Catrice Haute Future limited editionCatrice Haute Future LE

Aaahhh – what a beautiful collection … and again from Catrice. I feel like they’re spoiling me lately. I mean really – don’t you think these three nail polishes I bought from Catrice Haute Future limited edition are just screaming GEEEEJBA. :biggrin:

Catrice Haute Future haul
Catrice Haute Future haul

All five nail polishes are cute, but I’m trying to limit my nail polish buying rampages so I bought only the 3 that I like the most (limit was 2, but come on, even I need little bit of breathing space :silly: ). So I bought Catrice Never Green Before, iROSEdescent and Gem Into The Future but to be honest, I had strong urge to buy everything from Haute Future limited edition … maybe I could have skipped lipsticks but that was it. Holographic eyeliner, all nail polishes, holographic flakes top coat … do I need to go on? :drool: I’m still amazed how much restraint I shoved. :biggrin:

Catrice iROSEdescent holographic nail polish was no brainer. It’s brown-beige nude on the cooler side (warmer in the sunshine) and looks great even in shadow, then sun shows up and I go all ga-ga. All nail polishes are easy to apply and no special base for holo nail polishes was needed. I do recommend you use little bit thicker second layer in case you use thiner layers or just go for the third one. This shade is probably most universal and wearable.


Catrice Haute Future iROSEdescent SWATCH
Catrice Haute Future iROSEdescent SWATCH



Catrice Haute Future iROSEdescent sun swatch
Catrice Haute Future iROSEdescent sun swatch


It may seem strange I picked Catrice Gem Into The Future over holo topper, but those small bluish flakes intrigued the hell out of me and I had to see for myself if they “do” anything. Well – I can’t say you actually see flakes on the nails (at least for majority of the time), but they do bring bluish sparkle into the mix with silver holo base.


Catrice Haute Future Gem Into The Future swatch
Catrice Haute Future Gem Into The Future swatch



Catrice Haute Future Gem Into The Future sun swatch
Catrice Haute Future Gem Into The Future sun swatch


Catrice Never Green Before is nail polish for my soul. Mainly blue base with tiny, tiny greenish flakes and slight purple douchrome to it (via shimmer maybe?). Drop dead nail polish just in time for warmer temperatures and in my mind bluer version of OPI Catch Me If You Can. First layer is sheer, but I liked how 2 layers looked and left it at that. Of course I had to run out of the time before I swatched this beauty, but you can see the essence of it in video. I’m definitively going to be wearing this as full manicure very soon and will update post with photo swatches.

Price: 3,79 EUR for 10ml (0.33 fl.oz.)

Video application and sun swatches:

What did you buy from Catrice Haute Future LE? Is holo liner as good as it sounds?

Aaahhh – kakšno krasno kolekcijo so nam spet pripravili pri Catrice. Ne vem kako je pri vas, vendar se jaz počasi počutim kot razvajena princeska. Samo poglejte lake, ki sem jih kupila iz Catrice Haute Future omejene izdaje. Se vam ne zdi, da kar kričijo GEEEEJBA? :biggrin:

Catrice Haute Future haul
Catrice Haute Future haul

Vseh 5 lakov v kolekciji je luštnih, ampak ker se trudim omejiti kampanjsko kupovanje lakov, sem kupila 3 meni najlepše. Omejitev je bila sicer 2, ampak dajmo biti resni … tudi jaz potrebujem kakšen odklon na temno stran. :silly: Izbrala sem Catrice Never Green Before, iROSEdescent in Gem Into The Future. Vendar sem se znašla pred hudo dilemo, ko sem stala pred stojalom … kaj sploh pustiti v trgovini. Jaz bi imela VSE. Dobro, mogoče lahko preskočim šminke, ampak nadlak s holo krpicami, holo tekoče črtalo za oči … :drool: V bistvu še kar ne morem verjeti, da sem se tako dobro brzdala. :biggrin:

Catrice iROSEdescent holografski lak za note je bil enostavna izbira. Barva je sicer nekakšna mešanica bež osnove z nekaj rjave primesi in je v senci hladnejšega tona kot na soncu. Ima ravno prav barve v sebi, da ni preveč siv, tako da je lep tudi v senci, ko pa ga obsije sonce … :drop: Sam nanos ni bil res problematičen pri nobenem od lakov, vendar pa je vseeno uporabiti ali debelejšo drugo plast ali pa uporabiti še tretjo, če želite res popoln izgled. Je pa iROSEdescent najbolj univerzalen in nosljiv odtenek.


Catrice Haute Future iROSEdescent SWATCH
Catrice Haute Future iROSEdescent swatch



Catrice Haute Future iROSEdescent sun swatch
Catrice Haute Future iROSEdescent sonce – swatch


Mogoče se zdi rahlo nenavadno, da sem izbrala Catrice Gem Into The Future in ne holo nadlaka, vendar so me modre krpice čisto potegnile notri in sem morala preveriti kako zelo vidne so na nohtih. Niti niso zelo vidne, vendar pa dajo laku modrikast videz, ki se lepo stopi s srebrno bazo.


Catrice Haute Future Gem Into The Future swatch
Catrice Haute Future Gem Into The Future swatch



Catrice Haute Future Gem Into The Future sun swatch
Catrice Haute Future Gem Into The Future sonce – swatch


Catrice Never Green Before je pa odtenek za dušo. Več ali manj modra osnova s prečudovitimi zelenkastimi krpicami in rahlim vijola duochromom (dodatni šimer?). Enostavno za dol past lak, ki me izredno spominja na popularnega OPI Catch Me If You Can in companijo, vendar  v modri barvi. Prva plast je prosojna, pri drugi se še vidijo konice, a mi je bil videz všeč, tako da sem ostala na tem. Seveda mi je zmanjkalo časa ravno za ta swatch, vendar pa bom ta lak zagotovo nosila v prihajajočih dneh, tako da swatch sledi. Lesketanje in zeleno verzijo swatcha si lahko ogledate v spodnjem videoposnetku.

Cena: 3,79 EUR za 10ml.

Video – nanos in swatchi na soncu:

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13 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Catrice Haute Future limited edition<!--:--><!--:sl-->Catrice Haute Future LE<!--:-->”

  1. Zaenkrat sem se še vzdržala, me pa mika Eletrix Blue, k je ša malo bolj moder kot pa Gem Into The Future, se pa strinjam da je cela kolekcija lušna in bo hitro razprodana

  2. Iskreno, tile laki me ne ganejo sploh (kako si drznem!, hehe; je pa luštno brat kolk veselja tebi povzročajo :) ), ampak AAAA, kaj hudiča delaš z obnohtno da je tako krasna?? Se sploh ne spomnim, če sem kdaj videla kakšno objavo na to temo – nega rok in nohtov & izdelki.. a sem kej spregledala (me usmeriš tja?) oz. če ne: bi razmislila o takem prispevku? :nails:

    • LOL – sploh holo so očitno na enem ali drugem spektru priljubljenosti. :biggrin:
      Huh – sem začela pripravljati serijo, pa potem nosečnost ni želela sodelovati in nisem še dokončala niti prvega posta. Sem pa sedaj spet začela z aktivnim režimom, ker imam grozne roke&co, tako da sem vse skupaj spet potegnila iz naftalina. Je pa prvi video že nekaj časa na obeh YT kanalih. Tukaj imaš link do SLO verzije:

      • Ojoj, če pa ti svojemu stanju zdaj praviš “grozno”, potem moram jz kar rokavice začet nosit & skrivat svoje roke :D (verjetno je pa fora predvsem v dovolj rednem “vzdrževanju”, ane, kar mi pa moja lenoba nekako ne dopušča :)).
        Super, hvala za link!

    • Samo, če bi se jaz še bolj slinila, bi bila že poplava. :biggrin: Sumim, da so preveč podobne barve kot osnova in ni takega hudega efekta kot bi lahko bil. :cute:


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