail polish colors but too expensive – over 2€. No thanks. :angry:
Kod nas SVE kolekcije kasne :(
Krasni lakovi i super mi je onaj shimmer :)
I like Forget Me Not! Beautiful color.