Comparison: Essence – Meet You In Budapest vs. Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial

Nihrida asked me, if Essence – Meet You In Budapest was similar to Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial. So I made a comparison …

Essence - Meet You In Budapest Vs. Ciate Paint Pots - SuperficialThey look similar in the bottles, but are different when applied.

Essence - Meet You In Budapest Vs. Ciate Paint Pots - SuperficialEssence - Meet You In Budapest Vs. Ciate Paint Pots - Superficial

I did quick comparison swatches on a nail wheel. As you can see, Superficial is darker. I may have just found my perfect teal cream. As much as I loved Superficial, it was always a bit too dark for what I wanted. I have to try Meet You In Budapest on my nails to be sure, but I think it is a perfect teal for my taste. I can already say, that it is definitely a must have shade for all you blue lovers out there.

Both shades were applied in two coats in the pictures. I had no application issues.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

17 thoughts on “Comparison: Essence – Meet You In Budapest vs. Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial”

  1. Kirsten, I keep my fingers crossed, that you’ll find MYiB.

    Thriszha, you can buy Ciates online at Asos, Powder Rooms, ABC Beauty etc. Weeee… new background :w00t: I’m glad you like it! :rose:

  2. ohh i love them both… :wub: :blush:  waaaaaaaaaaaa…. where in earth i can buy this polish? btw… i love the new background..weeeeeeee… im feeling the winter bliss…

  3. I hate myself for not picking up Budapest when I had the chance. I was on a polish frenzy, already had P2 Dangerous in my hands and decided against it. And now I want it. :(
    I could have gotten P2 dangerous anytime but this was a one time deal. Why didn’t I buy it?!
    Thanks for the comparison.

  4. heii ker sm tud med tistimi, ki niso pršle do svojga MYIB me zanima, kje pa lahko kupm Ciate Pains Pots – Superficial. lp

  5. Ja, sem danes že videla celotno stojalo razstavljeno, vsega je še zadost, deino MYIB ni več :unsure:
    Res je lep, meni še vedno žal, da nisem 2 vzela, ko bla šansa (ker kupljeni roma sestrični). Mi je pa rjav ful všeč  :wub: ga imam ravno danes na sebi.

  6. Dons majo te lake v Mullerju (center Lj.), sem ga jaz kupila pred pol ure. Cela kolekcija je bla lih na novo nafilana! :wink:

  7. Ja, Duckalicious, postavi se v vrsto. :biggrin:  Dobijo se baje za pultom Mullerja. Če boš prodajalki simpatična boš smela kupit lak, drugače pa ne. To ni kar za vsakega, veš. :wink:  Mislim da mi ni potrebno posebej omenjat, da se tudi jaz priporočam za en izvod Budimfešte. Če ga pa jaz prej najdem – jih kupim več in vas obvestim na ARS-u. :nails:

  8. Maestra, najlepša hvala za tole primerjavo! :rose: Hvala, hvala, hvala!
    Tudi jaz priznam, da je MYIB lepši. Čudovit. Popoln odtenek. Petrolej…ga kar vonjam. Mmmmmm…
    A little bit of me just died. :cry:


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