Zoya Harley from darksome

By Mamy

Yesterday I had especially beautiful day. Postman brought me something unexpected. In cute package I received lovely letter and Zoya Harley polish. It turned out darksome was my fairy godmother. Of course I had to try it right away.Harley is gray based polish with tiny silver and violet shimmer that gives it violet undertone.

Zoya – Harley, shadow
Zoya: Harley, swatch
Zoya: Harley, sun

I applied two coats and experienced no problems. I didn’t however manage to capture violet tone of this polish.

Zoya: Harley, bottles, sun/shadow

Konading is my week point.    I’ll share this experiment with you since I’m in really good mood.

I used different images from B16 and B33 plates from “Maestra’s store”.

Zoya: Harley, Yasmeen + B33, swatch
Zoya: Harley + Yasmeen + B16 + B33

I love gray color since I can easily combine it with lively colors. While taking pictures of the polish, I remembered I remembered I recently bought new sandals in gray color.

Alpina, Pomlad poletje 2010

For the end I would like to thank darksome and rest of the ladies who brought me little gifts that made my day. THANK YOU!

Tulipani/Tulips, spring

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

8 thoughts on “Zoya Harley from darksome”

  1. Hvala tudi tebi (fotke so vse krasne  :wub:  ), da si nama s sestro uresničila željo-Catrice lakce  :rose:  :rose:  ..tale Zoya pa res izgleda krasno na tebi  :love:  super je!  :happy:  :nails:


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