V.I.P. – Very Important (Rainbow) Polish

Today is a special day! You wonder why? It’s day for VIP!

VIP – Very Important Polish from Precision is really a special polish. It’s a dark eggplant cream polish with silver shimmer trapped in it. The tiny shimmer is visible only under good lightning. In poor lightning the polish looks almost black.

Precision - VIP - Very Important PolishThere are two coats in the picture above. Overall I’m satisfied with Precision polishes. They have regular round brush, which for my taste could be slightly bigger, it’s OK as it is. I’ve had some application problems with VIP polish, because the formula on this one is a little bit on the runny side, but it’s not really annoying. So, I still think it is a great polish! I ordered Precision polishes through eBay from USA. The bottle contains 16ml pure VIP nail polish

But the above polish was just an introduction for something way better! I’m so excited, that I have hard time to type I mean, VIP is great shade, but Very Important Rainbow Polish is so much better! You ask, what Very Important Rainbow Polish means? This is VIP with one coat Gosh’s Rainbow polish! Just look how amazing this is…

Gosh - Rainbow over Precision - VIP - Very Important PolishGosh - Rainbow over Precision - VIP - Very Important PolishGosh - Rainbow over Precision - VIP - Very Important PolishAre you speechless? Don’t worry, I surely was speechless and couldn’t breath properly, when I admired this beautiful combination. It’s incredible, what those tiny flakes hide. And even more incredible, how shyly they hide in the bottle, where they just don’t look as anything spectacular. But on the dark surface they come to life!

I wish you great rainbowy day!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “V.I.P. – Very Important (Rainbow) Polish”

  1. Pretty cool post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say
    that I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog posts. In any case
    I’ll be subscribing to your blog and I hope you post again soon!

  2. Where can i get some of the Rainbow nail polish from Gosh Cosmetics?! I’ve looked all over the internet and i cannot find it anywhere! :[ Can you be of any assistance? I live in Denver, Colorado and i really love doing my nails, and I really want this polish with all my heart, (haha) and I just want one bottle of it if that’s all I’m able to get. Help?

  3. Wauuuu! Sem vidla slikco na forumu, pa sem rekla da moram pridit semle pokomentirat :smile:
    Čudovit je že sam lak, tele mavrične  “bleščice” so pa res pika na i!! :heart:

  4. Hvala, punce!

    Hahaha, zakaj sumim, da bo teh mavric kaj hitro zmanjkalo na policah :devil: Baje jih imajo tudi v Leclercu v LJ ;)

    Vsekakor je lak prečudovit in ne bo razočaral! No, pri odstranjevanju bo verjetno malo “težek”, a to je cena, ki jo moramo plačati (poleg tiste na listku) :wink:

  5. oh my god!! :blink:  čudovito! tale Rainbow je pa res nekaj posebnega. verjetno zares zaživi šele na temni podlagi…tole bo pa mojeeee :w00t:


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