Essence – Jelly Baby Trend Edition

I’m really glad, I can show you this beautiful Jelly Baby Trend Edition from Essence so soon. It is a great collection, which just calls for spring to come. Unfortunately this is a limited edition and will be available only for a short period of time. This time I won’t babble a lot and will let the pictures speak for themselves.

I’ll start with nail polishes. In this collection there are five new shades. They are all creamy and all of them have jelly finish. And because of the jelly finish they aren’t fully opaque. The application on all of them was just perfect. No streaks at all! And when they dry, they are very glossy even without topcoat.

Very Berry is a great raspberry shade. It reminds me of Essie’s Foot Loose, but that one isn’t jelly. In the picture below, there are two coats of color.

Bubblegum has a very appropriate name. It is really like pink bubble gum. It’s very sheer, but surprisingly it doesn’t bother me at all. It really looks like I have pink jelly on my fingers. In the picture there are three coats.

Cotton Candy is the only color from this bunch that doesn’t speak to me at all. It is just boring. It’s almost transparent with very little pink hint. There are two coats in the picture below. I’m sorry for my yellow stained nails

Yummy Gummy… this one has such a funny name and I love it! I love the color and I love the name. IRL it’s not as red as shown on the picture below. It is somewhere in betweenmagenta and red. Great shade for spring and summer! Three coats in the picture.

Cherry Juice has also very appropriate name. It really looks like cherries! Two coats in the picture.

The bottle contains 8ml. The local price is 1,55 €.

Also in the Jelly Baby collection there are:

  • lip glosses: bubble gum, yummy gummy and cherry juice; gel blush

Lip glosses are without the shimmer. They create wet look on lips and are not stickey. They just gently color the lips, because they are not very pigmented.

Gel blush surprised me. I didn’t think I’d like this one, but I was wrong. It is a nice light red blush, which is easy to apply. It dries quickly and doesn’t leave a film on the skin.

  • gloss eyeliner, gloss mascara

Gloss eyeliner applies great. It is purple-blue color with tiny shimmer.

Gloss mascara contains a lot of blue and purple shimmer, which is traped in glossy watery-black base. Overall it is a disappointment to me.

That’s all for today. If you have any questions regarding the products from the Jelly Baby Trend Edition feel free to ask.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

23 thoughts on “Essence – Jelly Baby Trend Edition”

  1. this is gone too… :angry:
    I love polish with jelly finish… so sad…
    I hope that they will be redone some of this beautiful polish!
    Ciao ciao

  2. Resnično moram pohvalit te lakce! Imam 4 odnteke (vse, razen svetlega rozija) in so mi čudoviti! No, razen tisti prozoren je mal brezvezen. Sicer pa trije odtentki – rdečko, rozek in malinca res nimajo konkurence! Čutim da bojo moji ljubljenčki to poletje :)

  3. Sem šla včeraj pogledat za tole kolekcijo – naivka. Na celem stojalu je stala ena maskara in dva glosa. Se bo treba naslednjič hitreje obrnit.

  4. Jaz na splošno ne maram Essence barvnih lakov, ampak Yummy Gummy je pa prekrasen. Pride pa bolj v barvi fuksije, ja. :wub: (Seveda ne gre brez 3 nanosov, drugače se vse vidi čez-tega pa ful ne maram.)

  5. Imam tistega Bubblegum in je zares kul :))) Sicer izjemno tekoč, po dveh nanosih všečen … Ampak nujno za poleti – vsaj po moje, ker je res kričeče roza :cheerful:

  6. Kar ne morem verjeti, da sem dobila vse, joj, kakšne lepe stvari :w00t: . Laki so res lepi, vsak zase je nekaj posebnega. Ja, pomlad prihaja, to se bo videlo tudi na naših nohtih :angel:

  7. Tako, pa sem nazaj iz shoppinga. v MS imajo še nedotaknjeno stojalo. Z mano so šli 3 glosi in 3 laki – Bubble Gum, Cherry Juice in Yummy Gummy ter barvica. Od včeraj imam na nohtih Essijev Mesmerize, zagotovo pa bo naslednji lak na nohith eden od teh, verjetno kar Bubblegum. :cheerful:

  8. Ribica, hvala za poročilo ;)
    Tamara, hvala! Ja, laki so jelly, zato izgledajo vodeno. Potreben je malo debelejši nanos ali trije tanjši. Tanjši nanosi so bolj priporočljivi, ker pri debelejših nanosih je tveganje, da se pojavijo mehurčki večje ;)

  9. Evo, sem si ga namazala.. nisem imela vecjih problemov pri nanosu ampak je pa res, da je malcek voden, tako da je dobro dat malcek debelejso plast gor. Hm mi je pa zato tudi ena ‘razpadla’ oz se razmazala, ko sem po pomoti nekje podrsala noht, menda je bila predebela plast in se ne popolnoma suha.

    V glavnem sedaj je super, in res krasno izgleda na mojih nohtih.

    Imajo jih na obali, jaz sem jih namrec kupila v Kopru, vem da jih je tam se res veliko..

  10. uuu prav cakala sem na ta vnos, vceraj sem sla v Mullerja pogledat ce imajo tiste lakce 50is, ampak so imeli le te in se dve razlicni vrsti..

    Pa sem vzela dva, danes pa se dva (vse razen zvecilke). Ta bez me ni preprical, se ga ne vidi dobro, ampak verjetno bo sedel kateri ki bi rada imela nalakirane nohte ampak ne preocitno.

    Drugace si me pa prepricala, da bi si nalakirala nohte z essence very berry namesto z essie sexy divide.

    Super post!

  11. Hvala vsem! Res sem se potrudila, da sem takoj objavila prispevek. Dokler je še aktualno. Upam, da bo komu prav prišel oz. bo v pomoč pri nakupu.

    Ribica, ta kolekcija je že v drogerijah. Ne sicer še v vseh, a v LJ v centru v Müllerju so jo že dobili :wink: Verjetno bo kmalu tudi povsod drugod!

  12. Ekspresno Maestra! :cool: meni so res vsi všeč :wub: …tako barve kot ta “jelly” finiš..
    Glosi so mi pa malo premalo pigmentirani :whistle:

  13. waaau, čudoviti!!!

    mam iste želje kot goga, s tem da yummy gummy že imam :) imam pa tut tale boring prozoren odtenek, eh :)

  14. Maestra, tole ti je uspelo objaviti v rekordnem času  :angel: ! Čisto vsi lakci so zelo lepi, prvi Very Berry še posebej.
    Pritegne me še gloss eyeliner, glosi morda še najmanj. Ampak, če najdem še kaj na policah, zagotovo kupim  :whistle: .
    Mislim, da je še deodorant v tej ediciji, si ga morda videla?
    Nocoj si oddahni od vonja lakov in acetona.
    Res odlično poročilo, zelo si se potrudila, Maestra  :heart:

  15. Prvi in zadnji lakec sta mi ful zanimiva videt. Posebej prvi je fuuul lep! :kissing:  Všeč mi je tudi tisti blush…mislim zanimivo je za videti:) in pa eyliner je ful lepe barve! Dobra kolekcija…upam, da mi bo uspelo kaj dobit!! :smile:

  16. Čudovito! Maestra, komaj sem čakala tale vnos :lol: Trije temnejši lakci (Very Berry, Yummy Gummy, Cherry Juice) so že na wl (če jih bom sploh dobila), glossi pa itak :w00t:


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