In case you deciding whether to buy this polish or not, here are couple of pictures just for you.
Essie Jag-u-are is gorgeous spring red shade with red/gold shimmer. It applies beautifully, I used 2 layers.
There is nothing more to add.
I bought it in set with mini Good to Go!
Will this shade be yours?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
definitivno božanski :wub:
Karamela, v Supernovi na Rudniku ga še imajo. :wink:
Cutie, yes it’s perfect. :love:
perfect red! love it! :wub: i have to get me one! :nails:
Res ful lepa barva :thumb: . Ampak jaz tega odtenka v spletni trgovini ne najdem :unsure: ?
ohhhh… i love it.. i love red polish.. :wink:
OMG, za tega sploh nisem vedela, da ima shimmer!! :w00t: :drop: Krasen je in sem ga že napisala na WL…
:yes: res je lep :whistle:
Lep lep :wub:
Yes, this is a very good price! :yes:
Oh- only 10€ for this set? Actuall stores here in austria(douglas) sell them for ridiculous prices- about 13€ each….
Tassa, :rose:
Sem prav čakala na sonček, da sem ga lahko. :pic:
Lep rdečko, vendar ga sama ne bi imela. :blush:
Drugače pa prečudovite :pic:
Jaz sem tudi malo iz radovednosti kupila ta kompletek, ker Good to Go! sploh še nikoli nisem imela! :whistle:
In ni mi žal, res je lep in eden redkih pravih rdečih lakov v zbirki. :love:
Se že slinim. Tale kompletek mi izgleda vedno slajše. :silly:
Lepotec :wub: