Collistar Melanzana Glitter

By Mamy

I noticed Collistar Melanzana Glitter polsih in an article Maestra wrote for the  ARS portal. At my big surprise I was able to find it in one of the drugstores.

Collistar Melanzana Glitter no. 42 is perfect in every way. Beautiful polish that can be anywhere between dark red to eggplant or brown colored. It has really dark base – black or dark gray with violet-red glitter. First layer is quite watery so two are a must.

With flash:

And stamped with StarGazer 234 polish and image from Chez Delaney IP H30:

Collistar Melanzana Glitter+StarGazer 234+IP H30

I’m more than satisfied with this polish.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

11 thoughts on “Collistar Melanzana Glitter”

  1. Rabarbara, jaz sem ga kupila v Limoniju, dva sem videla v Maxiju, mislim, da vsaj enega tudi v Mullerju. Upam, da ti ga uspe najti, sicer pa sporoči, če bi ga rada imela. :wink:

  2. Hvala, punce! :rose:
    Lyra, tudi meni ne najbolj. Nekako se mi zdi, da na bleščičaste lake konadikura ne paše. Čeprav je veliko takih primerov po blogih in mi je pri določenih lakih zelo všeč. Če je sam lak po sebi lep, se mi zdi to zadosti.


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