Wet n Wild – Brow Essentials

While snooping at Wet n Wild stand, I saw this cute eyebrow kit … and had to buy it.

Wet n Wild - Brow Essentials

Set contains: 2 shaded brow powders, wax, tweezers, brush and mirror.

Wet n Wild - Brow Essentials

Both tweezers and brush are very useful. Tweezers are really tiny – they measure only 5 cm in length. I didn’t expect much from them, but they’re really handy when shaping eyebrows.
Brush is stiff enough to do the job, but not rough enough to hurt your skin.

Wet n Wild - Brow Essentials

My set is designed for blonds and brunettes. Lighter color is light brown, while darker is darker grayish brown color. Both colors are more cool than warm toned.

Wet n Wild - Brow Essentials

They do look a lot warmer in sun light.


I liked the wax – a lot. It kept my disobedient brows in their place all day long.

If you go to the Wet n Wild UK main page, you’ll get few tips how to fill your brows. I prefer second technique.

You even get little mirror with this set. It just confirms “must have” status of the Wet n Wild Brow Essential kit.

Wet n Wild - Brow Essentials

I paid 4.45 EUR (6 USD) for Brow Essentials.

Don’t forget: voting for Nails are my joy giveaway ends today at 11:59 PM (GMT +2).

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

9 thoughts on “Wet n Wild – Brow Essentials”

  1. That is a nice kit. I’ve payed plenty for the Smashbox Brow Kit. I love the wax, it really does work. I haven’t bothered with WetnWild for so long. I thought it was just crap. Seems like they’ve really changed.

  2. He, he, he, Gejba, ti se pritožuješ s tvojimi gostimi obrvmi … Tale set bi potrebovala jaz, da pofilam tiste luknje med tistimi petimi dlakami, ki jih imam namesto obrvi, ampak kaj ko mi zadnje čase (no, kak mesec ali dva) zjutraj redno zamnjkuje časa :unsure:

  3. Z barvanjem zapolnimo vrzeli. Jaz imam temne obrvi, tako da se hitro pozna, če izpulim kako dlako preveč oz. je enostavno ni tam, kjer bi morala biti.

  4. Jaz pa obrvi utrdim kar z Essence zadevo … in celo drži, je pa v obliki maskare. Mi je fino, ker se tudi moje obrvi malenkost kremžijo in vrtijo sem in tja …
    V čem pa je smisel barvanja obrvi s temi senčili?


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