Few faces of LCN 156

I had horrible weather (rain, wind) this year while vacationing by the sea, so I spend some of my free time doing nail polish swatches. Good thing sun decided to come out and play every once a while.

While shopping in LCN store, I picked up nail corrector pen, 156 and 139 polishes.

L:156; R:139
L:156; R:139

Meet LCN 156 (Maniac Mauve?) nail polish.

I’m not even going to try to describe this chameleon shade. They do say picture says more than 1000 words, right?

LCN - 156

LCN - 156

LCN - 156

LCN - 156

LCN - 156

When sun was shining, you could mostly see the color from the first picture. Application was piece of cake, but it took ages to dry – fast top coat is a must with LCN polishes.

Price is somewhere between 5 and 6 EUR (7-8 USD).

Do you like it or is it to “special”?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

9 thoughts on “Few faces of LCN 156”

  1. So sorry that the weather wasn’t good on your vacation. I’ve never heard of this brand. They are both pretty color. The second color is absolutely gorgeous!! That finish looks really different.

  2. Aja še to… Tudi meni se ti laki predolgo sušijo. Tudi pod hitrosušečim nadlakom. Nadlak se posuši, spodaj pa ne. Predvidevam, da niso kompatibilni s podlakom. Moram nabaviti še kakšen LCN podlak in preveriti, kako bo potem.

  3. Hahaha… ni mi dalo miru in sem šla pogledat, kaj se skriva pri meni pod LCN. Ja itak, da imam 157 :blush: Gejba, tvoj je skoraj zagotovo 156, ker 157 je res nekaj v tem smislu kot na tvojem zadnjem linku – v komentarju. Prelivanje med zlato in “še eno”…

  4. Barve so na kartah vedno nerealne. 157 sklepam, da je zato, ker je edini s podobno številko označen kot duochrome. :think: V LCN skladišču je oznaćen kot 156.
    TUKAJ se mogoče še malo bolj vidi.

  5. Oh, meni je fenomenalen!!!  :biggrin: Sploh na 2. in 3. fotografiji!
    Ampak po tisti karti pa ne bi rekla, niti da je 156 niti da e 157! :unsure:
    Če boste pogruntale, kateri je, bi prosila, da to napišete, ker ga bom po vsej verjetnosti naročila!… :wub:


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