Happy New Year! I hope all your New Year resolutions come true and your MU collection get bigger.
My New Year manicure was p2 Rebel (no. 200). I planed to do the nail art with Essence holographic polish over it, but my hand wouldn’t stop shaking, so I gave up.

This is not the easiest polish to apply (dries to quickly and is little bit streaky) and my shaking hand was no help what so ever, so my manicure looked messy.
Violet-blue shade goes from almost blue color (but it’s still to blue on the photo) in bright light to cool violet in the weaker lighting.
P.S. January will be the “game month” here on Parokeets blog. First condition is that you have to follow us in WordPress or with Google Friend Connect … and you did not hear this from me.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Ravno danes krasi moje nohte, zelo je lep. :wub:
Ampak fotografirati ga je praktično nemogoče. :ermm:
Ta mesec pa se bo dogajalo na blogu ;).
Vsecna barva.
There is one shop in Vienna that sells them. It’s called Palmers (lingerie shop) in the 1st district.
Most of them are great for stamping that’s why I love them more than other, more expensive polishes
I’ve got
[10 Pure Coco
20 Mystic Asparagus] -> those two aren’t in their standard rage anymore
171 Gorgeous!
200 Rebel
209 Spacy
210 Eternal
248 Rich
270 Scandal
Profi Nail Studio- 8in1 Nail Wonder
240 Joyful
010 Glamour
220 Hyper
Thanks for the info. :rose:
I too like them for stamping. Especially So Cool! shade.
lep plavček :wub:
Ladies – where did you buy your p2 polishes? :rose:
Lets see if we can put together our own list of shops with p2 polishes. :silly:
I love P2 polishes :D
I agree. :biggrin:
I have that polish to. And ik love the colour!
It’s really striking color.
That is a beautiful blue.
I like the polishes from P2, cheap and for that money I think it is a great polish!
I like them more than most of the more expensive brands in my collection, so I would say they’re great regardless of the price. :silly:
OOOOO meni je pa všeč :D Čeprav me kar malo zanima kombinacija z holografskim zraven :D hmmm….
Barva je res udarna – je kar ne moreš spregledati. :silly:
Meni je kombinacija barv všeč, samo še mirno roko potrebujem, da izvedem manikuro.
uff, lepotec :wub: ..se dobi te lakce kje v Avstriji? Nemčija mi je malo daleč..
Baje, da se jih dobi nekje na Dunaju, vendar ne vem v kateri drogeriji. Sem že 2x kontaktirala p2 glede lokacij prodajaln s p2 laki, pa niso nič odgovorili. :(