Nihrida tagged me almost a month ago. Don’t ask me why I postponed this one for so long. I don’t know. I just did. I think it’s a really fun game. Searching trough my past was a lot of fun and even more fun was searching for pictures of “my” men from the past. :D
First one is David Hasselhoff. I loved to watch the Knight Rider TV show with my brother. I watched it every day. Maybe it was actually because of Kitt, but I thought that Michael was kind of cute too. I admit. And I also listened to his music.
Joey McIntyre … I was a big fan of NKOTB and Joey was my sweetheart.Patrick Swayze … Dirty Dancing is my favourite movie and I watched it for a thousand times already, if not more. I know a lot of dialogues by heart. Johnny was damn sexy! Patrick, RIP!Will Smith … He was cute as The Fresh Prince, but he is even yummier now. Mmm …Johnny Depp … Do I even have to add anything??? I tag:
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Johnny… :wub: Can’t help myself. Samo da pri meni ni a guy I used to like, ampak je a guy I like. :blush:
…jagodka, saj pri meni tudi. Tale je za vedno. :D
sem bila pridna in sem se odzvala na tag :))
povejte Saši, da sem jo taggala nazaj :)))
glede haselhofa – v obalni straži je bil še bolj fejst :)
Pridna, Nati. ;) Sašo smo obvestili. Bomo videli, ali bo izpolnila “dolžnost”. :D Hasselhoff pa… ljubavni tepih zmaga… grr.. :D
aaa debest!
Yeah Jonny Depp :stars:
Hahaa… hudo hudo! Bom danes to naredila, da spravim na kup vse tage, ki se jih tako kot ti rahlo izogibam :D^^Tnx za tag!
OMG! :haha: David Hasselhoff??? Resno? :haha:
will smith in johnny depp :wub: joey pa mičkn zadrogiran zgleda :roll: :haha:
aham… lepotca… joey je bil pravi otrok še takrat… morda tudi zdrogiran… nimam pojma.