Pretty lilac

By Mamy

While I was standing before S-he stand, S-he Stylezone 436 nail polish caught my attention with its lively violet color.

I used 2 coats and no topcoat. It dries relatively quickly, so I didn’t need fast drying topcoat. And staying power is not really priority in my book – color is.
I get bored by the shade in couple of days anyway.


Color is bit lighter in real life, since I could not capture exact shade – even when I took picture in direct sunlight.


I must admit I could have easily chosen more colors, but this one was most convincing. I recommend 436 to all lilac lovers.

Where is the line between lilac and violet? Or is lilac just brighter violet? What do you think?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

6 thoughts on “Pretty lilac”

  1. Me je premamil tale odtenek, samo nad obstojnostjo sem pa razočarana.  Nalašč nisem uporabila nadlaka, da vidim kako je s tem. Torej zvečer sem ga nanesla, zjutraj nekaj tipkala in na desnem kazalcu ga je manjkalo več kot 2 mm.  Nič fajn.
    Očitno je dober samo za kakšne hitre izhode z rokami v luft. :devil:

  2. Res lep! Čisto za to obdobje, ko se začenja prebujati narava.

    Tudi jaz ga imam v predalu in me že kliče! :w00t:

  3. Meni se zdi lila in vijolična eno in isto :whistle:
    Drugače pa lep odtenek. Jaz imam že kar nekaj S-he lakcev na wish listi. Pomoje bom šla danes malo zapravljati :devil:


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