First of, I’d like to wish you all
Happy New Year 2010!
For me, 2009 was a very good year and I’m very thankful for it! Thank you all, who made 2009 even better for me. I wish 2010 would be at least as good as the 2009 was.
I also wish, that there would be no hunger, that the balance would rule, that the violence would disappear, that everyone would love each other, that the happiness and joy would rule the world … Oh, I have lots of wishes. All utopian wishes … Nevertheless, hope dies last!
If I’m not mistaken, you all would like to see, what my new year’s eve manicure was. Here it is in its whole glitter blue glory …
Ciate Paint Pots – Power Dressing (2 coats)
Jessica – Starlet (1 coat)
Tons of hexagonal multicolored glitter in a clear base. That’s Jessica – Starlet.
Power Dressing is probably the most beautiful royal blue with creme jelly finish in my stash. I love it! The jelly consistency makes it a bit streaky to apply, but with three coats it should look perfect. There are only two coats shown in the pictures below. I knew from the start, that I’m going to apply glitter on top of Power Dressing, so I didn’t need flawless application for the base.
In low light the Power Dressing looks like navy blue, but it never looks almost black, except of course in total darkness. :D
Power Dressing is from Ciate’s new Autumn/Winter 2009 collection. I love the whole collection, but I’ll write more about it in one of my next posts.
What was your new year’s manicure?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Oehh, that glitters are so nice!
Wow! Where did you get Ciate?
Love that shade of blue. Very pretty on you. Of course you need some sparkle on the New Year. I wore RBL Lovacore and then changed to Color Club’s Blue Hawaii which is blue glitter. More of a medium blue. Very pretty manicure. Happy New Year to all of you ladies. :wub:
I feel in love with Power Dressing. :wub:
How Beautiful!!
Thank you, Kirsten! Ciates are great! Love them!
I love those Ciates!
Your mani’s look great. Blue suits you!
Zelo lepa konbinacija. Moder lakec itak seka, te žarnice pa so tako kjut :blush:
Počasi bo že čas da si še jaz kakšen Ciate lakec omislim :angel:
Wau, wau! :wub:
Hudi nohtki, like the combination. :)
Srečno novo leto vsem Paroketkam :rose:
Tale modra novoletna manikura mi je prečudovita :wub:
Lepa manikura! Ciate mi je zelo všeč, tista svetleča žarnica pa malo manj. =)
Hočem! :w00t: Power Dressing namreč. :wub:
Krasna bleščičasta kombinacija, primerna za silvestrovo:)
Vse najlepše želim vsem Parokeetkam, in še polno čudovitih manikur v novem letu :nails:
na mojih je še tudi vedno silvestrska manikura z ruby pumps, konadom in kamenčki, je preveč lepa da bi šla dol, in ruby se super drži!