Today I thought, I’d share a little something about myself with you, my dear readers.
A while ago I already shared some random facts about myself and today I wanted to tell you a little more. You probably wouldn’t have guessed, but I used to be a cheerleader in high school. Mmm… I have only great memories of those days. It was so much fun! I love to dance and everything, but it’s been ages since I really danced. And to be honest, I wasn’t even really good. *pssst, don’t tell anybody* OK, time has passed, but I can still remember like it was yesterday and I still go to Cheerleading championships etc. Just to watch and enjoy … OK, not just to watch, but that’s another story …
Here is a video of a dance team I’m especially proud of. It’s Tiger Cats (Tigrice in Slovene language) whose choreographer and trainer is a dear friend of mine. I love this choreography and the music, but unfortunately the camera wasn’t positioned on the best spot and that’s why the video isn’t as good as it could be …
Man, I must have watched this video at least 15 times today … I think that’s enough for today.
Yes, I’m feeling down these days and this video really cheered me up today. So, thank you for that Tiger Cats.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Maestra: :haha: :haha: Jaz cheerleaderka?! To bi bilo pa komično, ja… Ne, samo dobro opazujem. :wink:
Those girls are great!!
prav dobre so :w00t:
Maestra tisti smajli ni najbolj primeren na koncu, bote mogle razširit ponudbo :D
Drugače pa nisem mohvalila … super koreografija in vem kako ti je =)
Sama sem tudi nekaj časa trenirala jazz balet in pogrešam treninge.
I’m glad you liked them!
Awesome! :w00t: :w00t:
Woaw, that dance was fantastic!
In my country, cheerleaders don’t exist (or not that I know off..) We don’t have or do that in our schools..
Not that I miss it, I’m a terrible dancer x)
Ples sam po sebi je izjemno dobro zastavljen, koreografija in izvedba sta izvrstni, ampak zame to ni ”cheer” dance. Po drugi strani pa… kaj pa jaz vem. =)
nihrida, pravilne ugotovitve. A se tudi v tvoji preteklosti skriva kakšna Cheerleaderka? ;) Res je, to ni cheer koreografija. Letos je prvo leto poskusno uvedena “jazz cheer” kategorija in zgornji posnetek je iz te kategorije. :)
Zanimivo in res super komad.
Meni je tudi komad noro dober…
Full so dobre. :w00t:
Res je. ;)
awesome. me too im a cheerleader during my HS & college time..weeeeeeee! :wink: :wink:
Zanimivo =) Kdo bi si mislil da je naša Maestra plesno nadarjena :silly: A bo kdaj v prihodnosti posnetek tebe kako plešeš? To bi bilo še bolj zanimivo za videt :haha:
Lyra, lepo, da sem te nasmejala. ;) Kaj naj odgovorim na tvoje vprašanje… glede na smajli, ki je pripet na koncu, se bojim, da bi ti od smeha odpovedalo srce ali pa počil trebuh. Tega pa si res ne želim. ;)