Although it’s called the 75 cent shop, these items weren’t 75 cents each. Actually they were 2€ each. But to find a Fauxnad (and a teal polish) in a store here it’s a miracle! There were four or five different Fauxnad plates. I bought only one, because I didn’t have more cash with me and they don’t take credit cards. I bet, I’ll go back very very soon …
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
grozaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:stars: :stars: :sorry: :stars: kaj se mi je zgodilo za babico sem šla kupit volno v 75 cent shop notri pa je bila vsa obgrizena in notri je bila mišja dlaka in crknjeni mladiči ko sem prinesla to domov je mojo babico skoraj kap to trgovino bi morali zapreti:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: kupila sem tudi roza lak in neboste verjeli palec na nogi je postal čisto črn nevem kaj ta lak sploh vsebuje TO TRGOVINO MORA NUJNO OBISKAT INŠPEKCIJAA!!!!!!!!! Če gdo želi lahko pošljem tudi sliko palca na nogiii:stars: :sorry: :stars: :sorry:
tenkju :thumb:
kjeeeeeee jeeeeeee taaaaaa trgovinaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :w00t:
Citiram Maestrin odgovor: :wink:
Tale trgovinica se nahaja pri Zmajskem mostu – Resljeva cesta 1, Ljubljana.
.-= Gejba´s last post … Catrice – Big Spender Wanted! =-.
Lakec je čudovit! :stars: Škoda, da sem tako malo v Lj. :hmm:
Mislim, da je treba naslov posta spremeniti v: Poglejte, česa nisem našla v … :nervous:
Menda bodo zalogo obnovili. :happy:
Uf waw! Še dobro da si malo pogledala v to trgovinico! Jaz jo bom tudi kmalu obiskala (prav zaradi tega posta ;)
wow.. kje pa je ta trgovina??
WOW, great deal. Hope you go back soon and get all of them. :)
Cool! It’s so cool because you can find those stamp kits anywhere where you live, I don’t get why they don’t bring them to my country… :S
brez besed… morm v LJ :) :w00t:
OMG!!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
kaaaj? Fauxnad pri nas?
jooj, hočem hočem hočem tole, ampak Zmajski most mi je pa tako odročen, jao
Zdaj vem, kam grem danes na sprehod :yes:
Škoda, ker ni sončka, so pa plate :haha:
Nekako se mi je dozdevalo, da te bo ta prispevek spravil na sprehod. :yes: Morda se ti pridružim. ;)
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
vabljena ob 12ih, na najinem placu :cute: :party:
i rarely go to those 1€ shops or the others in the same category… never thought there’ll be fauxnad plates
Me too. I can’t even remember when was the last time I went to such a store. But yesterday something out of this world drove me there. LOL No, I wanted to check that store for a long time, probably since I first read about Dollar Stores. I didn’t expect that I would actually find anything useful, but here you go… I found a little treasure. :nails:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
great finding!! in Manila we have this so called 88 store which most items are cost 88 pesos (2$) here in Abu Dhabi there’s daiso store which most of the items were 2$ each..LOL!! does the polish name Bichun? its same bottle with guppy am i right?? :w00t: great findings!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee…. :party:
Yes, the polish bottle is almost identical to Guppy polish, but Bichun contains 0.54 fl.oz, while Guppy contains 0.6 fl. oz. Do you know the Bichun brand?
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
Kaj?? Superca! Kje pa se nahaja tale trgovinica? :wub:
Tale trgovinica se nahaja pri Zmajskem mostu – Resljeva cesta 1, Ljubljana.
Aja, pa scraper je plastični. :thumb:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
Maestra, kakšni so vzorčki? Že vidim, da bo treba čimprej v Lj. :biggrin:
Vzorčki so različni. All over vzorcev pa menda ni. So pa nekatere reči kopirane od Konad-a. ;)
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
Ravnokar sem ugotovila, da ima IP B29 enake vzorčke kot Konad IP m38. ;)
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.
I love, I want, I need that polish. :biggrin:
.-= Gejba´s last post ..Catrice – Big Spender Wanted! =-.
Of course you do. :yes: :haha:
.-= Maestra´s last post … Look what I found in a 75 cent shop! =-.