Rules – giveaways on Parokeets blogPravila – giveawayi na Parokeets blogu

As we can’t write novels at the end of each giveaway, we thought it would be good idea to have reference post for rules that apply to our giveaways.

Let’s start with basics and REQUIRED steps.

  1. You have to enter your email into the form, so we can contact you if you’re the lucky one. We will never share your emails or use them for sending you our newsletter …
  2. Leave a COMMENT on giveaway blog post – you can say whatever you wish to (you can check if you already entered or not and in the case if something goes wrong (misspelled emails, if something goes wrong with app …) we have a reference point.
  3. Sometimes you have to choose ONE option (Google+ page link (not +1), WordPress newsletter (has to be activated).

OPTIONAL – these vary from giveaway to giveaway (sometimes you’ll have multiple options, sometimes just one, sometimes none …). You get additional entries (so more chance to win):

  • if you publish link to the giveaway you’re joining in a post along with the photo of the prize on your blog
  • if you publish link + photo to our giveaway in the sidebar of your blog (mentioning giveaway in old post/page will bring you 1 entry);
  • if you tweet about giveaway (link to the giveaway and @Parokeets are mandatory or click Tweet at the end of the post and write down your nick);
  • if you follow us with Networkedblogs app on Facebook;
  • if you publish link to our giveaway on one of the cosmetic forums/boards (we would appreciate if you added photo of the prize).

There is usually only one winner which is picked randomly by computer program.

You can enter only once the chosen giveaway.

You have to respond in 48 hours after we send you email. If you do not, the second one picked will be contacted and given opportunity to receive the prize …

Giveaways are International:

  • please note that you are responsible for all eventual costs of customs taxes (we’re from EU). It’s not likely to happen (and it never has so far), but it can. Some of the countries do not care that what you are receiving is a gift;
  • we’re not responsible if your customs rejects the package.

Minors (under 18 by our law) need parents/legal guardians permission to enter because you can not disclose your address to us without it.

We’re paying for the shipping and if it is not otherwise stated all items are sponsored by us and are brand new.

The main points will be added to each giveaway and those are the ones that you should follow – this post is mainly here for in-depth explanation.

We will be adding things if there is need for further explanations, rules …

If you have any kind of question considering this topic – please ask.

Ker si ne želimo ravno romanov na koncu vsakega giveaway posta, smo se odločile, da napišemo referenčni post s pravili za naše blog giveawayje.

Začnimo z OBVEZNIMI koraki:

  1. V spletni formular morate vnesti vaš elektronski naslov, da vas lahko kontaktiramo v primeru, da bo sreča na vaši strani. Vaših email naslovov nikoli ne bomo nikomur razkrile, vam pošiljale obvestil …
  2. Komentirajte na giveaway post – napišete lahko karkoli želite.
  3. Včasih je zahtevano, da nam sledite z ENO izmed opcij (Google+ pomeni, da nas imate v vaših krogih in ne +1 strani, WordPress novičkami morajo biti aktivirane).

NEOBVEZNO – variira od giveawaya do giveawaya (včasih bo samo ena dodatna možnost, včasih več, včasih nobena …). Dodatni vnosi = več možnosti, da boste izbrani:

  • če na vašem blogu objavite v novem postu link do giveawaya in priložite fotografijo nagrade ALI
  • če objavite link+fotografijo v vašem sidebaru (če obvestilo dodate v starejši post/stran, boste prejele 1 dodatni vnos)
  • s twittanjem (obvezno poleg linka do giveawaya dodajte @Parokeets oz. kliknite na Tweet gumb pod postom in v obrazec vnesite vaš nick);
  • če nam sledite z Networkedblogs app na Facebooku;
  • če objavite link + fotografijo na enem izmed kozmetičnih forumov.

Ponavadi je zmagovalec samo eden, ki ga naključno izbere računalniški program.

Zmagovalec mora odgovoriti na elektronsko pošto v roku 48 ur po prejemu le-te, če ne bomo bomo kontaktirale drugo-uvrščenega …

Sodelujete lahko samo enkrat v vsakem giveawayu.

Mladoletniki v primeru zmage potrebujejo soglasje staršev/zakonitih zastopnikov, ker nam drugače ne smejo posredovati svojega naslova.

Poštnino plačamo me in razen, če je drugače napisano, smo me kupile izdelke.

Glavne točke bodo še vedno dodane pod vsak giveaway (te so vedno nad vsem kar je dodatno razloženo v Pravila – giveawayi na Parokeets blogu postu).

Če se pojavijo dodatna vprašanja, pravila, jih bomo naknadno dodale.

V primeru, da pa vas karkoli zanima, pa kar vprašajte.

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