I’ll say it up front, I love Ciate Paint Pots‘ nail polishes! They are heavily pigmented and have some great shades. The other side of the coin is the thick formula, which makes it somewhat harder to apply, but you can add some thinner and solve the problem. The price is also not the lowest out there as it goes for £7 and up. I was persuaded by their beautiful bottles and a few wonderful shades. I’m also very fond of their fast drying top coat, which dries the polish extremely fast. Minus is the toluen in the top coat, which makes it smelly and not very healthy.
First of, I’m going to show you the wonderful golden-green shade, called Golden Globe. I mean, it’s a stunner!
There are two coats in the picture.
The next manicure was made in the following steps…
First one coat of Ciate Paint Pots – Silk Stockings, which is a dirty yellow creme.
Than I added one coat of Essie Matte About You – matte top coat.
And at the end I stamped my nails with images from the Konad image plates m21 and m28.
I have to admit, that the yellow polish was applied in a hurry and that’s why such a (površen) application, but you can anyway see the color.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Thank you both! :rose: I’m looking forward to get my goodies! :w00t:
Thanks for your great email and the pictures look fab. Just to let you know that your order was sent airmail on 14th Sept, so enjoy.
:wub: I also love those bottles with the little bows. The golden shaded green is really beautiful. The yellow is pretty. I also liked it matted and Konaded. I have Essie’s Matte About You and can’t wait to use it. :nails:
golden globe :stars:
konad je pa tud prelep :wub: bo treba spet kakšne nove platke naročit :silly:
… za katerega upam, da ga bomo skupaj občudovale. :rose:
Hvala, Maestra za razlago, meni ponavadi nekaj vzorčka ostane na štampiljki, potem, ko sem odtisnila vzorček na noht. Skoraj si upam trditi, da v bližnji prihodnosti ne boste videle moje teme z naslovom KOTD. :blush: :whistle: Ali pač, kaj pa vemo,kam se vrti ta svet… :silly:
Nati, res je lep Golden Globe, kajne! :stars:
Mamy, nimam pametnega odgovora, kako uspeva… vedno tudi meni ne uspe, kar se vidi že na sami štempiljki in takrat vzorca niti ne odtisnem na noht in zbrišem iz štempiljke ter ponovno od začetka. Ja, vaja dela mojstra in pravi laki zadevo bistveno olajšajo ;) Ciatki so vsi po vrsti prečudoviti…
Nati, točno tako kot si napisala. Na koncu nisem dodala nadlaka in zato je Konad bistveno manj obstojen, a za krajše afnanje je superca :wink: Danes je na mojih že naslednji lepotec OPI My Private Jet :wub:
ohhh, Golden globe je res prečudovit! sem ga že v živo občudovala :wub:
eno vprašanje Maestra – rumeni lak si zmatirala, potem pa nanesla konad? predvidevam da potem nisi dodala nobenega nadlaka, da je rumenko ostal mat, vzorček pa svetleč?
Kako ti uspeva tako brezhibno odtisniti vzorčke, Maestra? :stars: :drop:
No, jaz imam kar probleme, ampak nisem obupala, menda vaja dela mojstra… :think: :biggrin:
Ciatki pa :drop: enkrat si jih privoščim.
Golden Globe je čudovit :wub: