Essence: In Style + Crack Me! SilverEssence: In Style + Crack Me! Silver

Catrice stands are still not available in our capital, so I consoled myself with few new Essence nail polishes. :cute:

The shade that immediately ought my eye was Essence In Style. It looks like blue-green-purple duochrome in the bottle, but purple pretty much vanished when I applied it onto the nails. But it’s still pretty color. Brush strokes are a little bit annoying, but I can live with them as they’re not that visible. I used 2 coats + top coat.

Essence In Style nail polish swatch
Essence In Style

The other nail polish that I bough is Crack Me! Silver. I used normal layers and got subtle cracks. I tried applying only thin layer on one finger (not shown in the photo), but didn’t really like the effect – cracks were more chunky, but tended to appear mostly in vertical line. I’ll stick with the subtle crackle finish. :silly: This shade is not very photogenic – imagine cracked foil finish with a nice shine to it.

Essence: In Style + Crack Me! Silver swatch by Parokeets
Essence: In Style + Crack Me! Silver

I didn’t buy lots of new Essence polishes as I’m saving myself for trend editions and Catrice polishes. Are there any of the new shades that are absolutely most have? So I know what to check out next time I’m in the store. :biggrin:V Ljubljani še kar nimamo Catrice stojal, tako da sem se potolažila z dvema novima Essence lakcema. :cute:

Odtenek, ki mi je najprej padel v oči nosi ime Essence In Style. V steklenički je izgledal kot zeleno-modro-vijoličen duochrom, vendar pa se je vijolična barva bolj kot ne izgubila, ko sem ga nanesla na nohte. Sledi čopiča so sicer vidne, vendar niso tako očitne, da bi me to res zmotilo. Uporabila sem 2 plasti + nadlak.

Essence In Style nail polish swatch
Essence In Style

Poleg In Style sem kupila še Crack Me! Silver. Začela sem s precej “normalnimi” plastmi in dobila subtilen crackle efekt. Na enem nohtu sem preizkusila tudi zelo tanek nanos (ni prikazan na fotografiji), a mi debelejše vertikalne razpoke niso bile preveč všeč. Mislim, da bom ostala pri subtilnem efektu. :silly: Lak ni preveč fotogeničen – v resnici gre za razpokan metalik finiš, tako da se lak v živo precej sveti.

Essence: In Style + Crack Me! Silver swatch by Parokeets
Essence: In Style + Crack Me! Silver

Nisem kupila veliko novih Essence odtenkov, ker se “šparam” za prihajajoče omejene kolekcije in Catrice lake. Je kakšen izmed novih Essence odtenkov, ki se vam zdi obvezna oprema? Da vidim, če moram naslednjič malo bolj pregledati stojalo. :biggrin:

36 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Essence: In Style + Crack Me! Silver<!--:--><!--:sl-->Essence: In Style + Crack Me! Silver<!--:-->”

  1. If you look at my blog, you will see that I adore Essence nail polishes, and I recommend you to try Choose Me and Date With The Night if you have not tried them already ;) I don’t like crackle effect that much, but In Style is beautiful :)

  2. Tale še čaka, da pride na vrsto. Hm, takole po swatcih sodeč mi je bolj všeč v steklenički. :/ Upam, da bo popravil vtis na nohtih. Sicer pa se mi zdi resen must-have oranžko Be Optimistic! Taka super jesenska oranžna barva je. :yes:

  3. time for romance,make it gold, hard to resist, blue addicted in be optimistic so po moje must havi :) sicer imam le prvega,a so tudi ostali zelo lepi :)
    crackla imam tudi sama in me je prijetno presenetil <3 zgleda tekoč,a razpoka zelo lepo.


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