After comparing TFI and UDPP, time has come to compare Too Faced Shadow Insurance to CS Eye-Poxy.
For a while Coastal Scents Eye-Poxy Shadow Primer was my favorite primer. It gave life to mineral eyeshadows and prevented creasing for couple of hours. Staying power was comparable to UDPP on my eyelids and blending was easier over Poxy. Biggest con was packaging – the pot.
Then it started: primer became clumpy, started to crease almost right away (part of the problem were my more and more oily eyelids), I could not easily reach product with fingers and after six months it started to smell. For a while I solved creasing problem with UDPP under Poxy, but I got lazy and dust started to gather on my Poxy.
First I compared staying power and color intensity on my arm. From top to bottom I applied Sweetscents eyeshadows: Plum Shimmer, Dark Wine Shimmer and Royal Peacock. I choose eyeshadows where difference was biggest. If I used lighter shades or those with not so pronounced base I could barely see the difference.
Photos were made under different kinds of lighting:
Colors are more vivid on Poxy – to me, they look more “greasy”. The staying power is better on TFI and interestingly blending was also easier over TFI.
My Poxy primer came from the first batch available. Meanwhile Coastal Scent changed formula.
Old ingredients were: Dimethicone, Cyclomethicone, Triethylene Glycol, Boron Nitride, Beeswax, Cetyl Alcohol, Polysorbate 80, Silica, Candelilla Wax, Carnuba Wax, Mica, Magnesium Stearate, Vitamin E (Tocopherol).
New ones as listed on CS: Castor Wax, Cyclomethicone, Beeswax, Silca, Boron Nitride, Dimethicone, Candelilla Wax, Castor Oil, Cetyl Stearic Alcohol, Polysorbate 80, Vitamin E (Tocopherol).
Poxy costs 11.95$ at CS and has nett weight of 10g.
My next experiment will be with products that are not primers in their primary founction but I’m interested in finding out how do they compare to other primers.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Jaz imam tudi tega poxija in je kar ok…. s tem da se mi zadnje case veke nenormalno mastijo in mi ne pomaga vec nic .(. No mogoce pa se mi to dogaja samo pri enem kompletu senck (manhattan) in so sencke za v smeti….
Sprva se sploh nisem mogla navadit na ta primer, grudice grudice in spet grudice. Ampak no, saj gre..
A zamenjaš veke? :silly:
Res konkretna razlika, good job gejba :wink:
js to opažam praktično pri vseh senčkah. Ugotavljam tudi, da nimam tako blazno zahtevnih vek in mi je bistveno, da primer predvsem vdahne senčkam življenje, jih naredi bolj intenzivne. Zato mi je Poxy toliko bolj všeč. Mi pa ne gre nič v gubo – kot pravim, nimam tako strašno zahtevnih vek kot gejba, mi pa brez podlage senčke tudi takoj izpuhtijo nekam
Zanimivo a ne ;) Nam vsaj ni dolgčas :silly:
Saj veš kako je ponavadi – če je meni OK, tebi ni in obratno. :silly:
Glede na to, da me je TFI razočaral, bi rada sprobala še Poxy-a. Najprej moram porabiti vse ostale podlage, potem pa pride na vrsto P. :angel: