Golden Rose 207

Golden Rose 207 can hardly be called a pretty color, but I had to try it anyway.

Golden Rose: 207, 281, 223
Golden Rose: 207, 281, 223

207 is beige-brown shade. If you added little bit eggnog into milk coffee this is the color you’d get.

Golden Rose 207

If it wasn’t so yellow maybe I could tolerate it on my nails. Since that is not the case, it really looked funny on me.

It’s little more manageable in the sunshine, since gold shimmer comes to life. It looks little bit darker in the photo than in reality.

Golden Rose 207

I wanted to use gold nail art over it, but I received my new Chez-Delaney plates and Essence All Access polish, so I experimented a little bit.

I used hypnotic image from H11 plate.

Golden Rose 207 + Essence All Access + CD H11

Don’t worry – I didn’t leave my house with this combination on my nails. But I did learn something: All Access is great for Konad and hypnotic image takes few trials to master.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Golden Rose 207”

  1. :think: That seems like a hard shade to wear. Good idea to Konad over it. The next two shades are gorgeous. I really like them.

  2. Gejba & Maestra are two different persons. :wink: We’re acctually a few women writing this blog. Under the header of a post you can see, who wrote the post. :wink:

  3. ohh thanks for the info.. im looking forward to ur other golden rose polishes swatches…im a bit confused.. does u & maestra is different to each other or just 1 person.. lol

  4. ohhh… i have only 1 golden rose polish…thanks for swatching those golden rose polish.. im glad that those polish is locally available here in Abu much is ur fauxnad plate in $?plus the shipping? how long u’ve waited for ur items?

    • It came pretty quickly, since store is located in France. Large plates cost little bit less than 6 USD + 4 USD for shipping (up to 200g of plates).
      You’re welcome – I still have quite a few Golden Rose polishes to swatch. :cool:

  5. Barva mi sploh ni všeč, na splošno so mi rjavi odtenki tak velik no-go. Je pa skupaj s konadikturo kar zanimivo in niti ne tako napačno.

  6. Evo, še en komentarček od Maestre, ki je trenutno na poslovnem potovanju. ;)

    Gejba, meni je GR sam po sebi bolj všeč in sploh ni napačen. Itak noben lak ni napačen zame. :silly: Konad vzorec je res ubitačno hipnotičen. Barvna kombinacija pa mi ni všeč. Jaz bi na tole “kakec” barvo dala rjavo – vem, totalno nekreativno, a meni so všeč takšne subtilne in ne preveč kontrastne kombinacije.

  7. Ampak je pa res en tak kakec lakec … Čvrst kakec, kot bi rekli v tisti Pedigree reklami …
    No, saj ne bom več nič rekla, sicer bo lakec pobegnil k Maestri, ki prijazno posvoji vsakega izgubljenčka :biggrin:

    Konadikura mi je všeč, ampak barvna kombinacija pa nikakor ne … Ne ena ne druga :whistle:
    Ampak vseeno ena :rose: zate, da ti ne pokvarim preveč dneva ;)

  8. Zelenko je res lep. Pri meni še ni prišel na vrsto. Vzorček je nekaj posebnega – I like it :silly:
    GR za podlago je pa tako tako, če daš čez nekaj boljšega, se da preživet  :biggrin: :nails:

  9. sam Golden rose lakec je res nekam kakcast :think:  ampak kombinacija z zeleno je pa ubitačna!! da ne govorim o tem krassnem hipnotičnem vzorcu! in veš kaj gejba, mislim da ti bolje skorajda ne bi moglo uspet :w00t:  krasno krasno :stars:  a tale zeleni essenček pa tako dobro deluje s konadom? to je treba probat!


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