Essence Guerilla Gardening LE manicureEssence Guerilla Gardening LE manikura

Today I was gardening with Essence aka I tried out one of the polishes and nail effect powders from their Guerilla Gardening LE.

Essence Guerilla Gardening LE
Essence Guerilla Gardening LE

I bought I’m The Moss nail polish and nail effect powder in the same color. Nail polish is green but with yellow undertone so not really my favorite color. Manicure actually looks better with powder over it as it gives it cooler undertone. :angel:

This is the first time I tried out any of the textured powders as I’m not really a fan of anything “3D” on my nails. Even glitter nail polishes bother me if I don’t use 2 layers of top coat over them. So I waited a really long time to even feel the urge to try something like this out. :silly:

Original instructions read: apply 2 coats of base nail polish, while it’s still moist sprinkle velvet powder over it and spread fibers with brush.

I think one coat of I’m The Moss is enough as powder covers up imperfections. Of course you can not mess up first layer or you’ll get as poor effect as I did on the top finger. But this was my first try so I’m being lenient with myself. :silly:

Another thing I’ll try next time is gently patting the powder into the nail polish. It was easy enough to sprinkle powder (you can see the type of opening in the first photo) over the nail polish, but I still didn’t manage to cover up all the nail polish … not that it is necessary as you can’t really see bald spots, but I have the urge to make it as good looking as possible. :biggrin:

Here is my finished look … I guess it shows I’m not much of a gardener in real life either. :blush:

Essence Guerilla Gardening LE: I'm The Moss nail polish + effect powder
Essence Guerilla Gardening LE: I’m The Moss nail polish + effect powder

You know what I wondered the most? How does velvety look fare after washing hands. Well – it actually looked OK in places where I managed to really incorporate powder into wet nail polish, but still – have to remember to pat the powder next time.

Any advices for my next try? How do you like this type of manicures?

Danes sem vrtnarila z Essence – preizkusila sem namreč lak in prah iz njihove vrtne kolekcije Guerilla Gardening LE. :cute:

Essence Guerilla Gardening LE
Essence Guerilla Gardening LE

Oba izdelka sem kupila v istem odtenku – I’m The Moss. Lak je sicer res zelen, a ima bolj rumen podton, tako da mi ni ravno prirasel k srcu. Prah pa ima bolj moder podton, tako da mi je bil končni izgled manikure barvno bolj všeč. :angel:

Tokrat sem prvič preizkusila manikuro z uporabo prahcev različnih tekstur. Glavni razlog za omahovanje je dejstvo, da ne maram ničesar 3D na nohtih – še zelo bleščičasti laki me iritirajo, če jih ne prekrijem z vsaj dvema plastema nadlaka. Tako da sem kar dolgo čakala, preden sem se lotila eksperimentiranja. :silly:

Originalna navodila pravijo: nanesite 2 plasti laka, posujte prah po mokrem laku, s čopičem odstranite odvečni prah.

Osebno mi je bil 1 nanos I’m The Moss zadosti, ker je prah lepo prekril vse napakice pri nanosu. Vendar pa mora biti prvi nanos res dobro nanesen, če ne dobite nekakšen napol izdelek kot ga vidite na čisto zgornjem nohtu. Ampak – za prvič mi ni šlo slabo, tako da ne bom preveč kritizirala. :silly:

Edino kar bom naslednjič spremenila je to, da bom prah narahlo vtapkala v lak. Samo posipanje je bilo nezahtevno (tip odprtine vidite na zgodnji fotografiji), nekaj težav je bilo le s prekrivanjem plešatih območij, kjer nisem ravno dobro videla kaj delam. Resnici na ljubo, kiksi niti niso vidni v živo, vendar me nekaj žene k popolnemu prekrivanju. :biggrin:

Takole je izgledala kombinacija laka in prahu … mislim, da je videti, da tudi v resničnem življenju nisem ravno dober vrtnar. :blush:

Essence Guerilla Gardening LE: I'm The Moss nail polish + effect powder
Essence Guerilla Gardening LE: I’m The Moss lak + effect prah

Veste kaj me je najbolj zanimalo? Kako si umivaš roke s takšno manikuro oz. ali ta preživi redno zalivanje. Ugotovitev – tam, kjer sem dobro združila lak in prah, ji voda ni preveč škodila, Definitivno bo treba naslednjič rahlo vtreti prah v lak za še boljši zid.

Še kakšen nasvet za moj naslednji poizkus? Kako so vam všeč takšne manikure?

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