My latest Essence haulMoj zadnji Essence nakup

I dedicated this weekend to new Essence assortment change … I’ll be doing swatches of new nail polishes, testing make-up thingies … I think it’s safe to say that I could now be officially pronounced as Essence addict. :roll:

Essence Spring 2012 assortment change haulHow will you spend this weekend? :cute:

[poll id=”11″]Moj vikend bo minil v znamenju swatchanja novih Essence izdelkov, ki sem jih včeraj cel dan lovila po Ljubljani. Kaj naj reče, mislim da sem prestopila mejo odvisnosti. :roll:

Essence Spring 2012 assortment change haulKaj boste ve počele ta vikend? :cute:

[poll id=”11″]

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40 thoughts on “<!--:en-->My latest Essence haul<!--:--><!--:sl-->Moj zadnji Essence nakup<!--:-->”

      • juhu, končno bom videla če je modri res tako čudovit kot izgleda v steklenički ;)
        Si ga moram kupiti že zaradi barve, tudi če ni preveč magnetni mi bo prav prišel :wub:

  1. I can’t wait to see the new nude polishes by essence :wub: Btw: There is a list on the p2 cosmetics website of their locations in Austria. Klagenfurt and Wolfsberg seem to be the only cities in Carinthia with p2 in the Palmers Stores.

  2. Can’t wait to read all your reviews!I’m so curious about the new collection, wonder if and when it will get to Italy…

  3. Oo, lepo lepo! Jaz sem že imela zelenga dvojčka v rokah, pa sem se spomnila, da imam en kup novih lakov doma. Tako da sem ga vrnila v škatlo. Saj ni LE, ne? Jaz bom pa uživala v koči na Koroškem cel vikend. Komaj čakam! :party:

  4. ahah that’s funny because this morning my idea was “after work i’ll go to muller to buy some essence stuff” :)

    this weekend? maybe i’ll go somewhere to take pics!

  5. woooow, dober nakup :thumb: kje pa si našla te dvojne lake?? ker so mi ušeč zelooo :drool:

    drugače pa jaz vedno pravim, da mora vsaka ženska imeti svojo malo odvisnost od tistega kar jo razveseljuje in s tem ni nič narobe :angel:

    • Muller jih že ima, ostalih jih pa v kratkem dobijo.
      Saj ne, da nujno potrebujem novo torbico … ampak ker sovražim kupovati torbice, sem si morala dati duška pri Essence. :biggrin:

      • zakon! mislim, da bo moja denarnica spet veliko lažja po obisku mullerja :haha:

        moji šibki točki sta laki in čevlji, temu se pa res ne morm upreti :blush:


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