Comparison: Precision – Twinkle Toes vs. China Glaze – Ruby Pumps

Thriszha from FAB UR NAILS was kind enough to allow me to do the comparison with her bottle of Ruby Pumps. Thank you, Thriszha!

Precision - Twinkle Toes, China Glaze - Ruby Pumps
Precision - Twinkle Toes, China Glaze - Ruby Pumps

Ever since I got my bottle of Precision – Twinkle Toes I was wondering how it compared to the red glittery goddess Ruby Pumps from China Glaze. Here are some comparison pictures …

After the first coat the difference is still obvious …

z bliskavico

But after the second coat, they are almost identical …

Precision - Twinkle Toes vs. China Glaze - Ruby Pumps

Can you see any difference between the two of them?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

13 thoughts on “Comparison: Precision – Twinkle Toes vs. China Glaze – Ruby Pumps”

  1. Somehow I skip Ruby Pumps over and over again and after this comparison I think i MUST have it! It looks wonderful! Love it! :) :wub:

  2. Ja, oba sta res lepa… Tudi moj favorit je še zmeraj Twinkle Toes, ampak je dražji in težje ga je najti… v tem primeru pa je Ruby Pumps prav tako dobra izbira. ;)

    @Tina, ja, tudi v živo se kar lepo sveti. Morda na trenutke celo bolj kot na fotografiji. Vsekakor pa sta v živo še lepša. ;) Oba se da naročiti preko spleta, ja.

  3. Ladies, I have to agree with you. I’d also pick Twinkle Toes as my favourite, but if you consider that it is more expensive and harder to find, than Ruby Pumps would also be a good choice. ;)

  4. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…… :stars: still love the Twinkle toes :w00t: coz its much darker than RP.. hmmmm..thanks Maestra for showing this to us.. yay!! i send an email to u about the ip holder.. i hope u receive it.. :rose:


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