Since I love red nail polishes I hoarded a lot of them over the time. I’ve been going through my collection and found a lot of LE shades so I won’t be describing those. Together we’ll take a look at other red polishes. I hope you’ll enjoy the voyage.
I was sure these two polishes were not alike. Well – I was wrong.

Boudoir is darker red shade with creme finish. This shade is very pigmented. I used two coats. Ciate brushes are perfect – just the right width for my taste. I gently press them onto the nail and polish simply hops onto the nail.

Snatch is Budoir’s a little bit lighter colored twin. But is shares all the good qualities of Budoir shade.

Let’s take a look at both polishes side by side. Difference is hardly noticeable. Budoir is little bit darker and that is it. So you don’t need both. Both of them have creme finish, apply well.

Another comparison of the bottles:
As you can see for yourself – polishes really do look alike.
How many shades of res can we find in blooming spring? A lot. Join me in the walk among my red spring flowers.

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Both are very pretty, but I like Snatch that much more!
Oba sta lepa :wub:
Super prispevek! :yes: In lepa lakca. :nails:
Snatch mi izgleda kot izprana verzija Boudoir odtenka. Še dobro, da Boudoir že imam, če ne bi moral biti takoj moj. :biggrin:
.-= Gejba´s last post … Catrice – Big Spender Wanted! =-.
Zelo sta si podobna, vendar se mi zdi, da Snatch malo vleče na roza. Definitivno sta pa oba čudovita :wub: In rožice … :w00t: