Tutorial: Glitter Iron-on Foil

Yesterday I went to a local craft store to buy some felt. Along with desired felt I bought a cool glitter iron-on foil. It’s a foil to decorate textiles. You cut it in desired shape(s) and then iron it on a piece of fabric. I had to try it out today. That’s what I created …

Do It Yourself - Glitter Iron-on Foil
Dragon ironed-on a T Shirt with Glitter Iron-on Foil

For all of you, who were wondering, how do the iron-on foils work, I made a tutorial for you.

What did I use?

Do It Yourself - Glitter Iron-on Foil
Glitter Iron-on Foil – what I used
  • Glitter Iron-on Foil – I used Gütermann – Bügelfolie (6,45€)
  • stencil or design – I suggest an easy-to-cut-out design (left in the picture above), not some complicated and ornamented one (right in the image above)
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • iron
  • a piece of fabric

What do the instructions say?

For decorating fabric, card and metal etc. by ironing-on.


  1. Cut or punch out the design.
  2. Place the pattern on the object with its foil side facing up. Iron on setting 2 for max. 1 minute.
  3. Remove foil.

Caution: when using the hole punch remove the top foil before punching. This prevents the hole punch from sticking. Place the remains of the foil or backing paper over the glitter design and iron. It is then machine washable at up to 40°C. Please note: always wash fabrics first.

I decided for a dragon design, which I printed out on a piece of white paper. I cut out the design to make a stencil. 5 minutes of work.

Do It Yourself - Glitter Iron-on Foil
Glitter Iron-on Foil – cut out a stencil

Using the stencil I drew the dragon on an iron-on foil, which took me 3 minutes of time.

Do It Yourself - Glitter Ironing Foil
Glitter Ironing Foil – use stencil to draw desired design on the foil

In the next 7 minutes I cut out the design from the glitter iron-on foil.

Do It Yourself - Glitter Ironing Foil
Glitter Ironing Foil – cut out the image

I put the dragon on the desired place on my T shirt. With the glitter part above I ironed for a minute or two, then I removed the transparent foil.

Do It Yourself - GGlitter Iron-on Foil
Glitter Iron-on Foil – iron for about 1 minute, peel off the transparent foil and you are done

Voila …

Do It Yourself - Glitter Iron-on Foil
Glitter Iron-on Foil – finished look

I’m very pleased with the end result and I’m pretty sure I’ll need new foils soon and more blank T shirts.

What do you think?

p.s. Parisky’s idea how to decorate a shirt. CLICK

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

15 thoughts on “Tutorial: Glitter Iron-on Foil”

  1. Uaaaaau!!! Ful dobro je tole prislo! :thumb:
    Resnicno moras porocati kako se obnese, ker me mika..
    Tudi jaz morem v nabavo par praznih majck, hehe…

  2. Uau super izgleda!  :thumb: Take majice se ponavadi perejo narobe obrnjeno, da se čim manj znucajo bleščice.Vendar sčasoma se vsak tak bleščičast motiv zliza, eni prej, drugi kasneje.

  3. omg uaaaaauuu! Noro dobro zgleda! Js tut upam na kak update po ene 5ih pranjih. Le pridno nosi novo majčko :whistle:
    če se ne motim, sva to folijo gledale takrat, ko sva ble skupi v prometeju na kersnikovi?

  4. Super tutorial! :) Zdaj si me pa čisto navdušila za tole bleščičasto zadevo  :thumb: Poročaj kako se obnese ob prvem pranju :)
    Pa hvala za bloglove  :wub:

  5. Zelo mi je všeč končni izgled. :wub:

    Sama bleščičastih zadev ponavadi ne kupim, ker so po parih pranjih bleščice vsepovsod, samo tam kjer bi morale biti ne.

    Poročaj kako se bo metoda obnesla, čeprav že vidim, da bom morala kmalu na obisk Prometeja. :biggrin:

    .-= Gejba´s last post … Catrice – Blue’s Brother swatch =-.

    • Tudi jaz redko kupim kaj bleščičastega, ker bleščice rade odpadajo. Tole sem pa enostavno morala preizkusiti, ker sem že v Prometeju gledala majico narejeno z vijolično folijo in se bleščice ne oprimejo roke, če malček podrgneš. Oz. gredo dol čisto malo. Zadeva je na otip dokaj gladka. Bomo videli… bom poročala, kako se bo obneslo.

      .-= Maestra´s last post … Tutorial: Glitter Iron-on Foil =-.


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