Ciate Paint Pots, R.I.P.

I was very happy, when our huge package with Ciate Paint Pots arrived. But the package looked weird…

R.I.P. CiateLook, what was inside…

R.I.P. CiateR.I.P. CiateR.I.P. CiateR.I.P. Ciate

Glass shards “glued” on other nail polish bottles.R.I.P. CiateR.I.P. CiateNail polish bottle “glued” with dry polish in the box. And no bubble wraps in the box.

R.I.P. Ciate

I was afraid I would cut myself when pulling the polish out of the box.

R.I.P. Ciate

R.I.P. our Ciate Paint Pots.

R.I.P. Ciate

The seller handled the complaint correctly. It’s still in the process. When it’s 100% done I’ll tell you the whole story.

I was just wondering why is it so hard to wrap each nail polish bottle in bubble wraps? Or at least to bind them tightly together and then wrap them all in bubble wraps. I mean, I really don’t get it. Everybody knows, how the mail is and everything. I mean, would you send a glass vase in a box without proper protection? Fortunatelly, as I said before, the seller took the responsibility, which is fortunate and I appreciate it!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

15 thoughts on “Ciate Paint Pots, R.I.P.”

  1. :shock: That isn’t a responsible way to mail nail polish. Really, how cheap is bubble wrap! What a shame. I hope when you get a replacement that it isn’t broken.

  2. I can’t believe there wasn’t even one layer of bubble wrap!
    Really, what was the seller expecting? I’m glad he took your complaint into account. Please tell us the rest of this story when it is over.

  3. O, kakšna škoda :cry:
    V mojem paketu so bili vsi lakci zaviti v mehurčke in še vsak posebej. Najbrž je odvisno od tega, kdo pakira. Škoda, da so tako dobre lake “obsodili” na milost in nemilost.
    Maestra, upam, da boste vse uredili. :rose:

  4. Sploh si ne predstavljam groze, ki bi jo doživela, če bi prejela tak paket. In laki, tudi če so celi, niso več tapravi. Še posebej, če moraš porabit liter acetona da očistiš stekleničke. :unsure: Groza!
    Kakor koli že, upam da se bo zadeva uspešno uredila. Hočem namreč gledat slikce. :wub:

  5. Kot sem napisala, je bil paket precej velik. V celotnem paketu je bila tudi ena darilna toaletna torbica s tremi laki – ti so vsi ostali celi in nedotaknjeni. Od ostalih pa… celih oz. nezlomljenih je bilo 9 lakov, od tega recimo da sta dva ostala dokaj lepa. Ostali so pa umazani in/ali odeti v črepinje.

  6. Nati, zunaj je bila še ena velja kartonasta škatla in potem notri dve takšni manjši škatli. Mehurčki so bila pa le zgoraj. Ko so nafilali ta veliko škatlo, so na vrh dodali še mehurčke, da so zapolnili prostor. Reveži čisto spodaj so trkali drug ob drugega in še nobene zaščite ni bilo pod njimi. V vsaki mali škatlici se je zlomil po en lak. Tako da so bili zraven skoraj vsi totalno popacani in odeti v steklene drobce. Resnično packarija za umret, no. Mislim, da bomo zadevo ugodno za nas rešili in močno upam, da se je prodajalec iz tega kaj naučil. ;) Med drugim sem tudi za to napisala ta prispevek… da se vidi, kako NE zapakirati lakov. :D


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