Costal Scents recently expanded their line of gel liner. On of the shades added was Exotic.
I was pleasantly surprised that they added the name of the liner at the bottom of the jar. I have few of the old liner that look similar from the outside, so I have to open them up to check if I have the right color and that is not a good thing to do with quickly drying product.
I was impressed with Exotic gel liner – olive green filled with gold and green shimmer and on top of it they added multicolored shimmer as well.
However I did find CS description to be little bit inaccurate:
Golden brown with green tones and little shimmers, pearlescent.
More that I look at my gel liner, less do I see any brown in it.
It applied beautifully, shimmer is so finely milled so it wont scratch your eyelids if you use it as an eyeshadow base.
I’m satisfied with lasting power when used as a liner or base (I always use TFI under it).
My gel liner came cracked – I hope that is not the sign that it’s already drying.
I paid 7 USD + shipping in Coastal Scents Internet store.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Beautiful shade. That is my favorite eye shadow color. I just love gel eye liner.
It really is very pretty. :wub:
Prelep! Ta je že nekaj časa na mojem seznamu ampak si ga še nisem privoščila ;)
wow!! this reminds me of my guppy polish #99..hehehe
Izredno lep odtenek! Ampak liner-je tako malo uporabljam, da bi tudi tale pri meni samo prah nabiral.
krasnoooooooo :stars:
O najlepša hvala za odgovor. To pa res ni veliko se pa kar splača ker imajo res dobre stvari in veliko bolj poceni kot marsikaj pri nas. Tale barva je res posebna. Nekaj časa nazaj so eno podobno barvo imeli v obliki sence za oči pri Artdecu. Sem jo še iskala pa je od takrat nisem zasledila nikjer več.
U res je lep! Imam eno vprašanje. Zanima me koliko pride poštnina? Saj to naročaš iz USA ali ne? Mene že dolgo mika, da bi naročila več stvari pa ne vem kako je s poštnino in koliko časa traja da pride pošiljka. Res bi bila hvaležna za odgovor.
Traja ponavadi od 10-14 dni, nazadnje sem plačala nekaj manj kot 10 USD za poštnino. Ponavadi je najlažje, da dodaš želene artikle v košarico in vidiš koliko pride poštnina v izbrani trgovini. Paziti moraš pa, da znesek ne prekorači 22 EUR, če ne plačaš še DDV.
Oooooo la la! Kako je lep! :wub:
Prečudovit je… :wub: