My Favorite Jeans by H&M

Nope – I wont be writing about jeans today. My topic will be H&M polish called My Favorite Jeans.

My Favorite Jeans by H&M

I think the fact I had it on twice in the two weeks tell you all about my love for this polish. I just love the blue-gray combination with multicolored shimmer. It’s not the easiest polish to remove but it’s easy to apply.

My Favorite Jeans by H&M

I’m very happy with the staying power. Picture was taken 4. or 5. day after I applied it. There is little bit of tip wear visible, but no chipping. I used 2 layers and top coat. Since the polish is sheer, you’ll need two thick coats or three normal ones.

Under the bright light blues comes to the front, but in the weaker lighting gray dominates. I any case – it goes lovely together with the jeans.

Maestra brought it with her from Germany and it costs 3.95 EUR. It’s only available in H&M stores. We have those … but not the cosmetics part.


This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

12 thoughts on “My Favorite Jeans by H&M”

  1. wooooooo… i never though H&M has a nail polish…weeeee… ill try to look it H&M here has a polish… :biggrin: hehehehe.. cross fingers!! :silly:

  2. I’ve got this one too- i find it weird too that they don’t sell them in every h&m store- maybe because of the lack of space?

  3. uff pet dni pa takole lepo?  jaz štejem med najobstojnejše lake, ki mi zdržijo 3 dni, četrti dan so že sanje

    je pa prekrasen tale lakec! upam da tudi naš HM kaj kmalu dobi dekorativo

  4. Tale je res zelo lep. Če bi bil še malo bolj pigmentiran, bi bil popoln. Vsekakor pa je pravi posebnež. V moji zbirki ni podobnega.

    Nataša, tudi pri meni noben lak ne zdrži 5dni. Poleg tega, da enostavno ne zdržim z isto barvo toliko časa, na meni tudi obstojni niso toliko časa.


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