Catrice and Deborah joined in french manicure

Couple of photos ended up in my “Hall of Shame” folder and were never published. I’m in good mood today so I’m going to show you one of them.

I can’t say its ugly manicure, just unrefined … and I don’t like French manicures that much.

Catrice Jewelled White, Deborah Shine Tech no. 02

I used Deborah Shine Tech polish no. 02 for a base and Catrice Jewelled White (LE Haute Couleur) for tips.

Konad used is also one of my first ones so it’s not really centered.

Would you like to know which no. was mysterious no. x from Our first birthday post? We randomly chose no. 12. After combining posts from Slovenian and English part of the blog and removing our comments we have a winner. So new proud owner of Essence Metal Babe and Gothic Girl + S-he 427 nail polishes is …



Thank you for all your lovely comments.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

24 thoughts on “Catrice and Deborah joined in french manicure”

  1. I think it’s a pretty French manicure. There not those giant square shaped super white tips. Your nails look very neat and clean. Really lovely manicure.

  2. Če bi videle moje ponesrečene poizkuse…
    Gejba, to je meni zelo všeč.
    Za novo leto mi je uspelo nekaj takega, kar ni za vaše nežne dušice.  :whistle:   Pa tako sem se nadejala lepih slikic. :cry:

  3. Dobra ideja top 10 kiksov :D Da tudi mi ostali vidimo da ste navadne smrtnice, ki nimate vedno popolnih manikur :haha:

  4. Gejba, super manikura. Lepo izgleda na tebi! Hahaha, top 10 kiksov. :w00t: Le kdo bi se želel hvaliti z njimi … :think: :biggrin: Moje ste itak že videle. ;)

    Aja, pa čestitke dobitnici lakov!

  5. ja ja to vem….da so te orig. konad samo zanimalo me je če je m4 enaka po motivih.
    res? essence so globlje? moja OGROMNA :blush:  zbirka premore do zdaj 3konad orig. plate in pa 2essence. pa nisem opazila prewtirane razlike..čeprav če zdajle essence res malo globlje. :D hvala*

  6. lepa je :D o zdaj šele opazim..najbrž je m4 platka ena od essence platk? ker se mi zdi res znan vzorček pa ni bilo časa preveriti :D
    aja..potem pa ni 365komentarjev potrebnih

  7. No way! I can’t believe I won…I hardly ever win anything, hahaha :w00t:
    :stars: OMG! thanks so much you guys I’ve beenwanting to try a S-he polish for so long!!

  8. Oh okay :biggrin: I like them, but only if the tips aren’t too long, if it’s too long it makes it kinda tacky :think:
    But anyway, when i do a french manicure, it always kinda of reminds me of Elle Woods from legally blonde lol, she always has a beautiful french manicure haha  :wink:

  9. V živo je bila veliko grša. :devil:

    Me je Maestra že takrat nahrulila, da sploh ni grda manikura, vendar je kar nisem in nisem mogla objaviti. Sedaj sem že malo pozabila kako grda mi je bila takrat, tako da sem lahko objavila fotko. :silly:

  10. Se je za vprašat ane? :think:  Čudovita nežna manikura. Moje najboljše ne posekajo tvoje kiks fotke. :whistle:


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