Yesterday I had especially beautiful day. Postman brought me something unexpected. In cute package I received lovely letter and Zoya Harley polish. It turned out darksome was my fairy godmother. Of course I had to try it right away.Harley is gray based polish with tiny silver and violet shimmer that gives it violet undertone.
I applied two coats and experienced no problems. I didn’t however manage to capture violet tone of this polish.
Konading is my week point. I’ll share this experiment with you since I’m in really good mood.
I used different images from B16 and B33 plates from “Maestra’s store”.
I love gray color since I can easily combine it with lively colors. While taking pictures of the polish, I remembered I remembered I recently bought new sandals in gray color.
For the end I would like to thank darksome and rest of the ladies who brought me little gifts that made my day. THANK YOU!
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Tale Zoya je pa čudovita! Čeveljci pa prav tako. ;)
Kako je lepa tale Zoya :stars:
Hvala tudi tebi (fotke so vse krasne :wub: ), da si nama s sestro uresničila željo-Catrice lakce :rose: :rose: ..tale Zoya pa res izgleda krasno na tebi :love: super je! :happy: :nails:
Lakec je prečudovit, čevlji pa še bolj! :stars:
I love your new shoes, so elegant :)
And i wanted to tell you that you’ve been tagged right here : !
krasna Zoya, lep konad, ampak nohti in čevlji so mi pa naaaajobolj všeč!!
Krasno in čeveljčki super pašejo zraven :happy:
čudovita barva <3