Essie – Jag-u-are

By Mamy

In case you deciding whether to buy this polish or not, here are couple of pictures just for you.

Essie Jag-u-are is gorgeous spring red shade with red/gold shimmer. It applies beautifully, I used 2 layers.

There is nothing more to add.

I bought it in set with mini Good to Go!

Will this shade be yours?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

15 thoughts on “Essie – Jag-u-are”

  1. OMG, za tega sploh nisem vedela, da ima shimmer!! :w00t:    :drop:  Krasen je in sem ga že napisala na WL…

  2. Jaz sem tudi malo iz radovednosti kupila ta kompletek, ker Good to Go! sploh še nikoli nisem imela! :whistle:
    In ni mi žal, res je lep in eden redkih pravih rdečih lakov v zbirki. :love:


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