Adventures of a Beauty UK paletteDogodivščine Beauty UK palete

You might remember that I was in the States a month ago. I already showed you some photos of my trip and maybe I’ll show you some more in the future. We’ll see. Today I have some fun (at least I hope so) photos for you from my trip. Do you remember the Beauty UK Earth Child palette I showed you yesterday? Well, that was the only eyeshadow related thing I took with me on my trip to the USA. Of course I’ve had an eyeshadow base, mascara… with me as well. But the only eyeshadows I’ve had with me, were the eyeshadows in the Earth Child palette. As I mentioned before. The palette is very nice and perfect for travelling. It’s light, useful, cheap and good quality. So I decided to take “her” with me and that’s how everything started. Here are some photos of Earth Child palette “in action”. :biggrin:

Proud to be in the Times Square showing off. :cute:

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Times Square, Manhattan
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Times Square, Manhattan

On Easter she saved my day. She was my “Easter hat” at the Easter parade.

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: 5th Avenue, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: 5th Avenue, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Easter Parade on the 5th Avenue, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Easter Parade on the 5th Avenue, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Easter Parade on the 5th Avenue, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Easter Parade on the 5th Avenue, NYC

We enjoyed every single moment in the Central Park together.

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Central Park, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Central Park, NYC

She loved all the art work at the MET Museum.

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: MET Museum
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: MET Museum

She didn’t like it when I wanted to bite her on the Staten Island Ferry passing the Statue Of Liberty.

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Statue of Liberty in the back
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Statue of Liberty in the back

A dream come true. Disney World!!!

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Disney World, Florida
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Disney World, Florida

I must admit that the palette was afraid of the alligator, she was hiding in my pocket and almost peed my pants. :shock:

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Everglades, Florida
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Everglades, Florida

After a long night of partying (small photos) at Mangos … some romantic moments on the South Beach looking at the sunrise … yes, the photo was taken even before 6am. :pic:

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: South Beach, Miami
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: South Beach, Miami

These were the advetures of the Beauty UK palette. Hope you liked it! :wave:

Morda se spomnite, da sem pred dobrim mesecem uživala in nakupovala v Ameriki. Pokazala sem vam že kar nekaj fotografij iz svojega potovanja, morda vam bom v prihodnosti pokazala še kakšno fotografijo. Bom videla. Danes imam za vas nekaj zabavnega (vsaj upam, da vam bo zabavno). Se spomnite Beauty UK Earth Child palete, ki sem vam jo pokazala včeraj? No, paleta se je tako dobro izkazala, da sem jo vzela s seboj na potovanje. Pravzaprav so bila senčila v paleti edina senčila, ki sem jih vzela na pot. Seveda sem vzela s seboj podlago za senčila, maskaro ipd. Od senčil pa sem imela s seboj le omenjeno paleto. Kot sem že omenila, so Beauty UK palete res priročne za na pot, saj so lahke, uporabne, poceni in večinoma dobre kvalitete. Na podlagi tega sem se odločila, da jo vzamem s seboj in dogodivščina Beauty UK palete se je pričela. Sledijo fotografije Earth Child palete “v akciji”. :biggrin:

Ponosna, da se je lahko razkazovala na Times Square-u. :cute:

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Times Square, Manhattan
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Times Square, Manhattan

Na Veliko noč je rešila moj dan, saj se je prelevila v moj “Velikonočni klobuk” na Velikonočni paradi.

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: 5th Avenue, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: 5th Avenue, NYC

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Easter Parade on the 5th Avenue, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Easter Parade on the 5th Avenue, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Easter Parade on the 5th Avenue, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Easter Parade on the 5th Avenue, NYC

V Central Park-u sva uživali vsak trenutek.

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Central Park, NYC
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Central Park, NYC

Z navdušenjem je občudovala umetniška dela v MET muzeju.

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: MET Museum
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: MET Museum

Prav nič ji ni bilo všeč, ko sem jo želela ugrizniti na Staten Island Ferry v trenutku, ko smo pluli mimo Kipa svobode.

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Statue of Liberty in the back
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Statue of Liberty in the back

Sanje so se ji uresničile. Disney World!!!

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Disney World, Florida
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Disney World, Florida

Priznati moram, da se je paleta bala aligatorja. Skrila se je v moj žep in se skoraj polulala v moje hlače. :shock:

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Everglades, Florida
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: Everglades, Florida

Po naporni noči žuranja/čaganja/… (ali kakorkoli že rečete zabavanju po domače) v Mangosu … nekaj romantičnih trenutkov na South Beach-u ob pogledu na sončni vzhod … jap, fotografija je bila posneta še pred šesto uro zjutraj. :pic:

Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: South Beach, Miami
Adventures of a Beauty UK Earth Child palette: South Beach, Miami

To so bile dogodivščine Beauty UK palete. Upam, da ste uživali! :wave:

10 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Adventures of a Beauty UK palette<!--:--><!--:sl-->Dogodivščine Beauty UK palete<!--:-->”

  1. Ful ti paše temno vijolična (pulover zgoraj) ter temno modra (obleka na zadnji sliki) – btw to sta moji naj naj barvi oblek :) (se mogoče spomniš kje si dobila to zadnjo oblekco?).

    Krokija pa ne vem če bi jaz v roke vzela – tako da čisto razumem strah Earth palette :-)))


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