The 1st May tours, part ll.

By Mamy

Year before last, we visited Salzburg. Cozy little town with lots of interesting things to see. Who doesn’t want to see house the Mozart was born in?


You have gorgeous view from the castle located in the middle of the city. You’ll need at least a day to experience the heartbeat of the city. Well, maybe you’ll need two days.

Salzburg_panorama from castle
Salzburg, view from the castle

Culinary part of the town…

Salzburg: preste/brezen

One of the must haves in Salzburg are original Mozart chocolates.


I recommend you visit Bavarian lake Chiemsee, with magnificent castle. Take a look inside and enjoy the luxury around you. Next time you can tell me why I recommended the place.


Chiemsee, park

On our way back to Slovenia, we stopped at salt mine in Berchtesgaden. Another must see place.

You have to see the Salzburg for yourself and experience the beat of the town.


And we’re at the next trip. This time we visited Belgrade. Remember this post?  CLICK

Belgrade, parliament
Belgrade, Mirovinski Park

I recommend you hang around in Terezija, have a cake in Moskva hotel …

I was shocked when I found out that they have 65 parks in Belgrade. Center is nice, but when you get to Skadarlija

Beograd, Skadarlija
Belgrade, Skadarlija

… you forget all about sightseeing. Why? Because of this!

Beograd, kulinarika

You can find a lot more data about Belgrade in Wikipedia. 

I want to visit Belgrade again, if just to stop by and have some of their grilled cuisine. I liked the numbers on my weight scale a lot less, but you have to live a little and spoil yourself.

I recommend you visit both cities!

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

9 thoughts on “The 1st May tours, part ll.”

  1. ravno za prvomajske sem z družino zopet obiskala Salzburg :) res super mestece, tisti parkec se mi je letos zdel še bolj barvit….in mmm, sacherca taka kot se šika…v Sacher hotelu seveda :)


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