Better late than never?
Lately, I’m totally not into writing posts. That’s why I’m a bit late to the party, but anyway. I did a manicure in honour of our blog’s first birthday. I can’t believe it’s been a year since we started writing. One year! I have to say, it was a great year. I learned a lot and I had a lot of fun blogging. I write mainly when I’m inspired by something. I can’t write when someone is pushing me. That’s why I always had fun writing reviews and doing swatches. My computer is telling me, that I have in my “Nohti” (which means nails) folder 26,7GB of data. Can you believe it? That is a lot of pictures!
As I mentioned before, I did a B-day manicure. It was skittles in colors of our Parokeets logo. I added some messages …
Happy Birthday, Parokeets!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
i love it…. happy bday parokeets.. muwhaaaaaaaaaa… :nails: :wub:
Thank you, Tiffani! I’m glad you liked the manicure. I had a lot of fun doing it. :D
Happy Birthday….sorry it’s late! I love this konadicure!
My birthday is in October and I think I will try something like this….using my month colors…pink and opal!
I love reading your blog, and thank you so much for following me!
ps. I just ordered some new plates from “chez-delaney”, thank you for the information!
lušna papagajčkasta manikura :nails:
vse najboljše še 1x :wink:
Draga Maestra zelo sem ponosna nate!
Hvala, mici! {cmok}
Super :D Lepe barve pa še taka igriva je :D Čisto nič zimska :D Saj ne, da imam kaj proti, samo raje imam poletje :P
Lunca, hvala! Resnično čisto nič zimska manikura. :)
Eno leto je že naokoli? Kako čas beži! Hvala vsem, ki svoj prosti čas delite z nami! :rose:
Maestra, čisto v tvojem stilu, razigrano. :nails:
Aham, 1 leto je naokrog. Čas teče … Hvala, Mamy! :*
Všečno! Nosila je ne bi, ampak je pa več kot primerna za tak dogodek. Čestitke! :biggrin:
Hvala, nihrida! Tudi jaz je nisem nosila kaj preveč. Resnično zelo kičasto pisana manikura. :) Ampak mislim, da je prenesla svoje sporočilo, ki ga je nosila …
Čudovita manikura v duhu našega bloga. :wub:
A si pričakovala karkoli manj pisanega od mene? LOL Itak, da mora biti v duhu našega bloga oz. papagajčka. In bolj pisano skoraj nisem mogla narediti. LOL
Lepa manikura. Kateri laki pa so uporabljeni? :)
Hvala, Elchy!
Za manikuro sem uporabila naslednje lake: Avon – Sunshine (rumen), Ciate – Stiletto (temno zelen), OPI – Green-Wich Village (svetlo zelen), Essie – E! Live From The Red Carpet (rdeč). Konad rdeč je Essie, temen je Ciate – Velvet Tuxedo, svetel (mezinček) je Ciate – Sharp Tailoring. Uporabljenih je bilo 4 ali 5 Konad plat, vendar se žal ne spomnim, katere vse sem uporabila. :S
Tale manikura pa je zelo vesela :silly: Meni je všeč :rose:
Še 1x Vse najboljše!!! :wink:
Hihihi… zelo vesela, ja. Hvala, Lyra!
Čudovito :stars: Še enkrat VSE NAJBOLJŠE!
Hvala, Nataša! :*
Pisano, luštno, ravno tako kot znajo samo papagajčice. :rose:
Hvala, Andreja!