Essence Moonlight TE nail polishes

Two hard awaited new Essence collections finally came to our Muller store. Today I have for you Essence Moonlight nail polishes.

Essence: Live Forever, Into The Night, Sparkling Drama
Essence: Live Forever, Into The Night, Sparkling Drama

Photos taken in sunshine are only included so you can see the shimmer – pictures in shade show the realistic colors.

Live Forever is light gray/silver polish, loaded with multicolored shimmer (almost glitter). All of the polishes have similar shimmer and to my surprise it came off without much fuss. Application was unproblematic, but since this polish is quite sheer it could use three coats. I used only two. On my ring finger I added one layer of Essie Matte About You. Color is as shown in picture taken in the shade.

Essence Moonlight - Live Forever
Essence Moonlight - Live Forever

Into The Night has almost black base, but loads of multicolored shimmer give this shade dark gray look. Application was difficult because of its gooey consistency. Shimmer is larger than in other two polishes. I used two layers – no top coat.

Essence Moonlight - Into The Night
Essence Moonlight - Into The Night

My favorite shade from Essence Moonlight collection is Sparkling Drama. Shimmer blends nicely in pink base, so it does not stand out as much as in other two shades.

Essence Moonlight - Sparkling Drama

Essence Moonlight - Sparkling Drama

Polishes come in 10 ml (0.33 fl.oz) bottle and cost 1.69 EUR (2.5 USD).

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

21 thoughts on “Essence Moonlight TE nail polishes”

  1. Do you know where I could find the trio glitter set from this collection online? :) I’ve been looking for it for a month now. :D I want it soo bad. :(

  2. Hohoho. Božička sem srečala. Resno. :think:
    Gejba, takrat ko si objavila tele slikice sem se čisto zaljubila v tistega črnega Into the night. Danes stopim v Tuš drogerijo in glej ga zlomka…najdem tole Moonlight kolekcijo. Torej najlepše darilo od božička…tale črni bleščičast lak. :wub:

  3. I finally “woke up” and decided I needed the collection so in the last 2 days I went to 3 DMs and found all the piecies (included the nailpolishes) but the brush :-( But there are still a couple od DMs I can check out :-)

  4. :stars: I really love the last three you’ve shown. The others are nice. Love the black glitter and the shimmers. The pink are really pretty.

  5. Včeraj so na Čopovi še imeli par lakcev..
    Drugo kolekcijo SOTD pa še za blagajno :D Na prvi pogled bi uzela oranžen lakec, ker sem pač ljubiteljica oranžne :D Od telih 3eh mi je pa še najbol všeč Sparkling Drama :D

  6. OMG I’ve just discovered your blog and you’re so lucky! These weren’t due until nov.1st and even if I have been hunting them in 4 Müller and 2 DM stores I haven’t been able to find them during my German shoping day on Tuesday :cry:
    Now I’m back to Paris so I’ll just have to drool and look at you pictures. Seriously they’re all sooo pretty, enjoy them ^_^

  7. meni so tile lakci čudoviti :wub:
    sploh črn, ki je že pri meni in siv, ki ga tudi dobim :nails:
    Gejba nohtki pa popolni kot vedno :rose:

  8. men so pa tko hudi te trije lakci.. za znort! pa še nobenga podobnega nimam.. zato bi si jih kr vse tri nabavla če bi jih kje dobla  :cry:

  9. Očitno telih ne bom potrebovala. Taki dolgočasni so. Prodajali se bodo pa tako ali tako samo zaradi imena. :wink: Zakaj imajo pa tako stekleničko kot S-he laki? Meni so tiste Essence bajsike bolj všeč.

  10. Jst nism nikjer vidla druge kolekcije.. pa sm res vse pregledala.. sm šla tut v dm, pa tam imajo še vedno creamy… tisto kolekcijo.. ne vem no.. nimam sreče  :think:

  11. :angry: No jst sm bla dans v Müllerju na čopovi in so imel samo Moonlight kolekcijo, pa vse so mel.. sam lakcov ne.. tko da sm čist razočarana  :unsure:

    • Mogoče se ti pa sreča nasmehne in jih dobiš v drugem Mullerju ali pa se jih bo celo dalo dobiti v DMu.
      A še vedno skrivajo SOTP za blagajno? :shock:


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