Golden Rose 226 konadicure

Meet the main actors in todays post.

From L to R: Golden Rose 226, CND Eskimo Kiss and Essence Love of my life
From L to R: Golden Rose 226, CND Eskimo Kiss and Essence Love of my life

Co-actors are two of the Chez-Delaney plates H 21 and H 28, I already showed you HERE.

I used Golden Rose 226 nail polish as a base. This is a dark red creme shade. I presume it will look brownish in shorter and darker days ahead of us. As you can see its still streaky after two coats. I used top coat too.

Golden Rose 226

I could not resist my new nail art plates, so I decided to use no. H 28. On pinky and index finger I used Essence – Love of my life polish. But something was missing, so I switched to CND Eskimo kiss shade (middle finger). Then it occurred to me that problem was not in the polish but the image I was using. It was little bit too much for me with the chosen base polish. Ring finger got image from H 21 plate made with CND polish.

Golden Rose 226, CND Eskimo Kiss in Essence Love of my life; Chez Delaney H28, H21

I liked the combination of waves and CND Eskimo Kiss so experimenting is finished … for today. :D

I guess today is the day for konad-skittles.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

16 thoughts on “Golden Rose 226 konadicure”

  1. Všeč mi je vzorec, razen tisti na prstancu… :blush: Nisem vedela, da so tile Essence lakci tako uporabni. Moram ga nabavit, takoj ko ga kje zagledam. :nails:


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