Swatches and review: Essence – Cute as Hell – nail polishes

It seems that Essence landed another great Trend Edition. This time it’s called Cute as Hell and it sure is – as the title promises – cute as hell. At least the nail polishes are and they have a pastel note to them. Obviously, Essence jumped on the pastel wagon. I mean, a lot of companies released pastel inspired collections for spring and Essence is now one of them. Great!

This time, Gejba and I (Maestra :D ) joined our writing forces and wrote today’s post for you. We hope, you’ll like it.

In addition to presenting the shades I made some comparison pictures and I think you’ll be quite happy with some of my discoveries.

Mine least favourite shade is Not Just Cute, which is a creme pastel pink and it’s the most streaky shade from the bunch. I needed three coats to make it decent looking. I mean, it isn’t catastrophic, but it isn’t a pearl either. The picture below shows comparison between: Not Just Cute, China Glaze – Second-Hand Silk and Essence – Love^2 from the Made With Love TE. None of them are dupes. Second-Hand Silk is darker and Love^2 has more white compared to Not Just Cute.

Essie - Hard to Get, Essence - Love^2, Not Just Cute, China Glaze - Second-Hand Silk, Avon - Pastel Pink
Essie – Hard to Get, Essence – Love^2, Not Just Cute, China Glaze – Second-Hand Silk, Avon – Pastel Pink

And here is another comparison …

Essence - Cute As Hell - Not Just Cute vs. Love^2 vs. China Glaze - Second-Hand Silk

Next we have a true winner from the collection. Although Gejba has a “real presentation” of this shade, I have some comparison pictures of it. I’m writing about Naughty But Nice. A creme pastel yellow shade, that I like very much! I didn’t have any application issues with it, but I think Gejba wasn’t to happy with it. Here are the comparison pictures …

Essence - Cute As Hell - Naughty But Nice vs. Ciate - Lemon Sherbet vs. OPI - Banana Bandanna
Essence – Cute As Hell – Naughty But Nice vs. Ciate – Lemon Sherbet vs. OPI – Banana Bandanna
OPI - Banana Bandanna, Essence - Naughty But Nice, Ciate - Lemon Sherbet
OPI – Banana Bandanna, Essence – Naughty But Nice, Ciate – Lemon Sherbet

As you can see, no dupes in this category. Banana Bandanna is darker and Lemon Sherbet has more white than Naughty But Nice.

Essence - Cute As Hell - Naughty But Nice vs. Ciate - Lemon Sherbet vs. OPI - Banana Bandanna
Essence – Cute As Hell – Naughty But Nice vs. Ciate – Lemon Sherbet vs. OPI – Banana Bandanna

There is also an orange shade in the collection. It’s called Bad Girl and I used it to stamp over all the yellows I showed you above.

+ Konad IP m51 with Bad Girl
+ Konad IP m51 with Bad Girl

That’s all from me. Now I’m leaving you with our lovely Gejba and here experience with Cute as Hell collection …

Gejba really had “fun” with yellow Naughty But Nice polish. After I applied the first coat I was horrified with thr streaky application of this shade. So I cheated and used way thicker second layer. Since this is the first yellow polish in my collection I had no idea most of the yellow shades are like this, but Maestra was kind enough to let me know that others can be even bigger pain in the …

Essence Cute As Hell Naughty But Nice
Essence Cute As Hell Naughty But Nice 2 coats

Real fun began when I tried to take a photo of this polish in my light-box – it came out completely neon yellow. My reaction looked something like this . Just for you I went out in the cold and took photos in natural light. I too wanted to use Bad Girl for stamping, but I just managed to end up with smeared manicure.

Essence Cute As Hell - Bad Girl
Essence Cute As Hell – Bad Girl 2 coats

I didn’t even bother with the light-box for shooting Bad Girl. I went outside and started taking photos – my neighbors must think I’m really weird. Application was a little bit better, but still in “heavy duty” category.

I’ll probably use those two as base for one of more playful konadicures.

Saša and Nina – thank you for polishes.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

29 thoughts on “Swatches and review: Essence – Cute as Hell – nail polishes”

  1. LOL, my application of Naughty but nice was a nightmare too, but with the addition of… bubbles. Annoying little bumps would pop on my nails no matter how I applied it. But the collection colors are lovely… :nails:

  2. princezita, Pastel Pink je krasen in dobro prekriven v dveh nanosih. Res, dobro pigmentiran in relativno enostaven za nanašat, sploh če upoštevam, da gre za pastelni odtenek. ;) Fotografije odtenka so že narejene, zdaj mora samo še priti na vrsto, da ga objavim. ;)

  3. Maestra mene pa zanima koliko je Avon Pastel pink prkriven ali je v tem podoben Not just cute? Mislim koliko nanosov je potrebnih, da je tako prekriven kot Not just cute?

  4. ooo, zdej se mi pa ne bo treba grebst za lila lak, ker Done Out In Deco že mam. sem bila prepričana, da je tale Essence precej temnejši. fenkju!

  5. neeeeeeee, ne grem seeee
    mislim da si še nobene kolekcije nisem tok želela (no ja…Budimfešto sem si ja)
    rumenko in oranžko! prekrasnaaaaa

    • Upam, da ju dobiš! Resnično upam! Res sta lepa oz. vsi so lepi. Prav posrečena kolekcija.

      Nati, a se morda ti skrivaš za tem “nobody” komentarjem? Pošlji nam prosim email, da ti ponovno vrnemo ime. ;) Hvala!

  6. Zakaj jaz živim eno uro stran od kakršne koli drogerije, ki prodaja Essence??? :cry:
    Jaz tudi hočem vse! To ni fer! Pa kok je tista slikica kjut…Maestrini roza lakci. :wub:

  7. OMG! :stars:  Hočem pink in vijola lakec!!! Hočem, hočem, hočem… Mislim da čisto malo manjka, pa bom zasovražila Essence s temi njihovimi trend edicijami.

    • Nihrida, kaj naj napišem? Ti TE so res smotani in če ne živiš ravno zraven drogerije ali pa imaš ultra hudo mrežo vohunov LOL, teh lakov skoraj ne dobiš. Upam, da se bodo uvozniki za DM kaj k sebi spravili in bodo tudi tam malo bolj aktualne ponudbe…


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