Misa – Toxic Seduction

The manicure Veruschka with dragons reminded me of a manicure I did way back, but didn’t have the chance to show it to you yet. I guess now’s the time to do it …

Misa – Toxic Seduction is also one of the polishes with a story behind it. I ordered it from H2T back in November 2008 with other beautiful greens, but the package never arrived. And our lovely Gejba bought it for my last birthday and made me a very happy person. Thank you dear!

Here it is in all its beauty …
Misa - Toxic Seduction
Dark green with hints of blue and grey. No application issues. Two coats shown in the picture.
Misa - Toxic Seduction + Fake-Konad H20
I added a little something to the manicure. The image is from the Fake-Konad plate H20. I stamped with China Glaze – Metallic Muse.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

9 thoughts on “Misa – Toxic Seduction”

  1. OMG that is fabulous. I just bought Toxic and have worn it once and love it. But the Konad just makes it stratospherically gorgeous.  :nails:

  2. Tale je resnično lepotec. Ga imam tudi sama. Nisem vedela, da H2T niso zanesljivi. Jaz sem vedno naročala v tej trgovini in zmeraj dobila kar sem naročila.


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